LibreELEC Krypton/Leia/Agile build for Odroid C2, Rock64, WeTek Hub, WeTek Play2

  • Greetings,

    Dear Ray; I made the image of Leia5 today. It works fine.

    But the audio - + and mute functions of the Mele F10 Deluxe control do not work.

    What can I do for it?

    Thanks in advance.

    I also installed the Aml-VNC plug-in, but it's not connected to the PC, it's rejecting it.

    Best regards...

  • Greetings ozkaradag what remote are you using? The original WP2 remote?

    I don't know about aml-vnc addon. It's maintained by kszaq as far as a know. Kodi 18 is still in development and most current Addons will require adjustments by addons Developers to work properly with Leia. Next I will backport the mediabuild updates to krypton so your driver issues should be fix there too.

  • Greetings ozkaradag what remote are you using? The original WP2 remote?

    I don't know about aml-vnc addon. It's maintained by kszaq as far as a know. Kodi 18 is still in development and most current Addons will require adjustments by addons Developers to work properly with Leia. Next I will backport the mediabuild updates to krypton so your driver issues should be fix there too.


    I use the Mele F10 Deluxe control as a controller because I removed the batteries from my original controller. I put it back in his package.

    I am delighted if you help in this matter.

    I will look at Media_Build today too.

    aml-vnc depends on SSL libraries and it won't work if they are different. You can overcome this by installing static binary from Release 7.0.3 for LibreELEC · kszaq/my-addons · GitHub

    Dear Kszaq; as you said. It works beautifully. Thank you for your help.

    Best regards...

  • Greetings,

    I do not know about Leia4, but it works fine in Krypton images.

    But I installed a new interface and the buttons started to work.

    Sound + - and mute buttons were not working.

    Also, I do not use LIRC.

    I really appreciate the interest.

    Best regards...

  • Hi friends,

    i just installed on a SD card the LibreELEC-WeTek_Hub.arm-9.0-rb-leia5...

    How can i set the network configuration?

    I miss the LibreElec service add-on.. where can i download it?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Anyone having issues with access samba shares on these latest releases? I used to be able to get to the odroid smb shares as a guest, but now it always asks for a user/pass even though the LE Settings > Services does not have the user authentication feature enabled. If I do enable user authentication I still can't login using the defined user/pass combo?

  • Microsoft disabled guest accounts. Normally defining a user/passwd solves the issue. Also smb.conf changed. Make sure to clear old configs before defining new shares.

  • Microsoft disabled guest accounts. Normally defining a user/passwd solves the issue. Also smb.conf changed. Make sure to clear old configs before defining new shares.

    any idea where this setting might be stored in Librelece. I backed up my config and reset LE and the samba share started working again, but (as expected) if I restore my backup it kills the samba share. I just can't seem to think of what file needs to be touched/updated to resolve this issue. It's not a dire problem, so I'm curious to see if I can fix it without nuking my configuration

    EDIT: OK, I decided to compare my .config folder before and after doing and LE reset and I noticed that after the reset there is no samba.conf file in .config and I had one in there for some reason. Perhaps from my earlier version of LE (maybe the wrxtasy Jarvis edition I started on). I deleted that samba.conf file and I'm back in business. Much easier than re-building the whole thing :)

    Edited once, last by spacemanspiff (August 5, 2017 at 7:54 AM).

  • Hi! I'm new with Odroid C2. Initially I installed HardKernels own LibreElec build - and for LibreElec that works perfectly fine. However, I want to run RetroArch as well. I quickly found that that needs 32bit libraries / binaries. Now I did get it running using JoKeRz repository and addons, but I was assuming Raybuntu's build would make 32bit packages 'just work' (to some degree of course).

    So I flashed LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-8.2-rb-krypton17.img, and then installed RetroArch from Gamestarter: Retrogaming add-ons (RPi/Generic). It installs just fine (as it did with HardKernels build) but starting it shows the splash screen and then quits back to Kodi.

    I've searched this thread but RetroArch doesn't even come up. Is this support to work, and does anyone have some more info for me?


  • Here are testbuilds for rb-leia6. I had no time to test those. All Addons have been rebuilt and should update after first boot. Please make a backup just in case. It would be nice if I could get some feedback before I make a release. Just tell me if the fundamental stuff works: Kodi, IR, CEC, inputstream.adaptive...


    I'm awaiting some feedback before I make a release on Github.

    A few binary addons do not build anymore for rb-leia6 and are not available anymore: debian Pastezone

    Additionally to Hyperion (please test it too) I've made a seperate Hyperion.NG addon for testing purposes. All addons are in my repo.

    EDIT: Inputstream.adaptive 2.0.15 seems to cause trouble. I downgraded to 2.0.12 in the repo. Just reinstall if you have issues.

    EDIT2: I will be refreshing the builds and addons before I make a final release.

    EDIT3: Same link with refreshed builds. Please redownload.

  • I am trying rb-leia6 and I can't install Tvheadend HTSP Client from your repository. It shows error "The dependency on version 1.0.10 could not be satisfied"

    Log shows "NOTICE: ADDON: v1.0.11 installed"

    EDIT: Thanks for the update of addons. Now it works.

    Edited once, last by BJMg (September 4, 2017 at 9:05 PM).