Thoradia Add-ons

  • CoreELEC uses the same ADDON_VERSION for nightlies and release

    The add-ons for release are building and will replace the add-ons for nightlies later today


    Hi i use openvpn manager addon. is it possible that transmission will only use regular connection even vpn is up? thanks.

  • Since last week something strange has been going on. First Medusa stopped working, meaning I couldn't access it through the browser. So I removed and reinstalled it and everything worked fine. Then Couchpotato died and I had to do the same. Then Transmission.

    Everything worked fine for a couple days now Medusa and Couchpotato are off again.

    Here are my logs:

    Also my systemctl status

    I tried running medusa manually and got this

    python /storage/.kodi/addons/service.couchpotato/couchpotato/ --config_file /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.couchpotato/settings.c
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 879, in emit
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 708, in write
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 370, in write
    IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
    Logged from file, line 44

    My df is returning this

    I'm not sure why my storage is full, everything is being stored in external drives

    Here's my du -h

    Any clue on what might be going on? Thanks!

    Edited 2 times, last by gcjkk (November 18, 2019 at 1:41 PM).

  • Just answering my own question in case it might help someone in the future.

    It was Transmission keeping huge files in its Unfinished folder. I deleted them and everything is working fine again <3

  • Hi guys! Does anyone know why special characters are displayed wrong in ruTorrent rss webgui ?

    Any setting I need to change to get it working ok ?

    Got ¶ instead of ś or Ї instead of ż :(

    It seems to be set to Windows 1251 instead of 1250

    Here is issue I've raised with rutorrent author Polish special signs · Issue #1970 · Novik/ruTorrent · GitHub

    As he tried to help the issue is probably with mbstring module missing from php....

    Is there any chance you can have a look on it Thoradia please?

    Edited 2 times, last by Borygo77: added link to github issue (November 26, 2019 at 10:17 AM).

  • After the latest update on Rpi4 I'm getting stuck installing/updating mono. It always get's stuck at "installing 33%". I think it broke mono. When I restart Libreelec, radarr and sonarr does not start anymore. Bazarr works though?

    Edit: Nevermind. Works fine with a clean install of libreelec. Must have been some kind of issue with my setup.


    Today I updated my rPI 3b to LibreELEC 9.2.0 and now I'm with this exact same problem.

    Any thought about how to fix this?

  • just discovered this pack of addons. i have a question. if i use the zomboided vpn, or the Thoradia VPN interface, will it protect it system wide including addons so i can torrent? i just want to make sure torrents addon has protection by a vpn

  • Guys, my transmission Incomplete folder is getting filled every 5 days or so. Then I have to go there and manually delete everything.

    Any idea why is this happening? Is there a way I can move that to an external drive?

  • Guys, my transmission Incomplete folder is getting filled every 5 days or so. Then I have to go there and manually delete everything.

    Any idea why is this happening? Is there a way I can move that to an external drive?

    Check your Transmission directories, you can allocate differently, on where to save... If you point to a network share drive, or mount a usb hard drive or usb thumbdrive as a samba share then you can save there instead. In future examine your log files, no wonder you're getting issues, you need to be mindful of the size of your overall drive to what you are downloading.

    25.3G	./.kodi/userdata 
    25.8G    .
  • I installed Jackett and I have this message as soon as I open it

    Your version of Jackett v0.11.375.0 is very old. Multiple indexers are likely to fail when using an old version. Update to the latest version of Jackett.

    Jackett is running with root privileges. You should run Jackett as an unprivileged user.

    Should I do someting about it?

    Edited once, last by gcjkk (December 15, 2019 at 8:34 PM).

  • Jackett update automatically, so don't worry (you probability have noticed that already).

    And Jackett running with root privileges it's because everything run this way in LibreELEC, but this don't affect anything.

  • This should be fixed for LibreELEC 9.2