feedback for test build LibreELEC-RK3328

  • Two of those Repos were last updated in March ... did you try the latest official Alpha?

    That 2nd Repo i linked. Official one. Which just doesn't boot.

    The beta version (which is v10 Alpha for Rockchip) doesn't work too (which to be expected, since i tried compilation from github)

    Edited once, last by Dante4 (December 24, 2018 at 10:38 AM).

  • I get both HLG and HDR10 flags correctly on the Z28pro and rockpro64 with this line:

    frame->type = hdr_source_metadata->type;

    removed with 'linux-0001-rockchip.patch'.

    My Tv is an LG UK6950PLB.

  • I'm experiencing sudden reboots with the latest builds on my mvr9 box. There is no crash log and nothing suspicious in the logs.

    Anyone else experiencing similar issues?

  • I'm experiencing sudden reboots with the latest builds on my mvr9 box. There is no crash log and nothing suspicious in the logs.

    Anyone else experiencing similar issues?

    Do you play any particular video stream or use dvb, pvr addons?

    If it's a problem with some online video but not local stored media, can you post a link to such media causing problems so someone can also test?

    I've been using LE on my MVR9 for the past week with no issues playing media from a USB3 drive.

  • I see if you use 'Power off' and then turn off your device and the tv and turn the power back on and it boots into LE automatically,

    then the default resolution is 720p and auto frame-rate switching is not working anymore.

    Then I have to use 'Reboot' in the Power off menu before it goes to 4K and auto frame-rate switching works again.

    Kwiboo Is there a solution to this problem on RK3328 and possibly RK3399?

    I hope test builds with 4.20 RK kernel can also be available soon for users to test and report bugs on, but beta builds are probably still months away.

  • reboots happen during watching dvb HD channels (720p) in livetv. I now tried deactivating bluetooth in extlinux, maybe this helps. Will report back.

    Test builds with New kernel would be interesting.

  • reboots happen during watching dvb HD channels (720p) in livetv. I now tried deactivating bluetooth in extlinux, maybe this helps. Will report back.

    Test builds with New kernel would be interesting.

    You can also check what dvb addon is used and in the Kodi forums for the addon or under the Linux section check if there is any particular problem with that addon or also report it there. It is most likely an addon problem or bug then. Maybe there is a new version of the addon already available, then need to build a new LE. Please check if it's possible to post a log if the problem happens or use SSH from a PC to access the last saved log.

    You can also press 'o' during video playback to check what codec is used, if hardware acceleration or software decoding is used, not sure if it also works during dvb playback.

  • I'm using pvr.hts and development build for tvh 4.3. As already menioned I can't find anything in the kodi log and tvh service log gets overwritten after reboot. The mentioned dvb channels are hardware accelerated.

    Do you have an idea how to edit dtb file to get the power button working in le?

    So far I had no success with install on emmc.

  • hello,

    purchased the "H96 Max",tried nearly ten images in the last 4-5 hours to find a working libreelec image for this box,but it seems there isn´t one at the moment.

    flashed it with recommned "RK3328-BOX_7.1.2_20180620.2051_H96MAX" image.

    the box is rooted,got two different tools to "reboot to libreelec"...

    entering the boot menu works,but if i choose there there to reboot into it it fails.

    box is still powered and led on,but black screen.

    some help would be great,furthermore i ordered a X96mini S905X , so far as i could read putting libreelec on it should be easier.


  • purchased the "H96 Max",tried nearly ten images in the last 4-5 hours to find a working libreelec image for this box,but it seems there isn´t one at the moment.

    flashed it with recommned "RK3328-BOX_7.1.2_20180620.2051_H96MAX" image.

    I think you need to explain what tried nearly 10 images means ???

    Your box is not in the LIST of nightlies.

    Are you burning Libreelec images to an SD Card ?? in the hope your box will boot without a device tree ???

    Your box is currently not a supported device in testing and the recommended image you mention is from where ??????

    Please read LibreELEC (Leia) v8.95.2 BETA – LibreELEC

  • ten different images for the 3328...tried them on sd-cards and usb sticks with the LibreELEC.USB-SD.Creator.Win32.

    booting no problem with "normal" image.

    ok it´s my fault,read that rockchip 3328 works with libreelec,don´t read deeper about this....should have done this.

    ..."Generic Rockchip Box"..

    so i will return the box and get some s905x for it...

    or maybe "better" hardware hints? ;)


  • chewitt

    do you think that there will be a LE Version for the MVR9 device without issues like no HDAudio in the (near) future ?

    Or asking in a further context : what do you think, how long will it take until all this mainline kernel stuff is done ?
    I know all these answers like : its done when its done and little shitstorms if someone is asking about timelines for milestones.

    I know developers investing a lot of free time for the community, also..

    but - is there a schedule ?

  • Kwiboo

    Can you include one of the patches mentioned here?

    [GLES] memcpy instead multi glTexSubImage2D for planes with pitch by peak3d · Pull Request #15286 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub

    Amlogic LE builds seem to play software decoded 720 Netflix better now with those changes.

    Maybe it can help with RK3328 software decoding Inputstream DRM streams too like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video etc?

    I get the following compile error:

    LinuxRendererGLES.cpp:286:19: error: 'GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH' was not declared in this scope

    Compile error: [C++] GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH error - Pastebin.comSeems the LibreELEC Kodi code is different then Kodi Github branch.

  • Can you include one of the patches mentioned here?

    I will do some tests using this and I am also working on an alternative where software decoded video can be rendered using direct-to-plane instead of the GLES pipeline, it will not be zero-copy rendering but rendering would bypass gpu, downside is no deinterlace support.

    I get the following compile error

    This is due to Kodi using something that is defined in GLES3/gl3.h without including this header. The libmali package is using the latest EGL-Registry and OpenGL-Registry include files, if it works using mesa or Android without GLES3/gl3.h it is probably because they use non-standard include files.

    Edit: It looks like gl3.h is included from xbmc/system_gl.h at master · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub, I am guessing this compile issue only happens on non GLES3 targets. GLES3 headers should be installed for RK3288/RK3399 targets (they support GLES 3.1/3.2).

    Edit2: I pushed some commits to Commits · Kwiboo/xbmc · GitHub including a fixup that should fix compile issues on RK3328 (it now checks if GLES3 headers exists). Test images including these changes can be found on Index of /test/ (untested).

    Edited once, last by Kwiboo (January 20, 2019 at 9:26 AM).