remote.conf repository

  • Have you changed both lines with 166?

    Also try to delete or block with # these ones:
    ok_key_scancode = 0x55
    pageup_key_scancode = 0x04
    pagedown_key_scancode = 0x1b

    Ok that seemed to get the OK button back to normal after hitting stop/mouse. One last problem. After hitting stop/mouse it disables key repeat until i hit mouse again. For example if i press down arrow to quickly scroll through a list of movies it only goes down one press at a time instead of scrolling down fast while holding. If i hit mouse again, key repeat returns.

    This is what I have now:

    #this file is configuration for each factory remote device
    # work_mode 0 :software mode 1 :hardware mode
    # repeat_enable 0 :disable repeat 1 :enable repeat
    # factory_code each device has it's unique factory code.
    # pattern:custom_code(16bit)+index_code(16bit)
    # examble: 0xff000001 = 0xff00(custom cod) 0001 (index)
    # release_delay unit:ms.release will report from kernel to user layer after this period of time
    # from press or repeat triggered.
    # debug_enable 0 :debug disable 1 :debug disable
    # SW MODE:
    # bit_count how many bits in each frame
    # tw_leader_act time window for leader active
    # tw_bit0 time window for bit0 time.
    # tw_bit1 time window for bit1 time
    # tw_repeat_leader time window for repeat leader
    # REG
    # reg_base_gen set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BASE_GEN
    # reg_control set value for PREG_IR_DEC_CONTROL
    # reg_leader_act set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_ACTIVE
    # reg_leader_idle set value for PREG_IR_DEC_LEADER_IDLE
    # reg_repeat_leader set value for PREG_IR_DEC_REPEAT_IDLE
    # reg_bit0_time set value for PREG_IR_DEC_BIT0_TIME
    #amlogic NEC remote
    factory_code = 0xff000001
    work_mode = 0
    repeat_enable = 1
    repeat_delay = 40
    repeat_peroid = 39
    release_delay = 121
    debug_enable = 0

    fn_key_scancode = 0x17
    left_key_scancode = 0x47
    right_key_scancode = 0x15
    up_key_scancode = 0x46
    down_key_scancode = 0x16
    #ok_key_scancode = 0x55
    #pageup_key_scancode = 0x04
    #pagedown_key_scancode = 0x1b

    # 0 0x47
    # 1 0x15
    # 2 0x46
    # 3 0x16

    0x18 116
    0x54 2
    0x48 3
    0x7 4
    0x50 5
    0x12 6
    0x11 7
    0x4c 8
    0xe 9
    0xd 10
    0xc 11
    0x4b 14
    0x6 172
    0x46 103
    0x40 1
    0x47 105
    0x55 28
    0x15 106
    0x4 139
    0x16 108
    0x17 166
    0x14 114
    0x8 113
    0x10 115
    0x42 119
    0x18 116
    0x54 2
    0x48 3
    0x7 4
    0x50 5
    0x12 6
    0x11 7
    0x4c 8
    0xe 9
    0xd 10
    0xc 11
    0x4b 14
    0x6 172
    0x46 103
    0x40 1
    0x47 105
    0x55 28
    0x15 106
    0x4 139
    0x16 108
    0x17 166
    0x14 114
    0x8 113
    0x10 115
    0x42 119

    Edited once, last by Charbs (February 16, 2017 at 3:14 PM).

  • Here's mine from Tanix TX5Pro.
    Tweaked to make some unused buttons work as Play/Pause, Stop, Codec Info

    Attached both files - original and modified.
    Enjoy :)

    Where do you place this remote.confg file in LE ?, i heard you should only place remote.xml files in keymaps, am i wrong?
    Is this applicable for wireless air remote ? i have strange behaviour on my wireless remote, when i press back button it takes me to home page every time instead of the previous screen, any help would be really appreciated

  • Charbs
    Last try:
    #left_key_scancode = 0x47
    #right_key_scancode = 0x15
    #up_key_scancode = 0x46
    #down_key_scancode = 0x16

    Configfiles is the right place.
    Keep in mind that original remote.conf from android overrides some buttons and you won't be able to map them within kodi using the keymap editor.

    I don't have an airmouse to help you with ;)

    Edited once, last by routir (February 16, 2017 at 4:16 PM).

  • Didnt change. Key repeat still temporarily disabled after using stop/mouse button. But it comes back after hitting it again. Weird.

    Edit: Got it working. Just had to put # on fn_key_scancode = 0x17
    #fn_key_scancode = 0x17

    All seems fine now. Thank you for the help

    Edited once, last by Charbs (February 16, 2017 at 4:52 PM).

  • Tronsmart S95/S95x remote.conf
    Thanks to hscotty55 for this one.

    Also. Quick question about this remote. I want to change the top right Mouse button to be a global Stop button since mouse functions on these remotes are useless.
    Anyone know how. Ive looked at the conf file and cant figure it out.

    Yes, i mapped that button using the addon "keymap editor', so now it opens the addon "commands", and show me the list of actions i customized with the addon "commands".
    Now when i click the mouse button, i can choose to launch artwork downloader, clean database, etc.
    I used that way to get more buttons on the remote :)

    Also, i remapped the power button to open the kodi power menu instead of shutdown.

  • Yes, i mapped that button using the addon "keymap editor', so now it opens the addon "commands", and show me the list of actions i customized with the addon "commands".
    Now when i click the mouse button, i can choose to launch artwork downloader, clean database, etc.
    I used that way to get more buttons on the remote :)

    Also, i remapped the power button to open the kodi power menu instead of shutdown.

    I tried using the keymap editing program but everytime it asked me to hit the button i wanted to edit there would be no response from the mouse button. Almost like the program didnt recognize it. So I had to go the old fashion way and edit the remote.conf file.

  • Hey Charbs i will receive the Tx3 pro 2 morrow so i post the config as soon as possible
    Grtz Ballgear

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONEPLUS A3003 met Tapatalk

    Ok thanks. Sometimes they come with different remote. Depends where you ordered it from. So just make sure its the same as the picture I posted.

  • Hello I have an Android MX PLUS BOX. Libreelec works perfectly but the remote only allows you to turn on your BOX.
    Can you help to create a remote.conf compatible with my remote that you see in the picture.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Can someone help me here please. I am writing a functional remote.conf file for the Beelink MXIII II S905X and I have it all neat and tidy and fully functioning EXCEPT I cannot get the key code for the Power button, as of course when I push it then Putty no longer has access to the Beeling box as it understandably has now turned off !!! With the new conf file then the remote Power button does nothing and I get the message in SSH command dmesg-c "remote: scancode is 0x0051,invalid key is 0x0000." but I know that this scancode is not what I want as i need the remote:press ircode in the format of something like 0x53 (that in fact is the code for the Home key). I have tried putting 0x51=116 in there but that is no good as I know from experience now that the scancode does not seem to correlate in any way with the press ircode as the example two lines below shows for the Home key press

    remote: press ircode = 0x53,
    remote: scancode = 0x00ac,maptable = 0,code:0xac537f80

    BTW my new remote.conf file for the Beeling MXIII II maps the redundant mouse key to play/pause which is probably the most useful function as now it takes just a single key operation to pause and then later play a movie you are watching when you get interrupted. The relevant line in the remote.conf file for this mopuse key play/pause function is 0X52 164 Now my remote mouse key is very useful and is used a lot. Just now need the remote: press ircode for the red power key and my new remote.conf file is complete and I will make it available in this thread.

  • Ray , can't you just use the scan code from the Beelink remote file I posted??

    The mouse does work, not that it's used by anyone.

    Second thoughts I can't see the power in there either.

    My remote file seems to work fine though.

    Edited once, last by kodiuser1 (March 16, 2017 at 10:48 PM).

  • Ray , can't you just use the scan code from the Beelink remote file I posted??

    The mouse does work, not that it's used by anyone.

    Second thoughts I can't see the power in there either.

    My remote file seems to work fine though.

    Hi Ed.

    No it is not ideal at all as one major problem is the mouse button if accidentally clicked it stops all the navigatign controls workign without clicking it again. Still thanks a lot for posting it and indeed am having to use that for now until my new conf file is completed. I have eliminated this with my far smaller remote.conf file and used the mouse button for a Play/Pause button which is an excellent reassignment of an otherwise redundant button. Also your remote.conf has loads of complete and conflicting or redundant rubbish in there, and thus also why over 4KB whereas my new remote.conf file only deals with the buttons on the Beelink remote and removes all the conflicting redundant bloat. So all I need is the remote code for the red power button and cannto get it. Why it is missing in you remote.conf heavens only knows ???? Your remote.conf is obviously edited from other existing and much previously edited files whereas mine is written from scratch and is only about 460 Bytes in all too.

    Some KODI codes in your file are totally strange and oddball, like a value of 704 here in this line "0x51 704" well if you look in the KODI codes document you will understandably see that such a code does not exist as way too high a value and 0x51 is not a Press ircode form my remote either though the 51 value is shown in the scancode but htis does not work with Beelink as it is mapped somehow it seems to the PRess ircode or Release ircode value whcih I need and cannto get for the power button???

    So please can someone, somehow get me the Press (and Release) ircode for the red power button on the Beelink remote and I will give you a first class efficient remote.conf file for use with LibreELEC 7 or 8 on these wonderful littel Beelink boxes. Just this one Power option line I still need to write into my new conf file.


  • One suggestion might be to see if in the kodi settings you can change what the power button does. Maybe you can change it to suspend and see if SSH still works. Just a thought.

  • This is my first post, here is my remote.conf is for beelink mini MXIII II using LG magic remote. The remote has numpad, color, arrows, back and enter button working. The remote works by configuring in the LG tv as universal remote as BlurayDVD Player/control type 2.

    LG magic remote
    Dropbox - remote.conf

    This second on is for harmony logitech 650 against the same amlogic s905x device, the remote is configured as Droidbox T8, all buttons available
    Dropbox - remote1.conf