Librespot Add-on

  • Thanks for the fast response.

    I can`t change the output in the addon settings. It displays "Programs" but I can`t change anything using the arrows, neither in the ALSA tab.

    I`m using a Raspi3 with Milhouses` nightly, librespot version is 8.1.102b

  • Thanks for the fast response.

    I can`t change the output in the addon settings. It displays "Programs" but I can`t change anything using the arrows, neither in the ALSA tab.

    I`m using a Raspi3 with Milhouses` nightly, librespot version is 8.1.102b

    Milhouse nightlies are based on LibreELEC master (9.0), Librespot 8.1.102b is based on LibreELEC 8.1: your configuration is unlikely to work at all, because of mismatched libraries.

  • Can it be that Spotifiy is blocking librespot (again)?

    INFO:librespot::session: Connecting to AP ""

    thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed', /home/chewitt/LibreELEC.80-addons/build.LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel/librespot-aa86ebf/.x86_64-libreelec-linux-gnu/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/build/librespot-e68a0fa7c741f792/out/

  • Hi there,

    I installed the addon today

    But I've got the same error as RealZac is describing, when clicking on my device in the Spotify app on my phone, I monitored the service and it says

    INFO:librespot::session: Connecting to AP ""
    thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed', /home/chewitt/LibreELEC.80-addons/build.LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0-devel/librespot-aa86ebf/.x86_64-libreelec-linux-gnu/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/build/librespot-e68a0fa7c741f792/out/

    Did I do something wrong? Wrong settings perhaps?

  • It worked yesterday. So I'm pretty sure Spotify is blocking it.

  • This addon is awesome!

    only problem I have is that my PC detects librespot as a player device but my android phone doesn't (LineageOS 7.1) .

    If I stream music from my PC to LIbreELEC (RPi2) then Librespot appears also in my phone and I can play/pause songs but if I switch off my PC librespot disappears from my phone's spotify device list...

    it is so weird...

  • This works great on my C2/arm! Virtually every isse is gone. It reacts reasonably fast to my phones control (skip, play/pause) and seeking is also working flawlessly done from my phone. Only glitches I see so far are that the shown elapsed time, which Kodi shows in current playing track (librespot) is always 2s ahead of the actual timestamp of the track: "04:11/4:13"- So the time after the slash is not that what I would expect, but that's not important.

    Second thing is that "shuffle" and "repeat" buttons in Android app have no effect if pressed.

    Awesome work, especially this 102b version!

  • Hi,

    I've tried using Librespot addon on my RPi 2 (LibreElec, Kodi 17.3) for a several days (always the latest version) and some issues still occur no matter what I do:

    – when I boot up my RPi, LibreSpot is not "active" or at least on my phone/mac it's not visible as a spotify connect device –> to solve this I have to go to addon settings, re–enable the addon and then it works (however not always)

    – when I chose Kodi as a output device any sound was not played at all

    – when I finally managed to get it visible for my devices it crashed after a few songs played

    – time to time happnes that it's visible and no sound comes out of it

    Any suggestions? Thank you!

  • Try latest preview.

    If problems persist, please provide system information and a log (journalctl -u service.librespot)