Milhouse Generic builds (OE)

  • Not entirely sure what you mean by "go only main release channel", but the latest release kernel will typically be used by master. LE7 will remain on 4.4.x, once we branch for Beta we can see about bumping master to 4.5.

    Logs here please. Did the problem only start with #0412?

    Ok. Latest release was what I meant :) I will post logs here then. Yes, only started with #0412. Downgraded to #0411 and all good again. GF using the box now so can't upgrade and get logs now.

  • Latest two builds (412 and 413) have problems starting to play a video file for me.

    When I press play, the video starts and freezes on the same image for about 14-15 seconds (sometimes more) and then resumes playing normally.

    I enabled debug (normal and with video/ffmpeg/omxplayer specific logging).

    Release 411 plays just fine.


    PS: I'm on as RaspberryPi 3! :D


    Edited once, last by lysin (April 13, 2016 at 10:42 PM).

  • When I press play, the video starts and freezes on the same image for about 14-15 seconds (sometimes more) and then resumes playing normally.

    I can confirm this for #0412 on a Pi2. Video playback is interrupted while sound is playing fine in the background. Tested with a mkv, h264, 1080p, AC3. #0411 didn't have this issue.


  • Same issue on the #0413 build.

    DMESG: ZNbc
    Kodi: cAiP

    Going back to #0411

    Same issue being a network problem of some kind? Can you explain what is not working as you seem to have a functioning network in the logs (you're accessing an smb:// share).

    I can confirm this for #0412 on a Pi2. Video playback is interrupted while sound is playing fine in the background. Tested with a mkv, h264, 1080p, AC3. #0411 didn't have this issue.


    Are you able to reproduce with the OE #0411, #0412 and #0413 RPi builds? The LE builds are usually produced a little earlier in the day so it would be worth re-testing OE #0411 (maybe even #0410) through #0413 to determine when the problem is introduced, then we can narrow down on what changed.

    OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 17.0)

    Edited once, last by milhouse (April 14, 2016 at 10:20 AM).

  • Same issue being a network problem of some kind? Can you explain what is not working as you seem to have a functioning network in the logs (you're accessing an smb:// share).

    Are you able to reproduce with the OE #0411, #0412 and #0413 RPi builds? The LE builds are usually produced a little earlier in the day so it would be worth re-testing OE #0411 (maybe even #0410) through #0413 to determine when the problem is introduced, then we can narrow down on what changed.

    OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 17.0)

    Milhouse, I get "connection timeout" when trying to use mapped SMB shares.

  • Milhouse, I get "connection timeout" when trying to use mapped SMB shares.

    I don't recall anything changing recently that might affect SMB, and don't have any problems accessing smb:// shares with the latest builds - can you double check your network, and try restarting your Samba server. Perhaps the hostname "HJEMMENAS" isn't being resolved correctly by new builds, IP address is generally recommended.

  • I don't recall anything changing recently that might affect SMB, and don't have any problems accessing smb:// shares with the latest builds - can you double check your network, and try restarting your Samba server. Perhaps the hostname "HJEMMENAS" isn't being resolved correctly by new builds, IP address is generally recommended.

    Strange that it workes fine with #0411. But I will recheck the setup and go for IP/check DNS.

  • I have to add, that I'm also using a SMB connection to another Pi1, where my videos are stored (on external HDD). So it seems like a network issue. I'll probably check with the OE builds.

  • So it works if I change from hostname to IP in the sources settings, but that makes everything in my library disappear. But when I changed it back in the sources.xml from IP to hostname it worked again. So very strange. I will keep you updated with the future builds. This was with the #0414 build.

    EDIT: I also just added the SMB NAS IP to the hosts.conf file just to make sure :)

    Edited once, last by CiASpook (April 14, 2016 at 9:59 PM).

  • Hello Milhouse !

    Thank you very much for your great builds. Currently i am giving #414 a try.

    There are some things which i am curious about:

    1) Is DVD playback possible/active within (couldn`t get it to work yet) ?

    2) Can the inputstream (addon) functionallity already be used ?

    3) Are they based on LibreElecs codebase in git or are those "special" builds ?

    Further details with logs are already posted here: LibreELEC

    Really would appreciate your help as you may be only one who knows about this. Thank you very much !

    Edited once, last by Thomas233 (April 15, 2016 at 9:44 PM).

  • Waiting for my beebox i formatted chromebox and tried a new setup

    Downloaded official libreelec and upgraded with v17 if i set 16-235 i get washed black

    And using xrandr --verbose rgb settings is in automatic instead of video 16-235 passthrough

    What's up ?

    With old setup from oe v.15 >fritsch v.17 and finally upgraded to libre milhouse v17 i had video 16-235 passthrough and use 16-235 setting

    edit:maybe libreelec source miss autostart line for xrandr ?

    could anyone check via xranrd --verbose what rgb mode is in use ?

    Edited once, last by Roby77 (April 15, 2016 at 11:02 PM).

  • 1) DVD playback is disabled in these (and OpenELEC) Kodi 17 builds until someone provides a solution - options are currently to disable DVD, or don't build anything at all

    2) Yep, see here OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 17.0)

    3) LibreELEC plus extra patches that need testing - same procedure that I've been using with OE builds

    Ah...I think what has happened is that 2-3 days ago the 16-235 patch was added to a pending PR that I'm using which meant I could drop the 16-235 patch I'd been using up until that point from my builds... now I see the 16-235 patch is no longer in the pending PR, so it's no longer in the build at all. I'll restore the patch I'd been using to my build.

    Edited once, last by milhouse (April 16, 2016 at 2:42 AM).

  • Ah...I think what has happened is that 2-3 days ago the 16-235 patch was added to a pending PR that I'm using which meant I could drop the 16-235 patch I'd been using up until that point from my builds... now I see the 16-235 patch is no longer in the pending PR, so it's no longer in the build at all. I'll restore the patch I'd been using to my build.

    thank you!

    Edited once, last by Roby77 (April 16, 2016 at 2:06 PM).

  • While waiting for devupdate to get updated; I patched it to make it work with Milhouse LibreElec builds, all others including openelec will not work:


    2 files changed are lib/ & lib/

    unzip to shared map downloads & rename folder to script.openelec.devupdate
    ssh into LibreElec (root/libreelec)
    cp -r ./downloads/script.openelec.devupdate/ ./.kodi/addons/

  • First page of this the 2nd posting is a link to his builds. Those are based on Kodi Krypton and are for testing purposes. They are not complete but I guess they are very usable and absolutely 'stable' enough.

    Maybe you will have issues, and if, it's the best way to get things better if you report them ;)
