LibreELEC (Leia) 9.0.0 RELEASE

  • Source: LibreELEC (Leia) 9.0.0 RELEASE – LibreELEC

  • very nice work, the most things for me what i use are working, the only thing where i have an problem is

    from playback BD's the audiotracks are not named, only the englisch and japanese one, all other audiotracks are named as unknown, so i need to search the german track, on le 8.2.5 this wors correctly, does someone know how i can fix this? or where the issue can be?

    BD+ not work




    Edited once, last by dainara (February 2, 2019 at 2:03 PM).

  • If I download the current nightly will it be equivalent to the released version?

    A nightly is a nightly, a release is a release. Just install the release version and you're gonna be good.

    Do i have to download the new release by myself or will the update happen at the next boot?

    If your box already knows there has been a release. You may try to trigger a check by setting it to manual and back to automatic again or just put the release tar.gz file to "updates" folder on the box and reboot it.

  • A nightly is a nightly, a release is a release. Just install the release version and you're gonna be good.

    There isn't a release for S905. The only images ready-made are the semi-official one offered by CvH and the one in

    I know that the latter is a nightly and I know what a nightly is, but the question was, if I download a nightly right now, it should more or less corresponds to the release image, shouldn't it?

  • I know that the latter is a nightly and I know what a nightly is, but the question was, if I download a nightly right now, it should more or less corresponds to the release image, shouldn't it?

    Oh, in this case it should be on par with the release, perhaps even a couple of commits fresher.