I have had it go weird when both wifi and Ethernet are on simultaneously. (But my network does have some peculiarities.) Worth the checking in your situation though. I checked Intel Ark - yes makes more sense now with the I218-V. https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us…-nuc5i3ryk.html
Linux e1000e base driver for Intel Gigabit Ethernet Network Connection
vhgroup -
January 11, 2022 at 4:56 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
While switching things on and off, I may have had both wifi and internet enabled. Is this a problem? Obviously the system only connects to one at a time?
but switching connections needs some time and that could cause your problem.
- but usually it should stay with the strongest connection, usually LAN -
anyway, you could in an console let
journal -f
running to see if playback issues happens at the same time when connection switches (if they do at all)
GDPR-7 I think you might be on to something.... I have had my wifi disabled for 24 hours or so, and no problems as yet! I played two movies while doing other jobs around the house, and they had no freezing occurred.
I did also update to the nightly build as suggested by chewitt. Maybe I should have tested one thing at a time.
In a few days time I might turn the wifi back on again and see if the problem returns.
Getting very close to figuring this out now... thank you all for your help. I am very happy -
Hi Guys
After a few days without any problems the issue occurred again on Saturday night at 8:07PM while watching a movie. I grabbed the logs immediately.
Your help diagnosing the issue would be most appreciated.Kodi.log
Display More2022-01-22 20:05:34.847 T:2963 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery #################################################################################################### Object info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object : <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20> Object type : <class 'bluetooth.bluetooth'> Object attributes: BLUETOOTH_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd' D_OBEXD_ROOT = '/storage/downloads/' ENABLED = True OBEX_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd' OBEX_ROOT = None bluez_agent = <bluetooth.Bluez_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce28b30> bluez_listener = <bluetooth.Bluez_Listener object at 0x7fb87ce32af0> clear_list = <bound method bluetooth.clear_list of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> close_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.close_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> dbusBluezAdapter = None dbus_error_handler = <bound method bluetooth.dbus_error_handler of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> disable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.disable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> disconnect_device = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> disconnect_device_by_path = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device_by_path of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> discover_devices = <bound method bluetooth.discover_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> discovering = True discovery_thread = <discoveryThread(Thread-11, started daemon 140429496403520)> do_init = <bound method bluetooth.do_init of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> enable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.enable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> exit = <bound method bluetooth.exit of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> find_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.find_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> found_devices = frozenset() get_devices = <bound method bluetooth.get_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> init_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.init_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> init_device = <bound method bluetooth.init_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> listItems = {} menu = { '6': { 'InfoText': 704, 'listTyp': 'btlist', 'menuLoader': 'menu_connections', 'name': 32331}} menu_connections = <bound method bluetooth.menu_connections of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> obex_agent = <bluetooth.Obex_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce42590> obex_listener = <bluetooth.Obex_Listener object at 0x7fb87cdc0dd0> oe = <module 'oe' from '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/oe.pyc'> open_context_menu = <bound method bluetooth.open_context_menu of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> open_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.open_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> pair_device = <bound method bluetooth.pair_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> properties = { 0: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Paired'}, 1: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Adapter'}, 2: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Connected'}, 3: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Address'}, 5: {'type': 1, 'value': 'Class'}, 6: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Trusted'}, 7: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Icon'}} remove_device = <bound method bluetooth.remove_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> standby_devices = <bound method bluetooth.standby_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> start_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.start_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> start_service = <bound method bluetooth.start_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> stop_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.stop_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> stop_service = <bound method bluetooth.stop_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> trust_connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> trust_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> visible = True ************************************** End of object info ****************************************** 2022-01-22 20:06:46.443 T:3019 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery # AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'") 2022-01-22 20:06:46.449 T:3019 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery *********************************** Unhandled exception detected *********************************** #################################################################################################### Diagnostic info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception type : AttributeError Exception value : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith' System info : uname_result(system='Linux', node='LibreELEC', release='5.16.0', version='#1 SMP Sun Jan 16 07:21:35 CET 2022', machine='x86_64', processor='') Python version : 3.8.12 (default, Jan 16 2022, 07:24:37) [GCC 10.3.0] Kodi version : 20.0-ALPHA1 (19.90.101) Git:e976cd0e3ad9ed0e4ff80e2f97e2fce1922717be sys.argv : [''] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sys.path: ['/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings', '/usr/lib/python38.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.8', '/usr/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages', '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib', '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules'] #################################################################################################### Stack Trace ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py:890 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py:932 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py:69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: arg = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> args = (<discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>,) function = <function discoveryThread.run at 0x7fb87cd0f090> header = 'SETTINGS: discoveryThread.run ' kwargs = {} level = 0 ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py:694 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: current_time = 1642853206.407832 self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py:69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: arg = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> args = (<discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>,) function = <function discoveryThread.stop at 0x7fb87cd0eb90> header = 'SETTINGS: discoveryThread.stop ' kwargs = {} level = 0 ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py:682 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py:69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: arg = <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20> args = (<bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>,) e = AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'") function = <function bluetooth.stop_discovery at 0x7fb87c7654b0> header = 'SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery ' kwargs = {} level = 0 outer_stack = [ FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c40018d0, file '/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', line 890, code _bootstrap>, filename='/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', lineno=890, function='_bootstrap', code_context=None, index=None), FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c4005040, file '/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', line 932, code _bootstrap_inner>, filename='/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', lineno=932, function='_bootstrap_inner', code_context=None, index=None), FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb854085f80, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', line 69, code _log_function_2>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', lineno=69, function='_log_function_2', code_context=None, index=None), FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb854032ef0, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', line 694, code run>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', lineno=694, function='run', code_context=None, index=None), FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c0158430, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', line 69, code _log_function_2>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', lineno=69, function='_log_function_2', code_context=None, index=None), FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c0114fa0, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', line 682, code stop>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', lineno=682, function='stop', code_context=None, index=None)] ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py:143 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: self = <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20> ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/dbus_bluez.py:170 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: path = None ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/dbus_utils.py:106 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: args = () bus_name = 'org.bluez' interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1' kwargs = {} method_name = 'StopDiscovery' path = None ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ravel.py:1686 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1' self = <ravel.BusPeer.Object object at 0x7fb8900b9a60> timeout = -1 ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ravel.py:1427 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: destination = 'org.bluez' interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1' path = None self = <ravel.Connection object at 0x7fb87cb9a2c0> timeout = -1 ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ravel.py:1374 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: destination = 'org.bluez' path = None self = <ravel.Connection object at 0x7fb87cb9a2c0> timeout = -1 ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dbussy.py:5774 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: path = None ==================================================================================================== File: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dbussy.py:5764 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code context: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local variables: path = None ==================================================================================================== ************************************* End of diagnostic info *************************************** 2022-01-22 20:06:46.452 T:3019 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery #################################################################################################### Object info ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object : <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20> Object type : <class 'bluetooth.bluetooth'> Object attributes: BLUETOOTH_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd' D_OBEXD_ROOT = '/storage/downloads/' ENABLED = True OBEX_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd' OBEX_ROOT = None bluez_agent = <bluetooth.Bluez_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce28b30> bluez_listener = <bluetooth.Bluez_Listener object at 0x7fb87ce32af0> clear_list = <bound method bluetooth.clear_list of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> close_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.close_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> dbusBluezAdapter = None dbus_error_handler = <bound method bluetooth.dbus_error_handler of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> disable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.disable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> disconnect_device = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> disconnect_device_by_path = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device_by_path of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> discover_devices = <bound method bluetooth.discover_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> discovering = True discovery_thread = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)> do_init = <bound method bluetooth.do_init of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> enable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.enable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> exit = <bound method bluetooth.exit of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> find_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.find_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> found_devices = frozenset() get_devices = <bound method bluetooth.get_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> init_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.init_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> init_device = <bound method bluetooth.init_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> listItems = {} menu = { '6': { 'InfoText': 704, 'listTyp': 'btlist', 'menuLoader': 'menu_connections', 'name': 32331}} menu_connections = <bound method bluetooth.menu_connections of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> obex_agent = <bluetooth.Obex_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce42590> obex_listener = <bluetooth.Obex_Listener object at 0x7fb87cdc0dd0> oe = <module 'oe' from '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/oe.pyc'> open_context_menu = <bound method bluetooth.open_context_menu of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> open_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.open_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> pair_device = <bound method bluetooth.pair_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> properties = { 0: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Paired'}, 1: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Adapter'}, 2: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Connected'}, 3: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Address'}, 5: {'type': 1, 'value': 'Class'}, 6: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Trusted'}, 7: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Icon'}} remove_device = <bound method bluetooth.remove_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> standby_devices = <bound method bluetooth.standby_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> start_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.start_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> start_service = <bound method bluetooth.start_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> stop_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.stop_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> stop_service = <bound method bluetooth.stop_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> trust_connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> trust_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>> visible = True ************************************** End of object info ****************************************** 2022-01-22 20:07:03.641 T:1107 ERROR <general>: Control 1200 in window 13001 has been asked to focus, but it can't 2022-01-22 20:07:41.724 T:1107 INFO <general>: Skipped 16 duplicate messages.. 2022-01-22 20:07:41.724 T:1107 ERROR <general>: Control 1200 in window 13001 has been asked to focus, but it can't
chewitt This is using the Kodi Nigthly build
Let me know if you need anything else
Also, here is the crash log...
Display More2022-01-21 20:07:04.529 T:1111 INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogPVRChannelsOSD.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME 2022-01-21 20:07:07.213 T:1111 INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogContextMenu.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY 2022-01-21 20:07:11.013 T:1111 INFO <general>: Loading skin file: DialogPVRChannelGuide.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME 2022-01-21 20:07:16.696 T:1111 INFO <general>: Activate of window '10000' refused because there are active modal dialogs 2022-01-21 20:07:18.796 T:1111 INFO <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/Favourites/pvr.vdr.vnsi_1696000404.pvr 2022-01-21 20:07:18.797 T:1498 WARNING <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer 2022-01-21 20:07:18.911 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating InputStream 2022-01-21 20:07:18.912 T:1488 INFO <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.vdr.vnsi: Logged in at '1642766838+28800' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version:'1.8.0' with protocol version '13' 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1488 INFO <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.vdr.vnsi: Logged in at '1642766839+28800' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version:'1.8.0' with protocol version '13' 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating Demuxer 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 2 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for video thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1498 ERROR <general>: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1498 INFO <general>: thread end: video_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:19.033 T:1488 INFO <general>: deleting video codec 2022-01-21 20:07:19.051 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 1 2022-01-21 20:07:19.051 T:1488 INFO <general>: Waiting for audio thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1496 INFO <general>: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit() 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing audio device 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1488 INFO <general>: Deleting audio codec 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 4 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1497 ERROR <general>: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true (-1) 2022-01-21 20:07:19.061 T:1497 INFO <general>: thread end: data_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:19.063 T:1111 INFO <general>: VAAPI::Close 2022-01-21 20:07:19.063 T:1499 INFO <general>: COutput::OnExit: Output Thread terminated 2022-01-21 20:07:19.063 T:1111 INFO <general>: VAAPI::Close - closing decoder context 2022-01-21 20:07:19.066 T:1111 INFO <general>: GLES: Selecting YUV 2 RGB shader 2022-01-21 20:07:19.239 T:1146 INFO <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink 2022-01-21 20:07:19.440 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0" 2022-01-21 20:07:19.444 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x00" 2022-01-21 20:07:19.445 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats 2022-01-21 20:07:19.445 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S32NE 2022-01-21 20:07:19.918 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 517 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:19.918 T:1488 WARNING <general>: OpenStream - Unsupported stream 517. Stream disabled. 2022-01-21 20:07:19.918 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 655 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:19.918 T:1488 INFO <general>: Finding audio codec for: 86019 2022-01-21 20:07:19.919 T:1488 INFO <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder ac3 2022-01-21 20:07:19.919 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating audio thread 2022-01-21 20:07:19.919 T:1573 INFO <general>: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process() 2022-01-21 20:07:19.919 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 570 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:19.919 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:19.923 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating teletext data thread 2022-01-21 20:07:19.923 T:1574 INFO <general>: running thread: CDVDTeletextData 2022-01-21 20:07:19.943 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 517 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:19.943 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating video codec with codec id: 27 2022-01-21 20:07:19.943 T:1488 INFO <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 2022-01-21 20:07:19.944 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating video thread 2022-01-21 20:07:19.944 T:1575 INFO <general>: running thread: video_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:19.944 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 655 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:19.944 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 570 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:19.947 T:1576 INFO <general>: COutput::OnStartup: Output Thread created 2022-01-21 20:07:19.950 T:1573 INFO <general>: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through) 2022-01-21 20:07:19.951 T:1146 INFO <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink 2022-01-21 20:07:20.142 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0" 2022-01-21 20:07:20.145 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x02" 2022-01-21 20:07:20.146 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats 2022-01-21 20:07:20.146 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S32NE 2022-01-21 20:07:20.696 T:1575 WARNING <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer 2022-01-21 20:07:22.385 T:1575 INFO <general>: Skipped 2 duplicate messages.. 2022-01-21 20:07:22.385 T:1575 INFO <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::CDropControl: calculated diff time: 40000 2022-01-21 20:07:22.863 T:1111 INFO <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/Favourites/pvr.vdr.vnsi_2071100471.pvr 2022-01-21 20:07:22.963 T:1575 WARNING <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer 2022-01-21 20:07:23.029 T:1111 INFO <general>: GLES: Selecting YUV 2 RGB shader 2022-01-21 20:07:23.041 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating InputStream 2022-01-21 20:07:23.041 T:1488 INFO <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.vdr.vnsi: Logged in at '1642766843+28800' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version:'1.8.0' with protocol version '13' 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1488 INFO <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages.. 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating Demuxer 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 2 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for video thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1575 ERROR <general>: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1575 INFO <general>: thread end: video_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:23.163 T:1488 INFO <general>: deleting video codec 2022-01-21 20:07:23.164 T:1488 INFO <general>: VAAPI::Close 2022-01-21 20:07:23.164 T:1576 INFO <general>: COutput::OnExit: Output Thread terminated 2022-01-21 20:07:23.164 T:1488 INFO <general>: VAAPI::Close - closing decoder context 2022-01-21 20:07:23.166 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 1 2022-01-21 20:07:23.166 T:1488 INFO <general>: Waiting for audio thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:23.171 T:1573 INFO <general>: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit() 2022-01-21 20:07:23.171 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing audio device 2022-01-21 20:07:23.172 T:1488 INFO <general>: Deleting audio codec 2022-01-21 20:07:23.172 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 4 2022-01-21 20:07:23.172 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:23.172 T:1574 ERROR <general>: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true (-1) 2022-01-21 20:07:23.172 T:1574 INFO <general>: thread end: data_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:23.322 T:1146 INFO <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink 2022-01-21 20:07:23.520 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0" 2022-01-21 20:07:23.522 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x00" 2022-01-21 20:07:23.523 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats 2022-01-21 20:07:23.523 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S32NE 2022-01-21 20:07:23.604 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 515 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:23.604 T:1488 WARNING <general>: OpenStream - Unsupported stream 515. Stream disabled. 2022-01-21 20:07:23.604 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 654 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:23.604 T:1488 INFO <general>: Finding audio codec for: 86019 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1488 INFO <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder ac3 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating audio thread 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1602 INFO <general>: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process() 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 578 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating teletext data thread 2022-01-21 20:07:23.605 T:1603 INFO <general>: running thread: CDVDTeletextData 2022-01-21 20:07:23.635 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 515 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:23.635 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating video codec with codec id: 27 2022-01-21 20:07:23.635 T:1488 INFO <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 2022-01-21 20:07:23.636 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating video thread 2022-01-21 20:07:23.636 T:1604 INFO <general>: running thread: video_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:23.636 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 654 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:23.636 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 578 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:23.638 T:1605 INFO <general>: COutput::OnStartup: Output Thread created 2022-01-21 20:07:23.645 T:1602 INFO <general>: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through) 2022-01-21 20:07:23.646 T:1146 INFO <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink 2022-01-21 20:07:23.846 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0" 2022-01-21 20:07:23.849 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x02" 2022-01-21 20:07:23.849 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats 2022-01-21 20:07:23.849 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S32NE 2022-01-21 20:07:24.680 T:1604 WARNING <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer 2022-01-21 20:07:26.329 T:1111 INFO <general>: Skipped 2 duplicate messages.. 2022-01-21 20:07:26.329 T:1111 INFO <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/Favourites/pvr.vdr.vnsi_1139193351.pvr 2022-01-21 20:07:26.433 T:1604 WARNING <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer 2022-01-21 20:07:26.501 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating InputStream 2022-01-21 20:07:26.503 T:1488 INFO <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.vdr.vnsi: Logged in at '1642766846+28800' to 'VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server' Version: '1.8.0' with protocol version '13' 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1488 INFO <general>: Skipped 1 duplicate messages.. 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating Demuxer 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 2 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for video thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1604 ERROR <general>: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1604 INFO <general>: thread end: video_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:26.625 T:1488 INFO <general>: deleting video codec 2022-01-21 20:07:26.655 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 1 2022-01-21 20:07:26.655 T:1488 INFO <general>: Waiting for audio thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:26.661 T:1602 INFO <general>: thread end: CVideoPlayerAudio::OnExit() 2022-01-21 20:07:26.661 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing audio device 2022-01-21 20:07:26.662 T:1488 INFO <general>: Deleting audio codec 2022-01-21 20:07:26.662 T:1488 INFO <general>: Closing stream player 4 2022-01-21 20:07:26.662 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:26.662 T:1603 ERROR <general>: Got MSGQ_ABORT or MSGO_IS_ERROR return true (-1) 2022-01-21 20:07:26.662 T:1603 INFO <general>: thread end: data_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:26.663 T:1111 INFO <general>: VAAPI::Close 2022-01-21 20:07:26.663 T:1605 INFO <general>: COutput::OnExit: Output Thread terminated 2022-01-21 20:07:26.663 T:1111 INFO <general>: VAAPI::Close - closing decoder context 2022-01-21 20:07:26.666 T:1111 INFO <general>: GLES: Selecting YUV 2 RGB shader 2022-01-21 20:07:26.819 T:1146 INFO <general>: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink 2022-01-21 20:07:27.020 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0" 2022-01-21 20:07:27.025 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "hdmi:CARD=HDMI,DEV=0,AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x00" 2022-01-21 20:07:27.025 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats 2022-01-21 20:07:27.025 T:1146 INFO <general>: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S32NE 2022-01-21 20:07:27.397 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 511 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:27.397 T:1488 WARNING <general>: OpenStream - Unsupported stream 511. Stream disabled. 2022-01-21 20:07:27.397 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 649 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:27.397 T:1488 INFO <general>: Finding audio codec for: 86019 2022-01-21 20:07:27.398 T:1488 INFO <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder ac3 2022-01-21 20:07:27.398 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating audio thread 2022-01-21 20:07:27.398 T:1614 INFO <general>: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process() 2022-01-21 20:07:27.398 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 575 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:27.398 T:1488 INFO <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit 2022-01-21 20:07:27.399 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating teletext data thread 2022-01-21 20:07:27.400 T:1615 INFO <general>: running thread: CDVDTeletextData 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 511 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating video codec with codec id: 27 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1488 INFO <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1488 INFO <general>: Creating video thread 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1616 INFO <general>: running thread: video_thread 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 649 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:27.428 T:1488 INFO <general>: Opening stream: 575 source: 256 2022-01-21 20:07:27.431 T:1617 INFO <general>: COutput::OnStartup: Output Thread created 2022-01-21 20:07:27.439 T:1614 INFO <general>: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through) ############### END LOG FILE ################ ############ END kodi CRASH LOG #############
I'm no expert reading log file, but it seems to me the last log file you provided is incomplete and I wonder if "'debug logging" is on, see:
I believe I provided the full logs? Was there something else you were expecting?
Thanks for the info and link, I will double check the Settings → System → Logging section to make sure debug logging is enabled. I was also install the Kodi Log Uploader to make things a bit easier.
Could be a few days before I can replicate the bug, as it happens randomly.Talk soon.
Talk soon.
and please describe your problem exactly !
- what you're doing when your bug occur
- what do you see
- and so on ...
please see:
ThreadHOW-TO: provide bug-reports
For getting things better we need you to report to us.
For getting the best support you have to explain your problem as best as you can. "Nothing works" is not very helpful ;).
For every issue you are facing we need the following:- Full hardware specs (GPU is most important)
- The LibreELEC version you are running ('latest' is not a version number)
- In most cases a full debuglog
- Tell us the complete steps how to face the issue, so we can try to reproduce
DaVuApril 5, 2016 at 11:53 AM as more info's you provide as sooner the problem could be solved
OK. I was able to reproduce the error for you. This time I had debug logs enabled.
https://paste.kodi.tv/ivufubebep.kodiTo reproduce the error I simply disconnected from wifi, connected ethernet and watched a movie..
Please let me know if you need anything else. -
To reproduce the error I simply disconnected from wifi, connected ethernet and watched a movie
"disconnected from Wifi" ?!
and ethernet was okay...
- me is somewhat confused reading the thread title -
anyway, regarding ffmpeg and nfs errors in your log's *I* would try the following:
- stay connected with ethernet and then try to play exactly the same video
- stay connected with ethernet and the try to play another video
then, try the above both with wifi (ethernet cable pulled !)
As I said I'm no expert reading log's, but for me either your video is damaged (WebRip ?) or your wifi is flaky.
But it seems you answered the question already (cit.: "connected ethernet and watched a movie") even when the "a" in the cit. would be a "the" !
another hint:
under unix/linux blanks and brackets have special meanings *I* would (try to) avoid them (blanks => underscores, ...)
Thanks for the response, but please let me explain.... the issue was probably explained thoroughly at the top of the thread, but you may have forgotten over time.
The issue is not with wifi. The issue is with ethernet. I personally believe it might be the intel driver, but it could be something else.
It is defintely not the video, this happens with almost every video I play. I have also played the same video several times over wifi and etherent. Ethernet is the only time that Kodi freezes.I have played the same videos on another machine over ethernet without issues... So, seems like my NAS is OK.
Could you expand on your hint regarding linux? not sure where I was using blanks/underscores?
heitbaum CvH chewitt do the logs shed any light? -
sorry, I now realize I got your third sentence in comment #28 wrong, so scratch my comment #29
If you're convinced it's ethernet and you could reliable reproduce the error then there should be something in the "systemd journal" (a log file which log's stuff related to the OS (Linux), e.g. driver issues, ...)
I would suggest the following:
- reboot
- login via ssh
(- maybe in a 2cd run: with what heitbaum in comment #10 suggested)
- reproduce the error
- run:
journalctl -b0 | paste
- post the link you gotCould you expand on your hint regarding linux? not sure where I was using blanks/underscores?
blanks/brackets in the name of directories and the movie name:
Ah OK. I see what you mean.... Will keep that in mind. Though it hasn't been a problem over the last 6/7 years!!!
The Kodi debug log shows a connectivity/networking issue with typical stream stall and reconnect sequence. It also shows you playing pirated media .. and at that point I lost interest.
So any ideas on how to prevent this connectivity issue. We seem to be going around in circles?
As mentioned, this does not happen on my other kodi windows machine. -
So any ideas on how to prevent this connectivity issue. We seem to be going around in circles?
one usually prevents issues after it is analyzed in deep where the issue is coming from.
did provide enough log's ?
for my taste: no
(maybe still, but *I* can't (lack of knowledge) read out of your last log why exactly the issue occur; maybe one other can -)
your answers for comment #9, #10, #31 ?
never seen ...
that's - for my taste - the beginning of "circles", I'm - to be honest - not much interested in.
okay ?
Thank you for your response.... let me spell it out again:
1. I am using the nightly build
2. I am using a NUC5i3RYK3. I have supplied the debug log
4. It happens when ethernet is connected (wifi disconnected) and we are streaming videos/movies (whether they are pirated or not, who cares).
5. Using the exact same machine, same network running windows kodi, everything is fine.
Was there something else you needed? -