[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

  • I always test a new build with this video first:
    23.976 FPS testfile

    No skips here, smooth as butter (well, smooth as 23.976 fps butter.)

    Not sure if any of this has any effect at all but:




    echo 0 > /sys/module/am_vecm/parameters/hdr_mode
    echo 1 > /sys/module/amvdec_h264/parameters/error_recovery_mode
    echo 5 > /sys/class/mpgpu/cur_freq

    Adjust display refresh rate -> Always

  • I've updated my MXQ Pro 4K to 8.0.1b but now LAN isn't working anymore. Wifi does still work.

    I used device tree gxbb_p200_1G_1Gbit_RealtekWiFi.dtb because I used this one for my previous updates. Should I have used gxbb_p200_1G_mxq_pro_4k.dtb instead? Can I change it and does it fix my LAN?

  • Not sure if this is anything to do with this build as a Google search shows it has been reported in the past but I have issues with random fanart.

    Firstly my MiniMX was upgraded from 7.0 and works great. I also has never had an issue with Random fanart which I have set for Movies and Music . But I recently purchased another S905 (actually this is a S905x and not S905) box and installed this from scratch (wiping android). Box works a treat but I notice despite stating random fanart the movies had a black background and music the out of the box spaceman.

    I ran the texturecache.py script and my problem went away with movies and now it displays random fanart but the same can't be said of music.

  • No skips here, smooth as butter

    Have you just just run some diagnostics script or have you realy watched the video for a few minutes constantly.
    I've spent hours watching it on different LibereElec and KODI builds for windows.
    Adjust display refresh rate -> on start/end of playback (because "Always" make it actually worse)
    I can clearly see the skips on 8.0.1.b.

    After all the builds on different plattforms I've used now and all the settings I adjusted back and forth, the smoothest playback without frame skips (hickups) I get with KODI 15.2 or 16.1 installed on a windows computer and only select "sync playback to display" without "adjust display to refresh rate". This gives me a refresh rate of 60 fps and you might expect judder or frame skips but thats not the case for me and I am extremely sensitive regarding this issue.
    If I try to use that settings on any LibreElec build wether it is installed on a windows computer or on my amlogic box, a juddering playback is visible.

  • - Activate SSH server on your box
    - Connect using SSH client (user: root, password: libreelec)


    echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/frac_rate_policy

    and see if it helps with you files. If it does, you can wait for the next release, or automate the command:

    Type the following commands:

    cd .config
    nano autostart.sh

    This starts an editor. Insert the following text:

    echo 1 > /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/frac_rate_policy

    Then save and type

    chmod 755 autostart.sh

    Your box will restart, and from now on the command will be sent just before starting kodi.

    If it does, create an autostart.sh that contains the command to automatically issue it at startup (see here:

  • After entering the first command I get following answer:

    -sh: can't create /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/frac_rate_policy: Permission denied

    Interesting. Can you post the output of:

    ls /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/


    cat /etc/release
  • The output of:

    ls /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/


    aud_cap         disp_cap        hdcp_lstore     rawedid
    aud_ch          disp_cap_3d     hdcp_mode       ready
    aud_mode        disp_mode       hdcp_pwr        subsystem
    aud_output_chs  div40           hdcp_ver        support_3d
    avmute          edid            hdr_cap         uevent
    config          hdcp_byp        hpd_state       vic
    dc_cap          hdcp_clkdis     output_rgb
    debug           hdcp_ctrl       phy
    dev             hdcp_ksv_info   power

    cat /etc/release

    gives me:

  • Does the device still boot android? Did you ever flash u-boot? Then maybe you can try with flashing u-boot (again)?

    Thank you very much for the reply. Yes it still boots into Android fine if I do not try to boot into recovery/SD card. To be honest I am not sure if I ever flashed u-boot before.
    I will do some digging on re-flashing u-boot.

    Thanks for the tip.

  • What does Armbian have to do with my builds? I would understand that kind of post if it was something usable for LE, otherwise you only confuse users suggesting that 4.9 kernel is available. It is not. Amlogic provided sources is a work-in-progress, mainline kernel is a work-in-progress. It's not anything usable for us yet.

    Edited once, last by kszaq (April 3, 2017 at 9:14 PM).