I understand that there is a version 4.1 out.
How to install this version?
I understand that there is a version 4.1 out.
How to install this version?
I understand that there is a version 4.1 out.
How to install this version?
I would guess (I haven't tested yet) that This should work as it will pull the latest image.
I just installed pi-hole. Excellent piece of SW!
First I tried Linux-Server image and it worked great! I allowed me to set my own port for WebGUI (8084 in my case). I wanted to try newer version, so I uninstaled this one and go to v4.1 by following Iridium's post and punkid's one.
So, after doing:
docker pull pihole/pihole:latest
I created script file:
docker run -d \
--name pihole \
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-p 53:53/tcp \
-p 53:53/udp \
-p 80:80 \
-e DNS1= \
-e DNS2= \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime \
-v /storage/.config/pihole/:/etc/pihole \
-v /storage/.config/pihole/dnsmasq.d/:/etc/dnsmasq.d \
-v /storage/.config/pihole/html/:/var/www/html/html/ \
-h $(cat /etc/hostname) \
-e ServerIP=$(ip route get | awk '{ print $NF; exit }') \
-e WEBPASSWORD=654321 \
--restart=unless-stopped \
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And everything worked great. I accessed config page normally. Since v4 pi-hole does not come with any blacklists I decided to add some:
And that's it. Everything works.
But, one option remain problem for me. I already have multiple lighttpd servers runing on LE and in order to accomodate pi-hole I moved one to other port. I tried messing with -p option but everything except 80:80 is not working properly or at all. Any workaround is known?
Also, what about -e ServerIP? I put, but Iridium suggested and punkid suggested 192.168.1.x. Should I use DNS address, internal host or LAN IP?
AFAIK changing the port has to be done in the lighttpd.conf file. But any changes at that level will be overwritten with any upgrade.
DNS setting are the upsteam DNS not local. So for DNS1 will be for Quad9, for Google or whatever you fancy. All this can be done in the web gui, so shouldn't be necessary in the script.
LibreELEC 9.0 on x86
I tried to install Pi-Hole and it worked the 1st time (I was able to access the web ui).
The I rebooted the machine and it didn't start. I tried to uninstall PiHole and Docker and reinstall them.
No luck.
What am I doing wrong ?
LibreELEC 9.0 on x86
I tried to install Pi-Hole and it worked the 1st time (I was able to access the web ui).
The I rebooted the machine and it didn't start. I tried to uninstall PiHole and Docker and reinstall them.No luck.
What am I doing wrong ?
Are you using the pihole addon or the docker commands?
Are you using the pihole addon or the docker commands?
I'm using the add-on. I don't know Docker too much. But I can try the commands if it's the way to go. My concern was those commands (in this thread) seems for the RPi. I don't know how to change it for X86.
I'm using the add-on. I don't know Docker too much. But I can try the commands if it's the way to go. My concern was those commands (in this thread) seems for the RPi. I don't know how to change it for X86.
Doesn't really matter. I'm on x86 platform and everything works great.
First uninstall add-on version. Then try to follow my post here.
AFAIK changing the port has to be done in the lighttpd.conf file. But any changes at that level will be overwritten with any upgrade.
DNS setting are the upsteam DNS not local. So for DNS1 will be for Quad9, for Google or whatever you fancy. All this can be done in the web gui, so shouldn't be necessary in the script.
I just checked Pi-Hole Docker page here and according to developer:
QuoteUpgrade Notices:
Docker Pi-Hole v4.2.2
- ServerIP no longer a required enviroment variable! Feel free to remove it unless you need it to customize lighttpd
- --cap-add NET_ADMIN no longer required unless using DHCP, leaving in examples for consistency
Docker Pi-Hole v4.1.1+
Starting with the v4.1.1 release your Pi-hole container may encounter issues starting the DNS service unless ran with the following setting:
--dns= --dns=
The second server can be any DNS IP of your choosing, but the first dns must be
Which is good news. I will upgrade to newest version. Script can be simplified and 2 of my concerns are solved
I stopped using pi-hole under docker and libreelec. Was finding that there would be random freezing and no error log being created. Would have to power cycle the raspberry pi 3b inorder to gain control again.
How do I install this, manually rather than using the addon version.
It seems to me the addon version may be slightly out of date.
Is it possible to pihole checkout dev (latest development build) but under docker, or do I need to work within what's encoded into docker images?
The official pihole repository might be fine to be honest, but the one in LibreElec is out of date.
I didn't update the addon version for a couple of reasons.
1. The latest version image simply didn't work on a lot of arm boxes.
2. They changed how a lot of the settings are input, leading to any web gui settings changes reverting back every time the container is restarted
So, what is the suggested route now to install pi-hole: add-on or container?
I didn't update the addon version for a couple of reasons.
1. The latest version image simply didn't work on a lot of arm boxes.
2. They changed how a lot of the settings are input, leading to any web gui settings changes reverting back every time the container is restarted
Please don't take my question as criticism, thank you for the hard work.
I am fine with getting it manually, (mind you, I did that and it seemed to grab the latest version and it works fine)
Please don't take my question as criticism, thank you for the hard work.
I am fine with getting it manually, (mind you, I did that and it seemed to grab the latest version and it works fine)
Not at all. I just wanted to clarify that it was a deliberate decision to hold it back, and that we didn't abandon it
So, what is the suggested route now to install pi-hole: add-on or container?
Addon is easier to set up, it still works, but is on an older version.
Setting it up manually will get you the latest version, but may not work on some arm boxes out of the box and require some manual steps to fix it.
I would suggest trying the manual method first and if you have issues, use the addon.
So I manaully installed it but it refused to actually work and I'm not sure why.
Can someone please give me the EXACT string command to install it? Assuming I want the webUI on 56133?
I think I need to specify a server port and that's where it's going wrong?
Just an update on the pihole docker addon situation.
We still do not plan on updating the pihole docker addon due to the issues listed above.
However, there is now a docker addon for adguard, which is just as good if not better.
It runs in docker much nicer than pihole. All the settings are done via the gui.
It is available in the linuxserver docker addon repo.
Here's a blog article on adguard: AdGuard Home: First Thoughts