problems with game-emulators. who is responsable?

  • hello, i'm new here,

    i am using LibreELEC 9.0.0 on my RPi3B. i installed some game-emulator add-ons via:

    Add-ons | Install from repository | LibreELEC Add-ons | Game-add-ons | Emulators | Atari-2600 (Stella), PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed), GCE-Vectrex (vecx), ...


    Add-ons | Install from repository | LibreELEC Add-ons | Game-add-ons | Support add-ons | ScummVM

    but ScummVM i don't get work, also Atari-Stella and some other add-ons do not work on my RPi3B under LibreELEC.

    my question is, who is responsable for those add-ons, who can i ask?

    Kodi or LibreELEC (because those add-ons where listed under "LibreELEC Add-ons")?

    for example:

    in ScummVM i don't know how to start Monkey Island1 (monkey.exe), 2 (monkey2.exe), 3 (course.exe).

    i only get the .exe file in the list to select. when i select the exe file, there is no ScummVM in the list as responsable add-on for that exe file.

    and for atari-2600 (stella), i can select a game file ("my_atari_rom.a26"), i get some sound, but no picture...

    only when i open the menü, i can see the in-game screen dimmed as the background, but when i leave the menu the screen is black again.

    for Vectrex, when i select a game file "my_vectrex_rom.bin", then nothing happens (i don't leave the "file browser", no error message).

    same behavioe, when selecting a playstation disk image "my_psx_disk_image.cue"

    PS.: using Retropie with my RPi3B, those equal emulators works.

    i own only a few games, so a retropie installation is way too much overkill.

    but i only want to use LibreELEC in the future...

  • Team Kodi are largely responsible for packaging the game add-on(s). Team LibreELEC are responsible for ensuring something compiles and we do the actual building (hence add-ons are in our repo). The fact that something compiles doesn't necessarily guarantee things will actually work; everybody is still learning about this stuff .. and the GUI still needs a lot of refinement to better guide users on how things should be used.

  • i am using LibreELEC 9.0.0 on my RPi3B. [...] but ScummVM i don't get work, [...] also Atari-Stella and some other add-ons do not work on my RPi3B under LibreELEC.

    The libretro.scummvm- available in the official repo seems to be still broken.
    Check this post with a solution and a link to the previous working version, libretro.scummvm- All the ScummVM games I tested work fine in my RPi3B with it.

    Sadly, for the Atari-Stella and many other emulators showing a black/blank screen when starting a game, and showing the image only while the overlay popup is enabled, I've not found any solution for the issue.

    Edited 2 times, last by librero (June 13, 2019 at 4:12 PM).

  • If you want something stable use Retroarch,Emulationstation and AdvancedEmulatorLauncher from Gamestarter you get more support on that here..and nicer UI to your roms collections.