Update URL/channel for nightly builds

  • Thanks for this. I saw this but didn't really understand if this was the problem I was seeing, and what to change to show the LE11 test builds list in 'updates'.

  • May I ask why today's x64 nighly build (83a7f20) is named "generic-legacy" instead of just "generic"?

    can't answer the question, but - maybe your read it already - I pulled my script, so please don't use it for Generic anymore, until the question is cleared.

    I guess it's not a rename only, - AFAIK (unsure) - it's another GPU mimic variant. size differs too ...

  • generic = uses GBM (enables HDR and the new shiny stuff once it is included in Kodi) but no Nvidia support, no Browser support, problematic at some older platforms

    generic-legacy = uses X11 (like LE 7-10) with Nvidia and browser support

    you can crossgrade between generic and generic-legacy without any problem, if you are unsure what you want to use then go for "generic"

  • you can crossgrade between generic and generic-legacy without any problem, if you are unsure what you want to use then go for "generic"

    Are you sure about that? Yesterday I upgraded from generic to generic-legacy with no issues. And I tried to do the same today, but the other way round (generic-legacy to generic) and an error came up at boot saying something about a file named ".nocompat". It did not upgrade and it still is on yesterday's nightly.

    Edited once, last by jim_p (June 14, 2022 at 12:07 PM).

  • What type of magic do I have to do so as to add test.libreelec.tv (or any of its subdirectories) as a source in kodi's file manager? I add it like in the picture, but when I access it, it is completely empty.

    (screenshot is from my pc running kodi 19.4 on debian testing/unstable x64, but you get the idea)

  • What type of magic do I have to do so as to add test.libreelec.tv (or any of its subdirectories) as a source in kodi's file manager?

    We don't ship a classic file listing, so likely not possible.

    Are you sure about that?

    I did it several times and it worked, so if we didn't changed anything recent it should still work.

  • Are you sure about that? Yesterday I upgraded from generic to generic-legacy with no issues. And I tried to do the same today, but the other way round (generic-legacy to generic) and an error came up at boot saying something about a file named ".nocompat". It did not upgrade and it still on yesterday's nightly.

    I confirm the same behaviour.

    update "generic" to "generic-legacy" works well.

    For some reason the colors is more darkest with "generic-legacy"

    So I wanted to update "generic-legacy" to "generic"

    I got this message :

    ERROR: LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-11.0-nightly-xxx.img.gz is not compatible with LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0-nightly-xxx.img.gz - update cancelled.

    "Create /storage/.update/.nocompat to disable compatibility checks and risk a non-booting system."

    It is just FYI.

    I have install "Libreelec" from scratch and restaure an "backup"

    all is fine now

  • the releases.json from the nightlies is currently empty, we reorganized the images into subfolder to grant some kind of overview (we want to store a year of images)

    the current releases script does not support subfolders at the moment


    I guess we need some more steps:

    The release script needs to support subfolders and file releases of .img.gz without .tar. At the moment, the release script seems to require at least the tar file to be available (see here).

    The Addon service.libreelec.settings needs to get adjusted such that it does not rely on the "file" key in JSON (see e.g. here), which is linked to the .tar.

    Since the release script is not running, this cannot be the current version used to generate the previous releases.json of test.libreelec.tv - CvH is there somewhere a different version?

  • I think all the devs on here are smart enough to know what it is that needs doing to get the nightlies working so that us layman can enjoy updating it daily. Nonetheless updating via the img.gz is just a minor inconvenience at the moment its not like a critical feature is missing. Besides for the select few they already know what nightlies they are watching out for with their fixes so this is just another step for them.

  • It was more a hint for the other devs that my Pull Request on GitHub adding subfolder support is not sufficient to support the new structure. Sure, other devs could reverse engineer this on their own - but why not providing a hint. Makes life easier. But sure, not relevant for a layman like you.