[9.0.0] LibreELEC builds for MX2/G18

  • BINGO!

    Found the problem. Just need to figure out how to fix it.

    This is the output of my 09_Journal-cur.log file on the LibreElec MX2 box:

    EDIT: I think I have to delete the /storage/.cache/ssh folder, and it will be recreated upon reboot. Next to figure out how.

    Edited once, last by mcowher (June 14, 2017 at 7:27 PM).

  • Problem fixed.

    Create an autostart.sh file in the "configfiles" share available through SAMBA with a command to delete the /storage/.cache/ssh/ folder and rebooted.

    Renamed autostart.sh to autostart.sh.bak and rebooted again.

    I can now SSH into the MX2. :)

  • BINGO!

    Found the problem. Just need to figure out how to fix it.

    This is the output of my 09_Journal-cur.log file on the LibreElec MX2 box:

    EDIT: I think I have to delete the /storage/.cache/ssh folder, and it will be recreated upon reboot. Next to figure out how.

    The bizarre piece is that you appear to be the only one getting this. I would recreate a new SD card which holds the Libreelec_DISK files

  • The bizarre piece is that you appear to be the only one getting this. I would recreate a new SD card which holds the Libreelec_DISK files

    I think it's because I copied the contents of the /storage folder from the USB drive from another MX2 that I updated with this method for my friend to MY sdcard. I don't know a whole lot about SSH, keys, etc., but I know there's a signature involved, etc.

  • I think it's because I copied the contents of the /storage folder from the USB drive from another MX2 that I updated with this method for my friend to MY sdcard. I don't know a whole lot about SSH, keys, etc., but I know there's a signature involved, etc.

    Yeah, this makes more sense now, and I see why it was unique to your issue. Thanks!

    Ok, I will try that tonight when I get home. I am using an external Edimax 11AC Wireless USB dongle so I can connect to my 5Ghz network. I will also try the built-in wifi device.

    Oddly enough, SAMBA works just fine. :)

    Interesting. I removed the RTL8188.conf file I created while troubleshooting WIFI as recommended by someone on this thread rebooted and wireless was better than it has been. I then streamed a 1080P file and the video was choppy and sound was off.

    In the past I have re mediated this with the media player setting where you enable HW acceleration. I did this and playback was then the best I have seen thus far. I believe I will now create backup as I do not believe it will get better than this.

    Also I do have an ASUS 5GHZ dongle . I read you were able to get a dongle to work. If so, how?

  • Yeah, this makes more sense now, and I see why it was unique to your issue. Thanks!

    Interesting. I removed the RTL8188.conf file I created while troubleshooting WIFI as recommended by someone on this thread rebooted and wireless was better than it has been. I then streamed a 1080P file and the video was choppy and sound was off.

    In the past I have re mediated this with the media player setting where you enable HW acceleration. I did this and playback was then the best I have seen thus far. I believe I will now create backup as I do not believe it will get better than this.

    Also I do have an ASUS 5GHZ dongle . I read you were able to get a dongle to work. If so, how?

    I had made a request to Codesnake in Feb of 2016 on his OpenElec build to include support for the EW-7811UTC device and he did. I'm guessing it carried forward to this build from his original code?

    This is my device ID info using the "lsusb" command from SSH:

    ID 7392:a812 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd

    and if I do a "ls -l /sys/bus/usb/drivers" command, I get this list for my internal AND external network device (the rtl8812au is my external USB dongle):

    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Dec 31  1969 r8188eu

    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root             0 Dec 31  1969 rtl8812au

    Finally, this is the output of the "lsmod" command:

    Module                  Size  Used by

    sha1_arm                3114  0

    sha1_generic            1596  0

    8812au               1171637  0

    8188eu                687222  0

    cfg80211              204233  1 8812au

    mali                  150145  5

    You should run these commands to see what identifiers you get for your device.

  • Yeah, this makes more sense now, and I see why it was unique to your issue. Thanks!

    Interesting. I removed the RTL8188.conf file I created while troubleshooting WIFI as recommended by someone on this thread rebooted and wireless was better than it has been. I then streamed a 1080P file and the video was choppy and sound was off.

    In the past I have re mediated this with the media player setting where you enable HW acceleration. I did this and playback was then the best I have seen thus far. I believe I will now create backup as I do not believe it will get better than this.

    Also I do have an ASUS 5GHZ dongle . I read you were able to get a dongle to work. If so, how?

    I'm having trouble with it being choppy when playing 1080. Can tell exactly what u did??

  • Problem fixed.

    Create an autostart.sh file in the "configfiles" share available through SAMBA with a command to delete the /storage/.cache/ssh/ folder and rebooted.

    Renamed autostart.sh to autostart.sh.bak and rebooted again.

    I can now SSH into the MX2. :)

    I have a box that won't let me ssh. I'm a look into this. But this is all done in samba right??

  • I'm having trouble with it being choppy when playing 1080. Can tell exactly what u did??

    Yes, I will post once I am back in front of the interface. from memory I can tell you that it in settings> player then scroll down to hardware acceleration make sure it is set to yes. I will see if I can post a picture when Have a chance.

  • I'm having trouble with it being choppy when playing 1080. Can tell exactly what u did??

    I have a box that won't let me ssh. I'm a look into this. But this is all done in samba right??

    Ok i thought all I had to do was create a folder in samba in configfiles but looks like there's more to it. Hope u can guide me. When I try to ssh it, it's giving me a warning : remote host identification has changed. I'm lost. I've ssh my other box with out a problem. Hope u can help.

  • Question: I have 3 MX2's. I'd like to clone the setup of the first box after I upgrade to LibreElec 8.0.2 and using an external SDCard for /storage.

    Can I just clone my external SDCard 2 times and after the upgrade from Recovery to 8.0.2, insert the cloned SDCards to have 2 additional cloned MX2 setups?

    do u do this through libreelec setting or samba?

  • Hi there, do you guys know if there is any way to set wifi connection and maybe do some configuration through ssh on new installs? My box got corrupted and I have done the sdcard install but as my remote stopped working I'm unable to set anything.

  • Hi KOPRajs,

    Two MX2 working like a charm from some weeks ago. New life for that old device indeed!.

    Please, don't forget us. Keep updating our boxes...

    We really appreciate your work.

    Thank you.

    Edited once, last by Sag: Typo (July 10, 2017 at 5:21 PM).

  • Hi guys,

    I have an G-Box Midnight MX which uses a M3 Single-Core Processor of ARM. Acutally I'm not sure if I have an MX2 oder MX because I don't find any information about the box anymore.

    It has an MLogic M8726-M3 Processor and I updated it a few years ago to Hynx with Kodi 14.0. Unfortunately I can only start one HD-Channel from my Enigma2 Box with the VU+IPTV-Plugin and then I have to reboot the box always before it runs again.

    When I try to update with the MX2 Files I get always an error like "Bootloader is not correct. It useses "null" file" and some Verification is not correct...

    Could you please help to update my box and bring it back to life?