LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • No. The directories in /tmp are an overlay filesystem that allows read and write access otherwise you wouldn't be able to update assets or retroarch-joypad-autoconfig through Retroarchs update function because /usr/share/retroarch would be read-only.

    As stated above RA 1.7.4 was a broken "stable release" so delete your retroarch.cfg and re-run retroarch to create a correct default config.

    Sorry my mistake it was the /usr/share entry obviously. Some of the directories have changed from ~/.config/retroarch/ to /tmp.

    The dir that specifically made my controllers stop working was:

    joypad_autoconfig_dir = "/tmp/autoconfig"

    Should be:

    joypad_autoconfig_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/autoconfig"

    I'm not sure why you've changed from the .config folder to tmp folder on certain entries but I prefer .config as I can access this over samba by default.

  • 5schatten yeeeep, the issue of "No playback after updating" was on my own derp, i ha dto update my netflix payment. (brother pays it , we share the account since we live in the same house) and he had to get a new debit card from his bank aftre he got Skimmed last month :/ .. i had completly forgotten to update it w/ the new card! XD

    still cant figureout how to get Amiberry WHLoad games working still, after adding it to the file types it launches but games fail to load.

  • Sorry my mistake it was the /usr/share entry obviously. Some of the directories have changed from ~/.config/retroarch/ to /tmp.

    The dir that specifically made my controllers stop working was:

    joypad_autoconfig_dir = "/tmp/autoconfig"

    Should be:

    joypad_autoconfig_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/autoconfig"

    I'm not sure why you've changed from the .config folder to tmp folder on certain entries but I prefer .config as I can access this over samba by default.

    I already gave you a brief explanation. If you don't understand it well then better don't change it.;)

    Learn what an overlay filesystem is and when it's used. Overlay filesystem - ArchWiki then compare this new knowledge with this file at libreelec-9.0-rr · 5schatten/ · GitHub and I hope you will understand why your changes are not really needed.

  • is anyone else getting jailbars when playing with the the beetle psx emulator? doesn't matter which version i use (hardware or software) both have faint stripped vertical dotted lines when running my isos.

  • Beta 05 is online:

    • updated to latest LE9.0 upstream
    • updated Kodi 18 to Beta 2
    • updated Kodi binary addons
    • updated generic & RPi kernel to 4.18.7
    • updated mesa to 18.2.0 final
    • updated vulkan-loader to 1.1.84
    • updated several libretro-cores
    • updated dolphin to r5.0-8716
    • added nestopia as NES emulator -> accessible in RA
    • updated retroarch files
    • simplified ES quit menu
    • reworked package build files for upcoming Amlogic images

    Edited once, last by 5schatten (September 12, 2018 at 5:29 PM).

  • Cael

    I had no time to really have a deeper look on it. I found some stuff in RetroPie scripts and I plan to add this feature if possible but that will take some time /shrug

    much appreciated, for now its to the tedium of floppy swapping. but might want to note on the first page WHLoad atm doesnt work/isnt supported for now.

  • Here is a interesting question, have some of you ever try to port Steam on LE?

    It will be nice solution only for streaming games, because RP and Amlogic graphic cards can't support the required performance of the games, but for home streaming will be perfect :)

    LE is only x64 bit lib and Steam is x86 lib, i think only block of porting is only the bit library.


  • I've talked to Escalade about it and he told me he uses docker to realise it and it works quite good. But since I have moonlight embedded included and an Nvidia GPU in my desktop system I can also play every game I want on my generic & RPi based systems./shrug


    I don't want to promise too much but I think I've got a working solution. At least I was able to run your game from a terminal with some script hacking. So next build will probably feature some WHDLoad capabilities :/^^

    Edited once, last by 5schatten (September 12, 2018 at 10:59 PM).

  • Hello
    How are you doing to solve the problem with nvdia boards in the dolphin emulator.
    OpenGL driver does not support ARB_buffer_storage?
    Game gets too slow

    This article is 5 years old and covers that topic. What kind of "nvidia board" do you use? If it's not supported until today you probably have to think about changing your hardware /shrug:/

  • Beta 05a (RPi only) is online:

    • updated to latest LE9.0 upstream
    • updated amiberry to latest version
    • completely reworked the amiberry start script
    • added amiberry support for WHDLoad (.lha) & Interchangeable Preservation Format (.ipf) -> delete your es_systems.cfg before you update
    • added support for .uae config files -> copy /storage/.config/amiberry/conf/amiberry-default.uae to /storage/roms/amiga & adjust it to your needs (dont forget the floppies & add the path to your game files!)
    • changed Kickstart folder to /storage/roms/bios/Kickstarts  so remove the old symlink rm /storage/.config/amiberry/kickstarts & move your kickstart roms to the Kickstartssubfolder in the bios folder before you update
    • added workaround for libretro-mame2003-plus -> added libretro-database to scrape games


    Edited 9 times, last by 5schatten (September 13, 2018 at 7:21 PM).

  • Beta 05a (RPi only) is uploading:

    • updated to latest LE9.0 upstream
    • updated amiberry to latest version
    • completely reworked the amiberry start script
    • added amiberry support for WHDLoad (.lha) & Interchangeable Preservation Format (.ipf) -> delete your es_systems.cfg before you update
    • added support for .uae config files -> copy /storage/.config/amiberry/conf/amiberry-default.uae to /storage/roms/amiga & adjust it to your needs (dont forget the floppies & add the path to your game files!)
    • changed Kickstart folder to /storage/roms/bios/Kickstarts  so remove the old symlink rm /storage/.config/amiberry/kickstarts & move your kickstart roms to the Kickstartssubfolder before you update
    • added workaround for libretro-mame2003-plus -> added libretro-database to scrape games


    i haveto scoot for Family problems (i nee dto be a stand-in caretaker for my elderly grandma,) from 2 to 6 EST, so this will be a nice thing to dive right into when i get home! gonna have fun w/ The Adventures of Willy Beamish :3