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We release today a LibreELEC update to primarily fix Widevine, its that piece of software that allows playback of Netflix, Amazon Prime and other paid video services.
The new version of widevine (4.10.2252.0 or newer) is mandatory to keep it working after May 31, 2021.
With that new version (that is taken from ChromeOS) all ARM devices need additional libraries to make it work again.
Sadly its not that simple and some not too nice workarounds came in place to keep it working due changes at ChromeOS.The Generic (PC / Intel / AMD / Nvidia) images need no changes.
Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and 4
For Raspberry Pi 2/3 and 4 we made the LE 9.2.7 images that work out of the box. Just update to it and it should work.
We will not provide auto update to that version – you will need to manually update if you need widevine.
No additional changes needed (check InputStream Helper add-on for widevine update 4.10.2252.0 or newer).LibreELEC 10
Those changes are highly experimental and might causes problems. For LE10 we added the needed changes in a different way – if you don’t need widevine don’t do anything.
At least LibreELEC 10Beta4 or a more recent image is required. If you are using 9.2 for Rockchip devices please update to LE10, there are no 9.2 images with that fix included.You need to create a kodi.conf manually and add a parameter to make it work. Currently there are no plans to implement it differently to make these manually changes unnecessary due the missing overall testing.
How to make it work:
Edit the kodi.conf and add these change with the terminal
Codeecho "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal.so" > /storage/.config/kodi.conf@@@WCF_PRE_LINEBREAK@@@reboot
Edit the kodi.conf with the editor from Windows
Go to the network share of your device and create the kodi.conf at the Configfiles folder with following content.
Afterwards restart your device.
If you are interested in details Latest Widevine 4.10.2252.0 fails to load · Issue #678 · xbmc/inputstream.adaptive · GitHub and [ARM] Add suport for libwidevine.so >= 4.10.2252.0 by kszaq · Pull Request #5376 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub.
Project staff are available in the forum to answer questions and provide advice. Please remember this is a beta. We are expecting some minor bugs/issues to be found. If you have a problem, technical issues are best accompanied by system and Kodi debug logs – help us to help you.
Enjoy! 🙂