Librespot Add-on

  • same here.

    Sometimes the wizard is working and Spotify is playing through librespot but there is no sound.

    If I try to reinstall the addon, the dependency "" is missing. Could this be a problem?

    Edited once, last by effe.rnr (January 18, 2018 at 9:43 PM).

  • At first, I was too mad to even find this add-on :D

    But now it works perfectly. Still, I can't really decide whether to use Kodi or just use Raspotify using Raspbian Jessi. I will see how it works in comparison, but until now it looks like they work just the same way.

    There is just one question I have: When using a Google Chromecast, I can use it as it was my exact device, just somewhere else. I can also use Crossfade and all the other settings like on just this device I am using as a remote. Would this be possible too? Or at least the Crossfade feature?

    Anyway: Great plugin :) :cool:

  • I will build Librespot for LE9.

    Remind me your configuration.

    Have you tried to run the addon wihout using the wizard?

    my configuration is RPi3 with sound output through HDMI.

    yes I tried "default:CARD=ALSA" and "PI: HDMI", but I get no sound + output device will not be saved. When I close the configuration menu and open it again I have to reenter the output device

  • my configuration is RPi3 with sound output through HDMI.

    yes I tried "default:CARD=ALSA" and "PI: HDMI", but I get no sound + output device will not be saved. When I close the configuration menu and open it again I have to reenter the output device

    Addon settings were broken in LibreELEC pre eb9ae56.

    Addon settings appear broken in Kodi 18: this should be no surprise, as Kodi 18 is still pre-alpha.

    But Librespot otherwise works fine on RPi3 with default settings.

    To fix:

    - make sure you run a recent LE 9 (post eb9ae56)

    - nuke Librespot settings.xml (eg, uninstall Librespot and remove related data, re-install Librespot)

    - if you really need to update settings, edit the Librespot settings.xml manually.

  • Hi everyone! I need some help.

    I dont know how to install the addon on Libreelec, in my Raspberry Pi 3. I've been reading the forum, but I dont find the way to do it. So if someone could give me the instructions to do it (Im a beginner), I will apreciate it very much.

    Thanks to everybody, specially to awiouy! Great work!!

  • Hi everyone! I need some help.

    I dont know how to install the addon on Libreelec, in my Raspberry Pi 3. I've been reading the forum, but I dont find the way to do it. So if someone could give me the instructions to do it (Im a beginner), I will apreciate it very much.

    Thanks to everybody, specially to awiouy! Great work!!

    As you are a beginner, I suggest you to remain with stable LibreELEC (LE 8.2) and Librespot (from the LibreELEC repository).

    In LibreELEC, goto Add-ons/Downloads/Services/Librespot.

    Then select Librespot on a Spotify app (on your mobile phone, PC, etc)

  • As you are a beginner, I suggest you to remain with stable LibreELEC (LE 8.2) and Librespot (from the LibreELEC repository).

    In LibreELEC, goto Add-ons/Downloads/Services/Librespot.

    Then select Librespot on a Spotify app (on your mobile phone, PC, etc)

    I was using an older version of Libreelec. Now is working fine with libreelec 8.2.1 and my IQaudio Pi Dac Plus. It sounds great!!! Thank u very much!

  • with output through Kodi it works very well! With Alsa as output device I didn't get it to work.

    It would be nice, if the artist/song-information would be transfered for artist slideshow. Is this posible?

    At the moment, it looks like that:



  • Hi, awiouy in case you missed my posts, maybe you can answer them:

    Librespot addon

    Interaction between Librespot and Kodi is minimal (artist/track notification, playback in Kodi mode, stop/start Librespot on Kodi playback).

    I have neither the time nor the programming skills to improve this.

    I nevertheless repeat my call for Kodi/Python and Librespot/Rust programmers to improve my addon.

  • with output through Kodi it works very well! With Alsa as output device I didn't get it to work.

    It would be nice, if the artist/song-information would be transfered for artist slideshow. Is this posible?

    At the moment, it looks like that:




    Without special sound device (eg DAC) Librespot should play out of the box. Are you using a special sound device, another sound addon, or modified Kodi audio settings? Have you reinstalled Librespot?


    See above

  • Yes it works out of the box with Kodi as output device. For me it's fine!

    With Alsa it connects but there is no sound. But I will use Kodi as ouput.

    btw: no I have no special sound device (RPi --> HDMI --> Onkyo AVR).

  • Interaction between Librespot and Kodi is minimal (artist/track notification, playback in Kodi mode, stop/start Librespot on Kodi playback).

    I have neither the time nor the programming skills to improve this.

    I nevertheless repeat my call for Kodi/Python and Librespot/Rust programmers to improve my addon.

    Thx for the feedback. I would be fine if sending the pause command would stop playback. But I realise this wouldn't be correct way.