Could be. I just checked it after using CE for few months now.

Official LE11 Test Images for Amlogic (Kodi-20)
CvH -
August 28, 2020 at 11:13 AM -
Closed -
Thread is Resolved
What is the build command for your odroid-c2 image ?
PROJECT=Amlogic DEVICE=AMLGX ARCH=arm UBOOT_SYSTEM=odroid-c2 make release
NB: Building aarch64 images should work, but we don't build aarch64 releases so there is no repo with aarch64 binary add-ons.
Hi guys! Trying to update my s905x box to newest possible and tried LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0-nightly-20220319-5591832-box.img.gz
CEC isn't working and cant set resolution higher than 1024...
Any help what's going on ?
Any help what's going on?
No boot and debug Kodi logs = no interest in blindly guessing at your problem.
I've been getting constant crashes on latest generic amlgx build from chewitts repo which I've chalked up to Arctic Horizon and TMDBHelper after completely wiping my SD and starting from fresh then sifting through debug logs to try and nail the culprit down. Going to switch back to the stock skin for now but can anyone nail what's causing the crash from my logs?
Add-on crashes are probably some known problems with Python 3.9 that are affecting all development images at the moment. It's not specific to the AMLGX images (mine or nightly).
Anyone still got one of the old py3.8 builds floating about? Builds are unusable with these addons causing crashes left right and centre
Beelink GT King Pro also worked via USB.Color is running but bright is too much.Gui 4K cannot be adjusted.Sound, Wireless and LAN are running.CrazyCat is not working.IP TV works.
Anyone still got one of the old py3.8 builds floating about? Builds are unusable with these addons causing crashes left right and centre
Same thing with me, I use a stock skin and some plugins installed. I'm currently using the January version, every few days I check the nightly releases but it keeps crashing and I restore the old version.
Additionally on the new version I noticed two regression errors:
- after kodi crashes the video signal disappears and comes back when kodi restarts, but system booting is visible so it's not a console resolution problem
- Keep audio device online: always - doesn't work, I'm using analog audio output and e.g. when rewinding video I hear loud crackling (turning audio off and on), changing value from 'always' to '10 min' helps
I have the file LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-10.85.0.tar from Jan 20 (with an older version of python)
Wouldn't it be possible to do test compilations with python 3.8, if only to confirm/exclude that the problem was caused by the upgrade to 3.9?
Or if there is going to be a new version then maybe python 3.10 could be tested?
tomaszc compilation with python 3.8 works (if your issue is the same as in this bug report, mind by same issue I do not mean exact same steps - there are other means than switching addons to trigger the crash). I made a python 3.10 build and it crashes too (3.10.3).
The current images in my share have not been tested (as I'm nowhere near LE boxes this week) but are rebuilt with Python 3.8 (reverting the 3.9 and 3.10 bumps in LE master branch).
Thank you for the link to the issue. I am glad to see so many people working to determine the cause of the problem.
Thank you for these images. There are no crashes when switching plugins on this version. There are still crashes when alternating h264 and vp9 playback, but that is a different issue. I saved the images in case I need to come back to them
Hi there
Does anyone know about a stable or working image for libreelec 10´`+ for NANOPI K2? I´´´ ve seen a nightly one at but I don´t know if there is another liebreelec 10 stable for the k2. I´´ ve seen a stable version for the M1 but not for the k2. I do need to update to kodi 19+.I am stucked on 18
Thank you in advance
rubbo There are no LE10 images but you can use the LE11 nightly or from my share here: .. NanoPi-K2 is the one GXBB device that I don't have so it's untested from a boot perspective (but should work the same as any other GXBB board). Feedback is welcome.
chewitt Thank you so much for your quick answer.
Probably not much people have this board, hehhe, specially in Spain
I will make a copy of my sd and try the nightly image just to see if I am lucky enough for it to run as smooth as possible and I will let you know
Thank you again
Best regards!
I´ve installed
and it was all ok!
I mean kodi is running, I could change language, time, IP..etc etc..
My problem is that I am trying to intall my add ons and it´ is no possible. Maybe it´ s because this is a kodi 20 version if I am not wrong...
I attach log shortlink for your interest
Thank you very much
I've moved the Python 3.8 images to .. I don't plan on maintaining them separately but they can hang around for a while. From today the images in are bug-compatible with LE master again.