64bit for Raspberry Pi?

  • dmrlawson Did you read my link to balena.io? It provides some fixes and workarounds.

    Thanks. I'm not sure if that helps, though I may be misunderstanding. They mention they contributed some fixes to the kernel configuration but the article was written nearly a year ago. Since then there's been an official (beta) release of the Raspberry Pi OS which works pretty well.

    The problem I'm getting happens before the kernel is built (I think) and has to do with linking the compiled code (for gdb). I'm wondering if it's a libc thing, but I'm not overly familiar with how that works, and I might be looking at it the wrong way entirely.

    EDIT: or are you suggesting trying to move to balenaOS?

    Edited once, last by dmrlawson (August 25, 2020 at 11:53 AM).

  • I realise now that there are no official aarch64 builds. I tried to build for the Allwinner A20 device and it failed (though for a different reason). Something is off with the `gdb` configuration when building for rpi4 aarch64 which makes linking fail.

    I notice that there _are_ aarch64 configs for some other platforms (e.g. Allwinner A20). I've not tried them all but do any work?

    Was the build system created for LibreELEC or is it taken from somewhere else?

  • As for what issues your having with aarch64 builds its hard to say without knowing more...

    Buts as for LE and where it came from... It started as a fork of the OpenELEC project a few years ago and has gone thru a lot of modifications over the years to be where it now is...

  • I realise now that there are no official aarch64 builds. I tried to build for the Allwinner A20 device and it failed (though for a different reason). Something is off with the `gdb` configuration when building for rpi4 aarch64 which makes linking fail.

    I notice that there _are_ aarch64 configs for some other platforms (e.g. Allwinner A20). I've not tried them all but do any work?

    Was the build system created for LibreELEC or is it taken from somewhere else?

    Allwinner A20 is 32 bit, H5, H6 and A64 are 64 bit

  • It will take a few days until the updated inputstream.adaptive addon has been built and uploaded to our servers, but - yes - we've switched RPi4 to 64bit in our LE12 / master branch and it's working fine.

    so long,


  • nice aarch64 is much faster for some tasks.

    e.g. av1 decode with libdav1d, same 1080p video : arm ~16fps vs aarch64 ~21fps.

    I build docker addons. it also works nicely for the moment.

  • aarch64 addon build seems to have finished fine, but they still need to be pushed to the server.

    Fingers crossed that works fine and will be happening soon.

    I won't promise an ETA for that though, we had to deal with a couple of issues setting up CI builds for the new LE11nightlies, adding aarch64 addons and switching RPi4 (and some Allwinner devices) to aarch64 the past few days.

    so long,


  • Well, it went quicker as expected, LE12 addons, including aarch64 are now available from the repo (just do a manual update).

    Note that a few retroplayer addons are currently missing for aarch64 (I'll look into that the next days) and inputstream.adaptive is currently missing the aarch64 widevine update - that will follow the next days.

    Also note that inputstream helper currently does not support installing widevine libs for aarch64, you have to do it manually for now - eg using the instructions from here:

    so long,
