HDR on x86 Hardware

  • just to update, i have success with the PC build, 11500 cpu and ASrock gaming 4 motherboard, HDR, Atmos and 24p all working

    i am new to LE and wondering what DRM Prime is all about, if i enable that the video sorta plays it switches to 24p and i get Atmos audio but the display stays on the kodi movie library

    correction, getting little audio blips and it's out of sync but a step in the right direction at least for me

  • 0987363

    Try this build. I patched the intel driver so it would ignore HDMI hot plug events. This fixed an odd issue that I reported here. (This build will boot only on Tiger Lake and newer hardware e.g. NUC11).



    I upgraded from 06.18 to 06.27, but again the same problem, still black screen, forced power off and restart all the time black screen, no access to kodi interface.

    I found panic in dmesg

  • 0987363

    Try this build. I patched the intel driver so it would ignore HDMI hot plug events. This fixed an odd issue that I reported here. (This build will boot only on Tiger Lake and newer hardware e.g. NUC11).

    Just out of curiosity and cause I might be moving towards a NUC11TNKi5 (which does - according to the specs - support Dolby Vision).

    Would your build with the currently enabled/patched intel "drivers" also play DV content correctly, as it does with HDR content?
    Thanks in advance!

  • Hardware (and/or Windows) supporting DV is not equal to Linux supporting DV. As DV is proprietary closed-source magic there is not really any support for it outside of ARM device vendor kernels that depend upon more closed-source DV blobs to work.

  • Just out of curiosity and cause I might be moving towards a NUC11TNKi5 (which does - according to the specs - support Dolby Vision).

    Would your build with the currently enabled/patched intel "drivers" also play DV content correctly, as it does with HDR content?
    Thanks in advance!

    i have been testing a NUC11TNKI5 and having horrible HDMI issue's HDMI 1 is DP to HDMI via LSPCON and has problems with my amp and tv, and HDMI 2 uses a retimer and it wont change refresh rates lower than 50hz

  • smp I was able to installed the latest LE11 with no issue,

    but at start I get noticed that PVR simple and it related input stream scripts are not compatible, including weather, and youtube

    4k HDR played but the video is some how washed more like a ghost not as shaped as 1080p, is there any settings that I need to initiate to make the video out better.

    Here are logs, I noticed several warning, errors which I am not sure there origin either skin, emby or kodi itself.

    Please advise what to do




  • i have been testing a NUC11TNKI5 and having horrible HDMI issue's HDMI 1 is DP to HDMI via LSPCON and has problems with my amp and tv, and HDMI 2 uses a retimer and it wont change refresh rates lower than 50hz

    ohh - that doesn't sound very promising :(

  • giving it another go to try and get the info needed to try and assist in a fix, just installed ubuntu 22.04 and cannot change to 4k24hz there either, need to upgrade the kernal somw how first though hehe

    kernal updated to 5.19 and still the same, so no to try and get the logs

    sorry if i am waffling, i have no friends i can bounce things around with and the wife just gives me the look

    Edited once, last by orby (July 3, 2022 at 9:40 PM).

  • just tried with the ubuntu install currently on there and i can go from 4k60 to 1080p24 but won't then let me go to 4k24 only 4k60, it does list all the modes my TV can support though

    when i hit apply i loose signal and tv goes to the default 1080p60 no signal mode until it auto reverts back as not been able to confirm it

    hoping to have at least some logs and info from the box which might be able to help, i inititialy gave up as i couldn't compile my own kernal, but i am hoping these will be better than nothing

    nearly bedtime though so tomorrow's fun

  • Try this build

    no good am affraid, same as other builds no 24p

    i think i managed to get a dmesg debug log and the intel reg dump, from the Ubuntu install so hopfully they might help and reopened my ticket

    failing on a certificate part at the moment for building my own kernal, i suspect i need to point something to the certs somewhere

    Edited 3 times, last by orby (July 4, 2022 at 9:48 PM).