Hello everyone! This is my first thread here, so please excuse any mistakes.
As of last Friday, I am the new owner of 2 old tv boxes: an mxq (amlogic s805) and an mxq pro 4k (amlogic s905, 1gb ram, p200 bootloader). I decided to install libreelec so as to make them useful again.
Installing it on the one with s805 was an easy task. I found 9.2.6 in this thread, flashed it on my sd card, started the box with the "toothpick method", it booted just fine and I simply connected via ssh and ran installtointernal. It took me 15-20 minutes at most.
Legacy v9.2 (LTS) builds for Amlogic S805/S8X2, S905/S912 and all WeTek boxes
Due to the switch to GLIBC v2.34, all binary addons have been rebuilt. The main version of the add-ons has been changed from v9.2.0 to v9.2.1, so after the system update, the binary add-ons will also be updated. In addition, the default transfer protocol in the repository has also changed from HTTP to HTTPS.
NOTICE: If the auto update is enabled, but the installed version is not the latest, then the supported devices…

Before that, I also tried the build from this thread and it worked fine too, but I decided to find something newer since kodi 17 is no longer supported.
[] LibreELEC 8.0 for S805
LibreELEC 8.2 for Amlogic S805 devices.
Important notes:
- These are unofficial, community supported builds so please post all bugs/issues in this forum area only.
- Bug reports will no longer be looked into as the build is discontinued.
I created these builds for myself and work on them in my free time. I also don't know a lot of things so please be kind and patient if you encounter any bugs.-
Bugs? Read this

However, installing anything on the other one, the one with s905, has been a big pita so far! First and foremost, the device itself does not have a reset button, so making it boot to recovery was a tedious task by itself. I had to install a terminal emulator on its android based os and use reboot update.
Then, I started with coreelec 19 from the sd card and all I managed was to put the device into a bootloop because of the wrong device tree. The device was on bootloop even with the card removed! After that, I came accross this build. I only ran it once from the sd, but it was enough to get me out of the bootloop. I did not want to install it because it is on kodi 17 too.
So I went back to coreelec to try 9.2.7 this time. Why? Because I noticed my device has p200 bootloader and 9.2.7 had a device tree for that (gxbb_p200_1G_1Gbit). It booted just fine, so I got excited and I ran installtointernal instantly... and I regretted it a few minutes later! After it was installed to its rom I discovered that the wired interface was not working at all and the wireless one was dropping and did not reconnect! I still wonder how I managed to make installtointernal work while connected wirelessly. My tv and my router are in different rooms and all I can use is wireless when I connect any box on the tv.
All this led me back to the forementioned build from kszaq with kodi 17. I ran it from the sd card and both wired and wireless worked fine, so I decided to install it to its rom. But now, when I start the box without the sd card, it shows nothing on the tv. Not even the amlogic logo with the tiger. It is just black. When I start it with the sd card, so it boots FROM it, I see libreelec booting as usual and reaching kodi 17.
What am I doing wrong?
If it helps, I also tried lakka's build for s905. It boots, but it does not detect any wireless networks... And I have no idea how to install this on the internal memory so as to help more.
Please share any ideas and thank you in advance