LibreELEC 8.x images for additional dvb drivers

  • Hi, I am experiencing some bizare behaviour, maybe someone can enlight me over this.

    DiSec 4
    AA Hotbird 5W
    AB Hotbird 13E
    BA Astra 19.2 E
    BB Astra 28 E

    I successfully scanned AB, BA and BB.

    Any transponders in the network connected through AA returns "in error" for the scan, although the status shows a correct signal (ca. -45 dBm), but no signal/nois ratio.

    I have setup a (good) transponder from each of the other satellites in the AA network and activated the scan, but they all return "in error".
    I also tried to setup a transponder as listed b lyngsat for the bird, but no luck.

    The Antenna and diSec are working fine when on a TV satellite tuner (got all 4 positions working).

    What am I missing here ?

    Edited once, last by jcoenen (January 19, 2017 at 4:42 PM).

  • Hello!

    CvH, thank you, once again for a great work!
    Good news that additional DVB drivers are now part of the main LE8 image!

    Could you please, help, to make sure that in LE 8 images max adapter_nr could be set up to 64?
    adapter_nr=32 is not enough with new octa tuner cards like TBS 6909 and TBS 6209.

    Thank you!

  • Digital Devices Cine S2 V7 is not working with your build, I know you mentioned this, I just wanted to try and share my result.

    You can tune some channels, but switching high/low is not working.

  • Can you please reupload this versions so I can have a go?

    You can use the official LibreELEC 7.95.1 (LE8 Beta1) there is the support included.

    Could you please, help, to make sure that in LE 8 images max adapter_nr could be set up to 64?

    really ? 4x 8-tuner cards are not enough ? O_o

    Digital Devices Cine S2 V7 is not working with your build

    yes known problem, official drivers do not compile at kernel 4.9 - so nothing i can do till they fix their drivers (the oss drivers that i use have no support for v7)

  • really ? 4x 8-tuner cards are not enough ? O_o

    I made a server with 7 cards. It was TBS 6904 and 6905 (quad-cards) back then.

    Now we can install 6 or 7 TBS 6909 octa cards in the standard motherboard.

    And there is extreme server with PCIe splitter and total of 8 PCIe cards. It was setup on OE6 back then with TBS-Crazycat drivers. And max adapter_nr was 64 in that build.

    There is additional reason to have higher numbers available.
    I set adapter numbers from 11 upwards instead of 1 upwards, because in other case adapter number 2 would be after 19 and number 3 - after 29, so card inputs would mix up in the list.

    Now SAT>IP server in tvheadend is working OK, so probably no need to use PCIe splitter, but 6 cards in the server is easy to do and very useful.

    With FBC (Full Base Capture) (or FSC - Full Spectrum Capture) technology - more integration is coming.
    TBS 6909 has 8 demodulators and tuners integrated in the single chip!
    We could see cards with 16 and 32 demodulators in the future.

    Edited once, last by sat-fan (January 24, 2017 at 7:00 PM).

  • Yea I guess why not set this value to 64, have to read if it has some downside. Btw have you the possibility to test this (if i made a build)?

    Yes, I have!
    It is simple, no need to have lots of adapters :)
    Just one DVB adapter and try to set different adapter_nr for it and reboot.
    When setting a number higher than 63, for example, 64 - the adapter gets number 0 instead of 64.
    Now it is the case with numbers higher than 31.

    Thank you!

    Edited once, last by sat-fan (January 24, 2017 at 9:20 PM).

  • yes known problem, official drivers do not compile at kernel 4.9 - so nothing i can do till they fix their drivers (the oss drivers that i use have no support for v7)

    Which error do you see? I tested the official drivers successfully about two weeks ago using this

    It may look familiar to you as it is "borrowed" from your GitHub repository.

    Edited once, last by mglae (January 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM).