build for S905

  • Videostrong have 2 box together in their alibaba account more than mounth(hxxps://videostrong.en.alibaba.com/). I get my box from it in China with my friend in China. Also when i brick my box i ask him to firmware and receive firmware for K2 pro combo from it.

    Yes, but if you look with more attention, you can see that the KII is not our KII pro. I know that KII and it is WITHOUT DVB. That kII is present also on their website, our KII is not present.
    And it have another cpu: http://www.videostrong.com/productshow.asp?id=940&sid=260
    KII pro is a new product, I found now info about it: VideoStrong KII Pro Android Set-top Box with DVB-T2 & DVB-S2 Tuners Comes with 2GB RAM

    Edited once, last by willyfan (August 30, 2016 at 7:44 PM).

  • Testing this build.
    Works well on a minim8s
    I still have the jerky audio on usb. Will keep trying.
    If anyone has pointers to help track the problem, I'm read for some CLI commands ;)

  • I am on the latest test build too. It works fine. One minor thing about mpeg2 playback. No stuttering, but motion is not as smooth as mpeg4 or H.264 files. I tried to turn on and off HW acceleration in Kodi video settings for mpeg2 and quality of playback seems to be similar. I stay with 720p and up after all.

  • Sorry, some internal testing leftovers.

    Here's a build that should have it all working: LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz

    kszaq ,Is this test build for sd card boot or nand install. I cant install 006 build in nand of my mxq pro 4k box.does this have fixed issues installing it in nand?
    Pls provide link to test nand install build pls.i will try that.

    Testing this build.
    Works well on a minim8s
    I still have the jerky audio on usb. Will keep trying.
    If anyone has pointers to help track the problem, I'm read for some CLI commands ;)

    Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk

    Edited once, last by ram.khakurel (August 30, 2016 at 9:26 PM).

  • you mean putting the img.gz in storage/.update directory, right?

    Actually I was going to ssh into the box IP and put the update into the update folder. I read the update instructions and they are a little confusing. From page 1, steps 1&2 seem simple enough if ssh and update folder is the right place to start the update.
    3- After your device reboots and stops on first logo, connect your card to computer - do I pull the SD out of the box and put into my computer at this point?
    download aml_autoscript from release folder and replace the one that you have on the cards - (what release folder?) does this mean that I extract the image from the test release and put the aml_autoscript from the extraction onto the sdcard?

    help is appreciated

    Edited once, last by doggyofone (August 30, 2016 at 10:13 PM).

  • For upgrade on SD:
    go in LibreElec settings, and note the IP address. You need a net connection, if wifi don't work you can use wire.
    Connect to LibreElec with PC using PuTTY (putty.exe : http://www.putty.org/), put in host name or IP address your IP.
    at login, user is "root" and passwd is "libreelec"

    when connected, go in .update folder with command "cd .update"
    download the image with command "wget LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-7.0-devel-20160830160706-r23311-g51fe9ae.img.gz"
    in red the link at the image, it can be different in the future and/or for others box...
    when downloaded, restart LibreElec, and wait.

  • Thanks willyfan. Once LE is restarted do I pull the SD card and copy my Beelink M18 dtb.img on it?
    Moot point, the download keeps stalling. I cleared the part download with rm and the files name.

    Edited once, last by doggyofone (August 31, 2016 at 2:29 AM).

  • This is my current experience for the Sunvell T95m 2/8

    Works 100% on BOTH SD and NAND .005 (and on booting the NAND version T95m 4k logo only stays on screen for less than 2 seconds before LE starts with the message scrolling)

    On .006 I have managed to get it to boot to SD after testing the following, using kszaq suggestion of trying what could be similar tree entries

    gxbb_p200_2G_iNepo_Q.dtb Boots to LE but no network
    gxbb_p200_2G_mini_mxg_2_16.dtb Boots to LE but no network
    gxbb_p200_2G_t95max.dtb Boots to LE but no network
    gxbb_p200_2G_t95n_2g.dtb Boots to LE NETWORK OK

    I then tried to build the NAND version.. on top of the working .005 NAND

    It boots to the familiar golden T95m 4k logo, it stays on that for a lengthy time, the screen then goes blank, I then release the toothpick, it 'appears' to do the .006 install but then it reboots and stays on the T95m 4k logo for an extended amount of time and then it runs my .005 from the NAND!!

    I then tried the following, on a working NAND .005 I copied the .006 .img.gz file to the update folder and rebooted, it saw the update, went through all the steps with OK and rebooted, went to a lengthy T95m 4k logo and then ran the .005 NAND version.

    How do we get a working dtb.img file for this T95m 4k ?

    I have extracted the file from two different android firmwares

    Both firmwares work 100% on the box

    I have used the two files to boot on SD and can get to recovery, I have also been able to install TWRP and use without any issues, I am just unable to get .006 working from NAND on my T95m 2/8

    kszaq ? any pointers

    Edited once, last by silashack (August 31, 2016 at 5:18 AM).

  • Thanks willyfan. Once LE is restarted do I pull the SD card and copy my Beelink M18 dtb.img on it?
    Moot point, the download keeps stalling. I cleared the part download with rm and the files name.

    you don't need to pull the SD card. If you download the image with putty, you already have the image on sd, in the . Update folder.
    When you restart, update start in automatic. When finish, the system restart.
    If download don't work maybe you have some internet issue.

    William Fanelli

  • This is a thread for new build that comes after a few weeks of (slow) development. Since it contains a new kernel that requires a bit more work to be installed I decided to create a new thread. Please read the whole post before rushing to updating/installing and testing! Work-in-progress build 006 (2016-08-20)

    You are amazing! i struggled with sound issues on android 5.1.1 box (passthrough shizzle) and this just does it RIGHT!....

    Thanks a lot for this work, I would have thrown the box away if this didn't exist