Youtube Addon API Keys

  • Hello guys,

    Like everyone, I found youtube addon is not working anymore without a registered API.
    I already read this thread and I have not doubts on how to create personal keys: YouTube Plug-in Thread

    I'm not a paranoid guy but kinda like my privacy so my question is:

    Do I need to link these keys to a valid google account or is it a workaround to use it anonymous like in my browser?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hello guys,

    Like everyone, I found youtube addon is not working anymore without a registered API.
    I already read this thread and I have not doubts on how to create personal keys: YouTube Plug-in Thread

    I'm not a paranoid guy but kinda like my privacy so my question is:

    Do I need to link these keys to a valid google account or is it a workaround to use it anonymous like in my browser?

    Thank you in advance.

    Google doesn't use data from API key usage the same way that it uses data that it collects while using the youtube while logged in with a google account. API key usage is mostly just tracked to make sure nobody is abusing their service.

  • Hello cdu13a,

    Thank you for your reply but to be truth, we don't really know what google tracks and collects, actually, I think they are better ways to avoid abusing without needing personal keys.
    I'm just looking for a better way than creating a fake account just for these keys.


  • You have to log in to youtube to watch youtube vids. Google owns Youtube. What is the difference where you log in?

    If you have an Android phone you have a Google account, whether you are aware of it or not.

    Get the tin foil out.

  • Hello donbrew,

    What you said only applies to an android phone.
    Using a browser or even on samsung tv client, I don't need to [login|create keys] to watch videos.

    While probably they create a random serial to keep track and collect on both, using a VPN, I would be just another unknown, not giving them chance to relate it to my user (becoming paranoid that they are relating IP, UA, cookie and/or another method to get you).

    As I stated before, it is a matter of privacy, I appreciate freedom.


  • Every "App" ´that uses the api requires api keys. Every Samsung, iPhone whatever App that makes usage of it has its own api keys.

    If you use for example the Samsung TV client app, Samsung and Youtube knows what you are looking because the owner of the keys has extended logs what happens with it. So if you are saying that you don't need to enter keys at the Samsung client, it means you don't need to because Samsung has done it for you with their own keys.

  • Hello CvH,

    Yes, I know, my point is that using a pool of share keys as it was before, they know you are using a specific app but not who you are.

    So, I'm just another guy using kodi or samsung app, even so, if they created a unique serial, I just a number and not a specific person.

    That is basic anonymous that I'm asking for that is not fulfilled if I create a key related to my user.


  • Hi There,

    I'm wondering about this API creation : When creating credentials , which plateform should we choose for Libreelec ?

    If anyone has ever successfully done it on Libreelec

    _ Web site

    _ Web serveur

    _ Android

    _ Ios

    _ Chrome application

    _ Other app with user interface (windows)

    _ Other app without user interface (Crone, Deamon)

    I'm not sure wich one to choose.

    Currently, I still have an API number error whereas I checked the key several times as well the two other references.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • Hi basilean,

    did you finally find a way to get youtube working without personal API keys?

    I would be interessted as well!


    Hey Mat,
    Nope, I just quit using youtube through xbmc. I don't feel comfortable using a plugin that lets google to know about usage and link it to my user.
    The answers pointing to git howto, makes it clear you have to login into google in order to create keys so really it doesn't solve my question.

    I really hope this doesn't become a standard where people develops plugins that serves companies hidden interests.

  • every Youtube App uses API Keys, thats nothing new

    API keys are the gold standard at those services

    One thing is an api key to identified application that consumes service... this is complete different... we are talking a personal (user) key that would enable google to track your privacy (searches, videos you reproduce, etc).
    This practice attempts freedom, I'm not sure why you try to make it looks as it were ok.

  • One thing is an api key to identified application that consumes service... this is complete different... we are talking a personal (user) key that would enable google to track your privacy (searches, videos you reproduce, etc).
    This practice attempts freedom, I'm not sure why you try to make it looks as it were ok.

    It's a youtube/google restriction (iirc). You can't use their api without an api key. Apis use the api keys to make sure bad actors aren't abusing their api, and they throttle access via keys if needed.

    If you're worried about tracking, open a new Google account and get an api key for it. Or Google online to see if others like you are sharing anonymous api keys.

  • I have had no luck with this. After doing the consent screen, and then going back to add credentials I keep getting errors on the oAuth client create... and it will not create the oAuth client ID or key.....

  • I'm stuck as well. Unfortunately it seems like Google is no longer issuing API keys unless you have a domain. Could anyone more knowledgeable confirm we are doing this correctly? I've linked a stackoverflow forum about the Google API that seems to say the error is intended behavior, and provided screenshots of my setup in google.

    netlify - Domain name change for OAuth 2.0 Client IDs leads to errors in google developers console - Stack Overflow

  • So According to that now, the only way to get the clientID oAuth token is that you must have a valid domain, which you own and google can verify that you own..... So anyone using DynDNS services, or none at all, appear to luck out..... Oh well that saves me time trying to get youtube running....