Bluetooth Controller - Not working properly in LibreElec on attempted devices

  • Hello everyone,

    I am reaching out looking for some advice, I have tried a few ipega, Terios T3, and a few other generic bluetooth controllers, When prompted to set a new controller up it does not see any of the buttons I am pressing in the versions of 17.1 Libreelec .img files or emmc installs. I am at a loss on how to get it to see and correctly see the controller, I can however use mouse mode on the controller which is odd. I am a gaming nut, and love RetroArch within LibreElec, On my MXq it would see the USB and I could map buttons etc. With Bluetooth i can not do the same. Any ideas? Thank you in advance for the replys!


  • be aware that amlogic uses a really old kernel (3.14) and many controllers won't work properly via bluetooth. I know for a fact that the ps4 controller does not work via bluetooth with my wetek devices.

    Same here. Xbox One BT controller not working with LE.

  • Bluetooth driver is not starting correctly. Checked Lakka directly for s905/x and its not loading correctly. I am still confused on how Amlogic kernel is actually the issue since Android has no issues what so ever.

  • Bluetooth driver is not starting correctly. Checked Lakka directly for s905/x and its not loading correctly. I am still confused on how Amlogic kernel is actually the issue since Android has no issues what so ever.

    I'm wondering if this is related to my own issues with trying to get a particular Bluetooth LE remote working with my Odroid C2. It registers as a keyboard and works as expected in the Raspberry PI version of LibreELEC, as well as C2 builds of Android and Ubuntu (which AFAIK, use the same 3.14 kernel as LE). Just, for some odd reason, not in any of the C2 builds of LibreELEC. It pairs, but all button presses are ignored (and not even registered in logs). I wholly believe there's something going on in LE that's interfering.

  • I'm wondering if this is related to my own issues with trying to get a particular Bluetooth LE remote working with my Odroid C2. It registers as a keyboard and works as expected in the Raspberry PI version of LibreELEC, as well as C2 builds of Android and Ubuntu (which AFAIK, use the same 3.14 kernel as LE). Just, for some odd reason, not in any of the C2 builds of LibreELEC. It pairs, but all button presses are ignored (and not even registered in logs). I wholly believe there's something going on in LE that's interfering.

    I too believe its more then just Amlogic Kernel issues, considering Android has no issues whatsoever.
    3.10 kernel works with my controllers just fine.

    Edited once, last by dataghost (May 3, 2017 at 4:14 AM).

  • Hello, I am also using LibreELEC 8.0 on an Amlogic MX2 (KOPRajs build: thread-4858.html) and an original/sony dualshock 3.
    1) Using the usb connection, the ds3 works fine.
    2) If I try using the autopair instructions by pressing the PS button, the popup for accepting the connection never shows up.
    The same controller pairs and works fine via bluetooth on a LibreELEC 8.0 Chromebox.
    3) The same gamepad worked fine on the same machine using OpenELEC 6.0 (same kernel).
    4) My issue and logs are like the ones in this report: WeTekPlay dualshocks 3 original not worked via bluetooth · Issue #107 · libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC · GitHub
    5) I tried to connect manually via ssh and bluetoothctl to pair the ds3. The issue there is that after disconnecting the gamepad and pressing the PS button, the agent authorization message does not show up (Wireless Dualshock · libretro/Lakka-LibreELEC Wiki · GitHub).

    So, I believe it is not a kernel problem but a bluez package problem.
    Any way to officially report or debug this issue?

  • I can confirm this as well on my Amlogic Meson6 based MX2 box.

    With my old OE 6.0 build with RetroPlayer 15.2 everything works fine. However with my new LE 8.0.1 build I get the same as others. Controllers work via USB but not via bluetooth. I can successfully pair and connect the controller via bluetooth, I can see it in Peripherals (with deadzone settings etc.), I can see it in kodi.log, I can use it in keyboard mode and mouse mode but in joystick mode I don't get any key press events at all (Terios S3).

    It is Amlogic Meson6 so it runs on 3.10 kernel but I can confirm the same on kazaq's build running on S905X with 3.14 kernel.

    It does not seem to be a kernel problem to me.

    EDIT: The device node /dev/input/js0 is created when connected over bluetooth however there are no output when running cat /dev/input/js0. So it seems to be a low-level system problem.

    Edited once, last by KOPRajs (May 5, 2017 at 6:52 PM).

  • Hi.

    I have a Raspi 3. I connected both a PS3 and a PS4 controller wirelessly w/out problems (libreElec 8.0.1).

    But with the PS4 controller Kodi always returns to the home menu when the controller recognizes a shake, as if the SELECT button was pressed. Slowly turning the controller over does the same. This is not a hardware issue on the controller side: I tested the controller on a PC and no button presses are recognized when shaking the controller. Additionally, reconfiguring Kodi's inputs via the Keymap add-on does not remove the aforementioned behaviour.

    Any ideas?

    Edited once, last by Tosnic (June 13, 2017 at 6:28 PM).

  • i had paired my ds3, but need some other way, first i had to paired it in librelec on pc then just copy anything from /storage/. cache/bluetooth to LE for s905, hope this work for you too

    edit: the led keep flashing, and only works for LE >8.x