LE 8.2.5 with UHD 630 / Coffee Lake / Gemini Lake support and luks

  • dkhait

    I recommend using bluetooth for a remote or at least a FLIRC. Only for wake up using IR.

    I did start with IR RC6 on my Haswell NUC. That was painfull slow with my Harmony 650.

    The i moved on to FLIRC with Harmony FLIRC HTPC profile, that was much faster. A FLIRC acts as a keyboard and works all the time without OS software support. But you need a windows to make firmware updates. I did an update only once as it was new and use the preprogrammed factory profiles.

    Now i use a Harmony Elite with bluetooth. This is faster then my eyes, when it is scrolling.

    Built in ir doesnt work well on NUC7CJYH . i basically have to be right at it for it to work. Take 2 step away and it stopped responding. i been using usb mce ir. I will look into FLIRC. thank you

  • In case of IR issue it's a good idea to look into the media build / crazycat / dvb packages - or disable them. They also replace the rc-core subsystem which is responsible for IR remotes.

    Very slow IR response with harmony remotes and current kernels <= 4.17 is mostly caused by setting command repeat to 0 (or 1). Set it to 1 (or 2) so that the remote sends at least 2 IR messages on a short button press.

    The current linux media tree (which will go into 4.18) contains improvements in this area which make IR remotes a lot snappier (even Harmony remotes with command repeat disabled). I've backported these to kernel 4.14 (they are merged in LE master tree), when using kernel 4.17-rcX you can probably just pick these commits:

    Read the discussion here for details: [PATCH v2 0/7] Improve latency of IR decoding — Linux media

    so long,


  • some updates ... what was done:


    - just the kernel


    - just the kernel

    - the Gemini Lake workaround version is updated too

  • Hi,

    i'm using build 6.42.1-201805201653-kernel-4.17-rc5-bug-105887-workaround with an Asrock J4105-ITX,

    the "No Signal" Bug seems to be gone.

    Thank's for your work =)

  • 5schatten

    My is 2014 revision. It's recognized by libreelec and TVH,
    But in THV have the bug that i referred.

    After reboot THV not reconized DVB-C and if recognized get no sinal bug or all tuners goes to RED color.
    I think the THV and drivers have problems with order detection of Tuners [ 1x RTL2832 ( DVB-T) and 2x MN88473( DVB-T2 / C) , because when i reboot, it not works any more. Just work at first boot when i scan channels. After reboot is very difficult get it working again( need many reboots and disable tricks)...

    I think that's the problem:
    Tvheadend starting slowly with a HD-901T2 DVB-T2 USB stick: The udev solution

    HOOOWWW i found one solution FIX!!!

    Solution fix by MikeB2013 edit by Joris van puyenbroeck to work on libreelec!!!!

    Page Link: mn88473 (Astrometa?) problem - Tvheadend

    Astrometa DVB-T2 USB BUG FIX - Libreelec

    On Libreelec :
    STEP 1

    set static adapter number to astrometa (i also choose adapter5)

    create /etc/modprobe.d/astrometa.conf by

    $ nano /etc/modprobe.d/astrometa.conf

    add to astrometa.conf

    #Configuration file for Astrometa DVB-T2 USB receiver
    #Note firmware dvb-demod-mn88473-01.fw in /lib/firmware
    #force consistent adapter numbering
    options dvb-usb-rtl28xxu adapter_nr=5

    and i saved the file.

    STEP 2

    created the file /storage/swop_astrometa_frontend.sh ( /storage is writable on flash card, /etc/ is not in LE)
    $ nano /storage/swop_astrometa_frontend.sh

    The content of the script will be slightly different in Libreelec , due to slightly different service commands

    $ nano swop_astrometa_frontend.sh

    add to swop_astrometa_frontend.sh


    #swops frontend for Astrometa DVB-T/T2 usb dongle ID 15f4:0131 HanfTek

    #this is necessary due to device having single demux

    systemctl stop service.tvheadend42 &&

    cd /dev/dvb/adapter5 && mv frontend0 frontend99 && mv frontend1 frontend0 &&

    systemctl start service.tvheadend42

    made it executable with

    $ chmod 755 swop_astrometa_frontend.sh

    STEP 3

    $ nano /storage/.config/autostart.sh

    add to swop_astrometa_frontend.sh

    after this reboot the machine, after it reboots, check by doing

    $ ls /dev/dvb/adapter5

    and you should get

    demux0 dvr0 frontend0 frontend99 net0

    Edited 12 times, last by psycmos (May 24, 2018 at 11:45 PM).

  • There are news about the workaround in the bug link (see 1st post), but I did not have time to check or build it.

    I am in the middle of optimizing my build VM to get below 90min for a full build. And I am on a business trip, so no time to spare.


    I hope i have time on the weekend.

  • some updates ... what was done:


    - just the kernel

    - this will be the last 5.42 build, because Coffee Lake works great for me with 6.42 and latest Gemini Lake Workarounds are not working with 4.14


    - added 2 Gemini Lake workarounds to my normal build (but you need to configure /flash/syslinux.cfg)

    Gemini Lake workarounds details only in 8.2.5-6.42.1-kernel-4.16.13

    You need to configure your /flash/syslinux.cfg with i915.glkhdmi=1 or i915.glkhdmi=2 (see below for the parameters)

    The patch is taken from here ubuntu-4.15.0-23.25...4.15.0-23.25-glktesting and changed to work with 4.16.

    So please tel me if it is working.

  • 8.2.5-6.42.1-kernel-4.16.13

    - added 2 Gemini Lake workarounds to my normal build (but you need to configure /flash/syslinux.cfg)

    i.915.glkhdmi=2 is working on an Asrock J5005-ITX.

  • This is my next attempt to get AMD Vega and Raven APU running. I followed the pointers from @piotrasd here #54 and i also (hopefully) enabled VAAPI for r600 and radeonsi, but i only used vanilla kernels.

    In piotrasd thread Experimental build AMD GPU (Vega, Ryzen APU) are some suggestions for kernel command line parameters that could help.

    Please test if you like and tel me what is working and what does not. I dont have any AMD hardware and can not test.

    some updates ... what was done:

    Edit: now included in normal build beginning with 6.42.2

    8.2.5-6.42.1-4.16.13-201806020915 / 8.2.5-6.42.1-4.17-rc7-201806020927

    - kernel 4.16.13 / 4.17-rc7

    - amdgpu r600 / radeonsi now with VAAPI support PR allow using vaapi with r600 and radeonsi by lrusak · Pull Request #2403 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub needed some tweaks and changes

    - PR 2403 did libva --disable-glx and i removed glu dependency, for mesa --enable-va

    - amdgpu new package amdgpu-firmware with latest firmware for vega10, vega12, vegam, raven from here Index of /~agd5f/radeon_ucode

    - package linux now depends on amdgpu-firmware

    - beacause of all the changes i did a full build

    8.2.5-7.42.0-4.16.13-201806020912 / 8.2.5-7.42.0-4.17-rc7-201806020925 HiDrive

    - kernel 4.16.13 / 4.17-rc7

    - Mesa 3D update 18.1.1

    - amdgpu r600 / radeonsi now with VAAPI support PR allow using vaapi with r600 and radeonsi by lrusak · Pull Request #2403 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub needed some tweaks and changes

    - PR 2403 did libva --disable-glx and i removed glu dependency, for mesa --enable-va

    - amdgpu new package amdgpu-firmware with latest firmware for vega10, vega12, vegam, raven from here Index of /~agd5f/radeon_ucode

    - package linux now depends on amdgpu-firmware

    - beacause of all the changes i did a full build

    Edited 3 times, last by sky42 (June 4, 2018 at 8:34 AM).

  • 8.2.5-6.42.1-kernel-4.16.13

    - added 2 Gemini Lake workarounds to my normal build (but you need to configure /flash/syslinux.cfg)

    Both i915.glkhdmi parameters are working on NUC7PJYH. Since we have 3 different workarounds now, is there one more preferable over the other?