[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

  • How to I install it to NAND? I have the sdcard version working fine so how to I put it on NAND for better speed? Is it as simple as rebooting to recovery using the toothpick and updating from the sdcard or do I need to use the zip etc

  • Aaarghh ... just updated to 8.0.1d my zenoplige tv box (wi-fi chip QCA9377) and LE on sd starts most of times erratically with no internet connection. I have to switch off-on

    Edited once, last by fabri22 (April 7, 2017 at 7:52 PM).

  • How to I install it to NAND? I have the sdcard version working fine so how to I put it on NAND for better speed? Is it as simple as rebooting to recovery using the toothpick and updating from the sdcard or do I need to use the zip etc

    Never mind used ssh
    One question I do have is about my remote. When I press back when in an add-on it usually using android goes up a level but in libreelec it does go up a level in a menu but when in an add-on it goes all the way out to the home screen instead. Anyone know how to fix that?

    It's an air mouse remote rather than the standard one.

    Edited once, last by crsnwby (April 7, 2017 at 7:54 PM).

  • The command disables decoder "optimization" introduced by Amlogic in this commit: PD#128412: vh264: improve fast output path in ucode · kszaq/linux-amlogic-le@88e4c06 · GitHub

    Whatever that optimization is, it breaks playback of some videos. In my next build there will be no need to execute that command, I'll make this parameter default.

    Try using a device tree without "nand" in the name.

    kszaq can i buy u one of these and send it to u?

    Edited once, last by zippy165141 (April 7, 2017 at 8:00 PM).

  • Hi guys,

    I'm in testing with LE via USB with my S912 Mecool BB2 Pro Tv Box and LE work very well.

    Anyway I've just bought the Beelink M18 S905 Tv Box and I 'd like to test LE via USB.

    Brand: Beelink
    Model: M18
    System: Android 5.1
    CPU: Amlogic S905 Quad Core
    GPU: Mali-450
    RAM: 2G Type: DDR3
    ROM: 16G

    So the question: what kind of device tree should I choose?

    This one "gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit.dtb" or gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit_OTG_Port.dtb ?

    In M18 there is an OTG port... you can see here.

    Logically I should use the gxbb_p200_2G_1Gbit_OTG_Port.dtb

    It is so?



  • I experience frame drops about 30 minutes into seemingly every H264 file I play. I then skip back 10 seconds and the passage plays flawlessly. If I pause playback at anytime that 30 minute "timer" gets reset. Meanwhile the Kodi log shows this:

    WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

    So there's some kind of buffer underrun it seems. This is playback over NFS with dec_control set to 4.
    During the runtime of this particular file (full-length movie), I also got this (log time stamp does not correlate with stutter, appears later):

    NOTICE: CActiveAEStream::AddData - messy timestamps, increasing interval for measuring average error to 6000 ms

    I'll try to get a full debug log later.

  • I experience frame drops about 30 minutes into seemingly every H264 file I play. I then skip back 10 seconds and the passage plays flawlessly. If I pause playback at anytime that 30 minute "timer" gets reset. Meanwhile the Kodi log shows this:

    WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

    So there's some kind of buffer underrun it seems. This is playback over NFS with dec_control set to 4.
    During the runtime of this particular file (full-length movie), I also got this (log time stamp does not correlate with stutter, appears later):

    NOTICE: CActiveAEStream::AddData - messy timestamps, increasing interval for measuring average error to 6000 ms

    I'll try to get a full debug log later.

    Same here, I think, but I can not say for sure, because I just watched one file.

  • Hi, I have problem with playing audio.
    All music with a 44.1kHz bitrate are upsampled to 48kHz (HDMI and SPDIF). I think, this problem is in all 8.x versions. Audio with 96kHz plays correctly as 96khz. But files with 44,1 kHz play as 48 kHz.
    Have you somebody any idea? Advancedsettings, etc... ?

    Edited once, last by Whitesak (April 7, 2017 at 10:06 PM).

  • I also observe stutter/lags when subtitles displays in libreelec 8.01 (b. c , d).. just like  envagyok observe in his thread named 'Stuttering movies with subtitles with LE8' .check envagyok logs..when stutter observed...

    I copy here too:

    I play test files with MiniMX LE 7.0.12j on nand and 8.0.1d on sd with this results:
    gui set to 60Hz, but avr show 59 (bad)
    23.97 fps movie play az 23.97Hz (good)
    24 fps movie played at 23.97 too!!! (bad)
    25 fps movie at 50Hz (good)
    30 fps movie at 59.97hz (bad)
    29.97fps movie at 59.97 (good)
    60 fps movie at 59.97 (bad)
    50 fps at 50Hz (good)

    LE 7.0.12j:
    gui set to 60Hz avr show 60Hz (good)
    23.97 fps movie played at 23.97hz (good)
    24 fps movie played at 24hz (good)
    25 fps movie at 50hz (good)
    29.97 fps movie at 60hz (not good)
    30 fps movie at 60hz (good)
    50 fps movie at 50hz (good)
    59.97 fps movie at 60hz (not good)
    60 fps movie at 60hz (good)

    For comparison and understanding the same files with LE8.0.1 and Raspberry pi2b :
    60hz gui at 60 (good)
    23.97 at 23.97 (good)
    24 at 24 (good)
    25 at 50 (good)
    29.97 at 59.97 (good)
    30 at 60 (good)
    50 at 50 (good)
    59.97 at 59.97 (good)
    60 at 60 (good)

  • FYI
    you cannot do anything wrong by trying yourself.

  • Hi, I use libreelec and since version 6.x I keep getting audio/video complete freeze (audio loop) only when using tvheadend with HD channels, here's my log during the last freeze:

    19:03:30 T:2861228960  NOTICE: VideoInfoScanner: Finished scan. Scanning for video info took 00:2119:03:31 T:2969732000   ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:05:02 T:3036803648   ERROR: Previous line repeats 103 times.19:05:02 T:3036803648  NOTICE: Samba is idle. Closing the remaining connections19:05:03 T:2969732000   ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:05:11 T:2562716576   ERROR: Previous line repeats 3 times.19:05:11 T:2562716576 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer19:05:14 T:2969732000   ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:06:45 T:2545939360   ERROR: Previous line repeats 35 times.19:06:45 T:2545939360   ERROR: CDVDMsgGeneralSynchronize - timeout19:06:46 T:2545939360   ERROR: Previous line repeats 2 times.19:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: PVRManager - PerformChannelSwitch - switched to channel 'Fox HD'19:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer19:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2819:06:46 T:2545939360   ERROR: Unable to load libamplayer.so, reason: libamplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:06:46 T:2545939360 WARNING: CAMLCodec::CAMLCodec libamplayer.so not found, trying libamcodec.so instead19:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 8601919:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Opening stream: 4 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Closing stream player 319:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Opening stream: 2 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 8601919:06:46 T:2668282784  NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86019, channels: 6, sample rate: 48000, no pass-through)19:06:46 T:2668282784  NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket duplicate 3 packets of duration 3219:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 25619:06:46 T:2545939360  NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 2819:06:46 T:2545939360   ERROR: Unable to load libamplayer.so, reason: libamplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:06:46 T:2545939360 WARNING: CAMLCodec::CAMLCodec libamplayer.so not found, trying libamcodec.so instead19:06:49 T:2969732000   ERROR: CecLogMessage - Write: write failed !19:06:53 T:2668282784   ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.19:06:53 T:2668282784  NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket duplicate 3 packets of duration 3219:06:53 T:2668282784  NOTICE: CDVDPlayerAudio::OutputPacket skipping a packets of duration 3219:06:54 T:2562716576  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.19:06:54 T:2562716576 WARNING: CRenderManager::WaitForBuffer - timeout waiting for buffer

    Do you have any idea what could be causing that?

    Edited once, last by cassioac (April 7, 2017 at 11:11 PM).

  • Thank you for your input!
    Would you mind redoing the integer frame rates after running this?

    echo 0 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/frac_rate_policy
  • /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/frac_rate_policy is a switch in Nougat kernel to enable/disable fractional frame rates. It is no longer chosen automatically. I am working on a workaround for this.

  • Pretty sure this is what I am experiencing too! Thought it was random but every 30 minutes sounds about right actually!

    It's not always exactly 30 minutes. It ranges from 20 to 40 in my experience. Also sometimes it happens right away after starting playback or skipping around. Are there parameters to control HW decoder buffer size or fill rate?

    /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/frac_rate_policy is a switch in Nougat kernel to enable/disable fractional frame rates. It is no longer chosen automatically. I am working on a workaround for this.

    Sorry! I proposed enabling this globally. :(
    Most of my testing was done at 23.976hz.

    Edited once, last by kubrickdave (April 7, 2017 at 11:52 PM).