Due to the absence of the CrazyCat drivers for DVB devices like TBS's in LE10 for the Rapsberry Pi 4 for the time being one needs to add them manually by compiling LE.
Here's a patch for the TBS5580 : linux-tbs5580.patch.txt. It's heavily inspired by the patch for the TBS5520SE by smp as both devices are almost identical.
- Rename the file to remove the ".txt"
- Place the file in one of the following folders, depending on you preference
- projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/patches/linux/
- packages/linux/patches/raspberrypi/
- Add CONFIG_DVB_USB_TBS5580=m after CONFIG_DVB_USB_TECHNISAT_USB2=m to one of the following files, depending on the arch for which you are building
- projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/linux/linux.arm.conf
- projects/RPi/devices/RPi4/linux/linux.aarch64.conf
- Build your LE image