RPi 3 Bluetooth isn't working

  • When something is broken we'll obviously fix the source code as soon as possible, however whether that triggers a binary release depends on the severity of the problem, and whether there's any workarounds/temporary fixes.

    In this case we're about to produce another Alpha before heading into Beta, so it makes sense to get this in ASAP. However once we've got official releases out, not every bug fix will result in an immediate release (unless we're doing a spectacularly bad job at testing!) as we will instead batch fixes for the next patch release, the frequency of which will be determined by the size of the fix list/severity of the bugs etc., but you shouldn't be kept waiting too long.

    In the meantime if you run the following commands on your 6.90.004 system you should find you have working Bluetooth (if not, please post again):

    mount -o remount,rw /flash
    (cd /flash && wget -q http://milhouse.libreelec.tv/other/firmware_bt_fix.tar.gz -O - | tar xvzf -)
    sync && mount -o remount,ro /flash

    After running the above commands, you should have March 24 firmware:

    LibreELEC:~ # vcgencmd version
    Mar 24 2016 12:49:34
    Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
    version e16cd015026a8bda22bb50dc30b30ce07f52a202 (clean) (release)

    Working now keyboard. Thanks :)

  • Bluetooth and/or Bluetooth on the Pi3 and/or Bluetooth on Linux overall ... is hugely broken. It works for about 30 seconds whereupon it simple disconnects devices.

    I might have a bad RPi3 board but I doubt it. First instance of failure I experienced was with Android 6 and a crappy generic OBDII adaptor. Although dubious, the adaptor works well for Torque in Android, so maybe it's just that every other app can't get the BT connection right? Fine. Next, RPi3 and Raspbian from SSH connecting to the same adaptor. Again, connects, then fails just when you start thinking it's going to be reliable. Next, RPi3 LibreELEC 8 and Bose headphones. Again, connects fairly easily only to drop out after about 30 seconds.

    The common factor? Linux (Android, Raspbian, LibreELEC) and Bluetooth (OBDII adaptors, Bose headphones, ASUS phone).

    A friend reckons those developing/maintaining Bluetooth for Linux started out getting the terminal/command line interface working. Before the got that working well, they switched their focus to GUI. Now neither of the interfaces is reliable.

    Not as if Bluetooth is a new technology or anything!

    Edited once, last by inspector71 (March 7, 2017 at 2:27 PM).