How to Enable Bluetooth

  • Hi All.

    I am very new to this and I want to pair my Bluetooth speakers to my RPI3 running LibreElec any help will be highly appreciated

    I know the Bluetooth on my RPI and my speakers are working as I can pair the RPI and the speakers in Rasbian and play music from the web browers (example an internet radio)

    I go in libreElect Settings Bluetooth and it always show Bluetooth disabled ,I have looked in all settings possible but no where do I see something that enables Bluetooth.

    If someone will help me with a description or instruction where to find this I will be grateful

    Thank you very much


  • I change default skin to Confluence, precisely cause in default skin "LE Settings" didn't appear. I'll see under "add-ons" like you told me.

    Thank you

    Update: Effectively, there are an addon called "LibreElec Settings" and now I can enable Bluetooth. ;)

  • This works fine

    But is it possible for it to drop back to a default source when the Bluetooth one can't be found?

    Be nice if I could turn the speaker on to listen to music, but when I turned it off it just dropped back to SDIF/HDMI for tv.

  • This works fine

    But is it possible for it to drop back to a default source when the Bluetooth one can't be found?

    Be nice if I could turn the speaker on to listen to music, but when I turned it off it just dropped back to SDIF/HDMI for tv.

    It is very likely to be possible, but likely needs some scripting if not in standard options.
    Since LibreElec is just Linux, you can SSH into the machine and try if you can find commands to change output.
    If so you can write a script that checks if bluetooth has connections and if not set output and vice versa.
    The Linux desktop on Ubuntu and Fedora does that by itself mostly, would indeed be nice to have it as a standard feature.