S905 builds - general discussion

  • Hi Guys.

    Got a head scratching problem!!
    I have a MXQ PRO 4k (board is printed with MXQ S905 V2_0).

    Box it came is has OTT MXQ PRO 4K on it. Generic i think.

    Never had a recovery partition, so i found a random rom online and flashed it, all fine (althought andriod OS) i now have a recovery.
    I have been trying to install Libreelec 7.0 to the NAND, no joy.

    I can run it from USB and it functions well, but when i run the installtointernal script, all goes well no errors.
    However on reboot i just get a black screen than doesnt change. I have to short the NAND and reflash using USB Burning tool (2.0.8)

    After reflashing with a working rom (have to short the NAND pins) and trying again the same issue happens.
    Have tried versions 002 and up. Also used the MXQ PRO DTB file

    I looked at the internal NAND, and it looks like it isnt writing to it(?) After running the script the space used remains at 16mb... like it hasnt writen anything.

    Any help on this would be really appriecated.

    Also massive thanks for everyones hard work they put into this project.

    Edited once, last by akhems (September 16, 2016 at 1:01 PM).

  • I have a Mini M8S and it won't give me a valid IP on the Ethernet.

    What do you mean? Your router provides the IP addresses, unless you have chosen to set a static internal IP yourself.

    I presume you have not chosen the latter, or you would know that it wasn't valid when you set it.

    Check that you have DHCP selected in the Network setup, or if that is already the case, try changing it to a Manual selection and enter a valid IP address for your LAN.

  • Not valid ip i think he has no ethernet connection.
    When that happens you get a weird number starting with 168 or something like that ?
    I think the device tree he is using is wrong.
    But not enough info is provided.

  • Think this is a topic just covered in the 007 release thread. I have the same box and issue. It seems the partition table is non standard and installtointernal doesn't work. I'm running a bootable SD for now, and maybe for the foreseeable future ;)

    Edited once, last by Vodkaneat (September 20, 2016 at 4:52 PM).

  • First of all, thanks for your great work kszaq, it's incredible how these little boxes become powerful with LibreElec.

    I have noticed that the picture is a bit darker than other devices: the same movie played on different devices clearly shows this problem. I tried different releases, but they all do the same. Is there something you can do to fix it? Thank you in advance.

  • First of all, thanks for your great work kszaq, it's incredible how these little boxes become powerful with LibreElec.

    I have noticed that the picture is a bit darker than other devices: the same movie played on different devices clearly shows this problem. I tried different releases, but they all do the same. Is there something you can do to fix it? Thank you in advance.

    Maybe use other color space than other devices.
    You can fine tuning your TV with calibration video

  • Welcome to set LibreElec MXV + and connect the monitor 1280x1024 5: 4 hdmi2dvi, how to set to work correctly? Prefix stretches 720 to 1024, on raspberry pi has a configuration file to configure the resolution and aspect ratio, how to set it here?

  • Hi everyone,

    I was using LE for several weeks on a rpi2 which is my room. I don't use it very often.
    Yesterday i replace the dune bd prime 3 of the living room with a beelink minimxiii. Thanks to the work of kszaq i could have it run.
    I struggled a bit to have spdif output working and to transfer the sd install and conf to emmc. But for now it seems working.
    Really a great job from kszaq and of course all the kodi team. I use aeonmq7 (great skin, a bit complicated but with time it becomes very handy and powerful).

    For now I really miss one thing, it's the hability to use my logitech harmony one remote to control the box.

    Do you have any clue on how to do that ?