Hello, everybody,
I got a rockchip android box.
Can you tell me what the right IMG is for that?
Thank you very much
and greetings from Germany
Hello, everybody,
I got a rockchip android box.
Can you tell me what the right IMG is for that?
Thank you very much
and greetings from Germany
Display MoreHello, everybody,
I got a rockchip android box.
Can you tell me what the right IMG is for that?
Thank you very much
and greetings from Germany
None of the images will work on your device.
You can check here for an image that boots with networking problems etc. - H96 MAX RK3399
I uploaded new builds, only change that they include now DVB drivers
no time yet to testrun them
Display MoreThat bluetooth will help in future.
You are using the wrong image, it must be rk3328-trn9.
Try this latest image for working remote and wifi.
Older image with working 4K HDR support.
maybe this could help as well for bluetooth rtl8723bs
maybe this could help as well for bluetooth rtl8723bs
I'll send a donation to anyone that can get the rtl8723bs bluetooth working on MVR9.
Will also try again to test the bluetooth.
Here is the bluetooth documentation and changes for Android, now just need some extra changes from maybe Tinkerboard, Rock64 to load bluetooth correctly.
mo123 polo_joe I have updated the rockchip-firmware package to include more device ids related to rtl8723bs bluetooth in rockchip-firmware: add more rules for rtl8723bs · Kwiboo/LibreELEC.tv@a4cfea3 · GitHub, please post the output of cat /sys/bus/sdio/devices/*/uevent to confirm that the vendor/device used in your boxes is included
From my Tinker Board S:
this is the relatet output
This one should already be supported, I need to test this on my MVR9 box, from what I recall bluetooth worked last time I tested a few months ago on that box and still works on my Tinker Board S from testing earlier today.
This one should already be supported, I need to test this on my MVR9 box, from what I recall bluetooth worked last time I tested a few months ago on that box and still works on my Tinker Board S from testing earlier today.
If I activate bluetooth in libreelec settings no bluetooth adapter is found.
Let me know, If you need further output.
If I activate bluetooth in libreelec settings no bluetooth adapter is found.
Let me know, If you need further output.
I belive I have found the issue with bluetooth on MVR9, the trn9 schematics shows that uart2/ttyS2 is used for bluetooth and the hciattach-realtek.service is tyring to initialize it using uart0/ttyS0.
You can try to cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/hciattach-realtek.service /storage/.config/system.d/ and change ttyS0 to ttyS2 and restart the box to see if bluetooth starts working.
tried that, still no Bluetooth Adapter found.
Description=Attach /dev/ttyS2 to BlueZ stack
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/rfkill unblock bluetooth
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rtk_hciattach -n -s 115200 ttyS2 rtk_h5
ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/rfkill block bluetooth
Display More
kernel log http://ix.io/1mke
tried that, still no Bluetooth Adapter found.
kernel log http://ix.io/1mke
Looks like Debug Shell serial-console.service is also started on ttyS2, more tuning is needed to get bluetooth working.
I think this is why I skipped bluetooth on trn9 in the first place
The output of journalctl --no-pager -u hciattach-realtek.service could also help
EDIT: You can remove console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 from extlinux/extlinux.conf on the sd-card to disable the debug shell
PVR/1080i should work now, 576i not yet
xbmc/xbmc@bee0586 + Pull Request #2925 + Pull Request #2927
Looks like Debug Shell serial-console.service is also started on ttyS2, more tuning is needed to get bluetooth working.
I think this is why I skipped bluetooth on trn9 in the first place
The output of journalctl --no-pager -u hciattach-realtek.service could also help
EDIT: You can remove console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 from extlinux/extlinux.conf on the sd-card to disable the debug shell
I removed console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 from extlinux.conf,
this is the journalctl output:
this is the journalctl output:
Looks like it starts to timeout after final_speed 1500000, that baudrate change seems to work fine on tinker board, need to investigate more on my own trn9 box
PVR/1080i should work now, 576i not yet
xbmc/xbmc@bee0586 + Pull Request #2925 + Pull Request #2927
Thanks, best build I try for my rock64 until now.
HW acceleration works good, resolution switch, HDMI CEC and HDR (tonemapping ) work too.
Now only 4K 50/60Hz limit and it will be near good for me.
Good to know about the remote in LibreELEC.
I will build a new version this weekend with the remote and LED changes and add addon support.
I see the latest changes from Kwiboo isn't merged yet into LibreELEC, I will see if I can include all the changes, maybe the updated kernel changes also add power changes.
The power is maybe a Kodi problem and it needs to enter standby/sleep mode instead of complete power off, I will check if I find something to help.
There is an Advanced Power addon for Kodi/LibreELEC, maybe somehow it can help and work better than the libreELEC power icon?
Check if you have this setting to change suspend: System -> System -> Power saving - Shutdown function (Enable Expert Settings first)
PVR/1080i should work now, 576i not yet
Rock64 / Tvheadend HTSP Client
I just tried this new image and got a pleasant surprise when 50 fps played in my first chosen HD channel.
I then tried another channel and 25 fps was all i could get on playback.
I tried another and i got 50 fps playback.
I tried another and 25 fps.
I have the issue where some 4 of my HD free to air channels are played at 50 fps and other 2 are still played at 25 fps.
I recorded 3 of the HD channels and uploaded them on link below. One plays at 50 fps and the other 2 (7HD , ABC HD)do not.
The one that plays 50 fps and the other that plays at 25 fps. (Both play 50 fps on my server box tx7 krypton)
Important info on my free to air stations link