TBS5580 support in LE10, LE11 and LE12 for RPi4

  • Due to the absence of the CrazyCat drivers for DVB devices like TBS's in LE10 for the Rapsberry Pi 4 for the time being one needs to add them manually by compiling LE.

    Here's a patch for the TBS5580 : linux-tbs5580.patch.txt. It's heavily inspired by the patch for the TBS5520SE by smp as both devices are almost identical.

    1. Rename the file to remove the ".txt"
    2. Place the file in one of the following folders, depending on you preference
      • projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/patches/linux/
      • packages/linux/patches/raspberrypi/
    3. Add CONFIG_DVB_USB_TBS5580=m after CONFIG_DVB_USB_TECHNISAT_USB2=m to one of the following files, depending on the arch for which you are building
      • projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/linux/linux.arm.conf
      • projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/linux/linux.aarch64.conf
    4. Build your LE image


    Edited 2 times, last by Forage: Patch updated to enabled the green lock LED (September 15, 2021 at 8:21 AM).

  • I don't know if it works on 5580 but on 5520SE I enabled the green lock LED with this:

  • Hi, could you please provide a test build, I have no build environment here.

    Here you can find the build I'm using myself:


    It's based on 10.0 stable.

    Do note that it contains one more patch for libcec, to revert commit #ef8bc8e to fix issue #326.

    I don't know if it works on 5580 but on 5520SE I enabled the green lock LED with this:

    Cheers, will give that a try. I didn't even notice the additional led until now :D

  • smp the patch works, thanks, I updated the patch in the initial post accordingly.

    With the constant amount of light the green led is emitting I'm tempted to remove that bit again though ;)

    It only turns off very briefly when I stop watching a channel and than right back on again. Is this supposed to happen? The tuner is also constantly warm, or almost hot (as with LE 9), even when I'm not watching TV. Is this the case with your 5520SE as well?

    Edited once, last by Forage (September 15, 2021 at 8:21 AM).

  • It only turns off very briefly when I stop watching a channel and than right back on again

    I use VDR/VNSI. It constantly scans transponders for EPG, so the LED is always on. It should turn off when there is no signal. Also, there is a short blink when switching from one frequency to another.

    Does it turn off then there is no signal from antenna?

    The tuner is also constantly warm

    That's normal. Same with 5520SE.

  • Does it turn off then there is no signal from antenna?

    Yeah, right away when I disconnect the cable. So all good I suppose. Maybe I can dig up some Tvheadend setting that can put the device in some suspend state when I'm not watching anything.

  • It should be TBS upstreaming their work in that repository to the kernel, but for some raison they don't.

    TBS has a love/hate relationship with upstreaming. All the people trying to use their devices and/or sustain support in distros are in favour of upstreaming and a couple of years ago they caved into the pressure and started releasing on GitHub which provided a consistent/common source for them. At the same time this has made it easier for cheap Chinese knock-offs of their boards to be produced so part of their team would like to revert to the less accessible "download tarballs via website" approach they had in the past. I'm not sure what the solution is, and it's a hard problem for a small manufacturer so I'm not sure they do either, so I wouldn't expect much change. Most of the drivers are rather messy anyway so the upstreaming process would need a ton of patience and persistence.

  • Here are the updated kernel patches for LE11:



    The same changes, split into two separate patch files this time.

    The first patch contains the original TBS Linux drivers. The second patch contains two changes on top of that to fix a compile issue and to add support for the green LED.

    Compile steps are identical to those in the initial post, except for the removal of the "projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/linux/linux.arm.conf" file.

    Here's a build based on LE11.0.1 for those who want to give it a try: https://drive.proton.me/urls/426XA2EBPW#P7SpOnFI6ihC

    Do note that it contains the same additional patch as in my previously provided build in post 4.

    Edited once, last by Forage (March 26, 2023 at 11:14 AM).

  • Here's a 12.0.2 RPi4 build. Same patches as before, linux-03_revert.patch.txt removed since the change has been applied upstream in the included kernel.

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