[8.0.2e] LibreELEC 8.0 for S905/S905X

  • Code
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dtb bs=256k count=1
    dd if=dtb.img of=/dev/dtb bs=256k


    # LibreELEC #

    # LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI #


    LibreELEC (community) Version: 8.0.2

    LibreELEC:~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dtb bs=256k count=1

    1+0 records in

    1+0 records out

    262144 bytes (256.0KB) copied, 0.012326 seconds, 20.3MB/s

    LibreELEC:~ # dd if=dtb.img of=/dev/dtb bs=256k

    dd: can't open 'dtb.img': No such file or directory

    LibreELEC:~ #

  • alexeiyo You have to provide full path in second command. I assumed you know how dd works.

    If you run LE from SD card the path to dtb.img on SD card is /flash/dtb.img


    # LibreELEC #

    # LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI #


    LibreELEC (community) Version: 8.0.2

    LibreELEC:~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/dtb bs=256k count=1

    1+0 records in

    1+0 records out

    262144 bytes (256.0KB) copied, 0.014710 seconds, 17.0MB/s

    LibreELEC:~ # dd if=/flash/dtb.img of=/dev/dtb bs=256k

    0+1 records in

    0+1 records out

    38148 bytes (37.3KB) copied, 0.027595 seconds, 1.3MB/s

    LibreELEC:~ #

    Still, after being rebooted from the internal storage, elec wouldn't start.

    Any suggestions?

    The Sd card installed system is 64bit build. Does that matter?

  • Just got a Minix U1 up and running (8.0.2d) ,- huge thanks to the devs!!! Could anyone here confirm if they can get a 5ghz wifi connection? I can only see 2.4ghz networks.

  • Just got a Minix U1 up and running (8.0.2d) ,- huge thanks to the devs!!! Could anyone here confirm if they can get a 5ghz wifi connection? I can only see 2.4ghz networks.

    You should be able to but I won't be able to confirm this until my new router arrives.

  • Has anyone had problems upgrading to 8.0.2d?

    I tried to upgrade as per normal, (tar file with device tree in upgrade folder), reboot, and all I got was a black screen after reboot. I was running 8.0.2b from nand before the upgrade. I have an MXQ Pro 4k S905.

    I brought the box back to life, flashed 8.0.2d to a USB and everything worked fine again with the exception of the remote. Uploaded remote.conf file and got that working again. Tried to installtointernal again and got the black screen again. I was able to boot it from the USB again, but I'd prefer to be on nand as it's a little more responsive.

    Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. I may just go back to 8.0.2b as that was the last know working version for me.

    UPDATE: Downgraded to 8.0.2b and I get the same result when trying to copy to nand. All I get is a black screen when I try to boot from the nand; no boot logo, nothing, just pure blackness. When I put the USB stick that has LibreElec on it, it boots up fine from the USB stick.

    Any suggestions? As I stated previously, I've had these builds running off the internal disk before I tried to update to 8.0.2d.

  • just wanted to report to kszaq that latest build 8.0.2d (2017-06-27) is working great on my MXQ Pro 4k (s905 - p201) box.

    It sees WiFi networks, plays video flawlessly etc.

    I have not used the LIRC build (to use the IR remote the box came with) but I am using my regular TV remote over HDMI-CEC.

    I do have one question, what process are you guys using to write to local flash memory on your boxes?

    I am still running off of SD card since I am upgrading from my other Raspberry Pi B 2 based LibreELEC system.

  • just ssh and type installtointernal when running from sd.