Where shall i put my question?

  • Hi

    If you look at my signature you will se my device i use for my LibreElec.

    I gotten an error code yesterday when resetting my installation and i want to know what's wrong?

    Is my old device no longer supported?

    My chipset is : Intel NM10

    Processor model: Intel Atom D525

    Graphics processor: Nvidia ION 2

    Non of these is to be found among the list of forum to post in. :)

    Please help me.

    The error could be seen at the attched picture here:

  • First install the latest LE 10 Beta (don't upgrade, as mentioned in the release notes). Maybe that already fixes your bug.

    If you still get an error with the latest Beta, write a bug report. Write a complete report, as demanded at the pinned post on top.

    Hi and thanks, i couln't wait so i made a fresh new install and have now my system up and running without any errors. :)

    BUT that is not th latest version i thin 9.2.6 is installed now, i was thinking of updating it but now i don't dare.

    I know that Kodi latest 19.1 or 19 had problems on my pc installation with exiting and freezing directly at start.

    So do i update my LibreElec or not at this moment?


  • Nvidia cards are still supported, but yours is some 11 years old now (an eternity in PC land). You could of course also NOT upgrade.

    Better stay with 9.2.6 then.

    I had the Matrix version 19.0 installed and it worked. But i couldn't get the SMB to work so i did a reset and then i got my errors at the startup.

    There's no known problem or so with the latest LibreElec?! If not i'll give it a try.

  • The latest - the greatest! In case you're using encrypted Widevine streaming content, you have to update this month.

    With a good backup strategy it's just go, go, go. :P

    I gave it a good night of sleep and was thinking that my startup error occurred when i used the reset option in LibreElec settings to restore default settings. After this a folder was missing for nvidia. That makes me wonder if something is wrong with the latest version.... it was ok until i made a restore.

    Kodi 19 defaults to SMBv2 and higher, while your server(s) may still stick to the quite unsecure SMBv1 version.

    Double-check all setting in Kodi's network section as well in as your server setup.

    I managed to make it work after i had reinstalled everything by set it to minimum and maximum to SMB 1.

    Is there a way to rise this to 2 or even 3 somewhere?

    Edited once, last by ToddeSwe: Merged a post created by ToddeSwe into this post. (May 27, 2021 at 11:31 AM).