I've noticed, that the blocksize on the storage partition is 1MB.
I'm aware that this is not a bug, but on the other hand it would also not be a feature request, as this big blocksize is a drawback, which I'd strogly suggest to get changed. Kodi mediascraping stores a lot of tiny <1KB files to the storage partition, which is good so far, but every single file consumes 1MB of storage. So even a 16GB SD card, which is only there for the Library files (Coverart, MetaData, etc.), can get full if the movie library is a bit bigger. And if you start having a music library as well, then every single of those small 4MB mp3's consume the same amount of actually 1KB small coverarts getting inflated to many MegaBytes.
I can understand that some SD-Cards (Raspberry, Odroid C2) don't like writing a lot of small files from performance point of view. But 1MB per file for a 1byte file (it's blown up by the crazy factor of 1.000.000) is not necessary at all I think. I can't believe that the performance can benefit from this blocksize.
Also making a backup of the library or restoring the backup takes unproportionally long because of the pure filesizes which get generated here without a reason I could get behind of
Could you please change the blocksize to something like 128KB or even less? Or if not, could you explain then why it is as it is? Perhaps there is a way to change this default behavior?
Thanks a lot in advance for some statements about this