No Audio on Raspberry Pi 4B

  • Although I have used KODI for a few years on Android devices, this is my first attempt to run KODI on the Raspberry 4B. I installed yesterday using LibreELEC version 9.1.501 with KODI 18.4 . Everything works well except for audio. I get no audio at all. I started with your default settings and then trying changing them to other settings and nothing seemed to work. I have verified that volume on the Raspberry and the television is on high. I also started up the motherboard using the Raspbian operating system and audio worked fine on a video over the internet. I have the Raspberry Pi connected to the TV with the official Raspberry Pi HDMI cable. Any suggestions for getting this resolved?

  • Can you check in System/Audio if you can change to PI HDMI or something ?

    If it's greyed and only pulseaudio is possible with bluetooth, then you need to wait a fix from Libreelec team.

  • I also have no audio on Raspberry Pi4 and I'm using the HDMI port closest to the USB C power port.

    It shows a red cross speaker icon on the top right underneath the time.

    I get audio to the tv when using Raspbian.

  • The red icon with a speaker and a cross indicates that sound is muted. To get sound again you need to press the mute button (F8 on keyboard) to toggle sound back on.

  • I had a similar problem with getting HDMI sound via the TV. It had been working ok for years but with the latest update to v9.0.2 I had to turn the volume on the TV to maximum just to hear something. I found if I paused the video and moved over to the settings option on the right hand side of the screen I was able to select an Audio menu. From here I found the volume option was all the way to the left, so I moved it all the way to the right (0.0). Choose the option to make this the default for other videos and it has been working fine for me ever since.

  • I'm having this problem on a RPi 4B. Neither HDMI Port has any sound to HDMI (audio worked fine with HiFi Berry HAT to optical -- I took the hat off to connect to hdmi tv). I installed LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-9.2.6. I have no problem selecting audio to PI HDMI, there are no warnings or errors, volume is cranked on Kodi and the audio settings set to (0.0). Any ideas?