LibreELEC 7.0 (Jarvis) release

  • Not trying to embarrass Chewitt here at all, but there is a new Linos launched in April that has Jarvis 16.1, and was published in the OS X sub forum on the Kodi forum (and yes, Chewitt commented there on it also! He said deja vu, hahaha!).

    Linos is based on Ubuntu 12.10, stripped way down. (and no PVR built in). I just tested it last night, works well.

    I am not going to write too much about that, as this is still the LE forum for ATV1, and I will leave it at that. If you are interested, find it in the Kodi subforum there.

    Thanks Chewitt for all the hard work anyway on LE. Much appreciated!

  • Soli was the inspiration behind some of the changes in the 6.0.1 image and i'm happy to see someone pick up the baton. These days I simply don't have time to spend hours fiddling with ancient boxes. I also find the difference between an Amlogic S905 or RK3288 box costing $30-40 and ATV1 is too great, and once you hit that mental wall and move on it's hard to retrace your steps.

  • I understand and agree. I actually bought an M8S II (less than $40. USD at the time), but still continue to use my Atom 330 Ion box or my RPi 2 box to run LE instead to run Kodi, instead of running Kodi in Android if I can help it. I notice that both Kodi / SMPC or Netflix has certain stutter / lag once in awhile on any of my Android devices, even my Amazon Fire TV Stick (not rooted). But that's out of the scope here.

    yes, If not I already owned my 2 x ATV1 160 boxes I wouldn't have bothered. I just don't have anywhere to repurpose them and I hate to junk them also.

    I would not have any problem running older Kodi versions, if not for certain add ons not supporting older ones.

    I also know that my M8X II can run an unofficial LE (learned from a sub-forum about AmLogic boxes here), but I don't want to sacrifice the Android side in case there are some apps that cannot run on the Amazon Fire TV stick (and there are some, that don't want to run on the M8S II! haha). Now I just order a Xiaomi Android TV box, and if that works very well, I might retask the M8S II to run LE. Which then that might relieve my expensive 64GB super fast MicroSD in my RPi 2 just for that, seems like a pity to have to use that in order to maintain performance on the RPi.

    Anyway I digress, but just want to share. Thanks chewitt, Soli and the LE community as well.

  • The second problem is that there are PVR missing in the latest build, and there are no way I could install it. Is there a solution for this issue?

    Ehm... "Latest build" means nothing to us as it can mean any version/build. As you are posting in a Jarvis release thread, this can get confusing quickly.

    Right now, the LibreELEC v8.2.1 (Kodi 17) build is likely the final one for Krypton, meaning all efforts will now be directed towards Kodi 18 aka Leia.

  • Code
    echo "" >> /storage/.config/hosts.conf

    I have a mirror of my old OE subdomain that contains ATV add-ons on my LE hosting space and the webserver is configured to listen for requests on both hostnames, so ^ run that command and reboot and add-ons should be accessible again. There have been no add-on changes/updates in 2x years though so if anything is broken (i.e. due to upstream changes) there are no fixes.

    Original files for install etc. are available on OpenELEC (unofficial) Kodi Isengard builds for AppleTV

  • Klojum, I am sorry, I was talking about "the latest" custom build for ATV1 from the first post.

    chewitt, Thank you for the reply! It worked but only partly. I am now able to install "IPTV Simple Client". It turns on but only till the next reboot, and doesn't add a new (TV) category on the main menu as it shoud. After I reboot atv it starts disabled, and there is warnig "No PVR add-on enabled".

  • LibreELEC does not run on appletv.

    Sorry if I had implied as such. But at the same time, the title of this thread is LE 7.0 release, and this thread is under the AppleTV subforum. So really I think the argument is about the OP's title so I will let you guys sort this out among yourselves. I am just a user and a nobody in this realm.

  • Hello,

    thank you very much for your OpenElec for ATV1.

    i am using version 6.0.1 and it functions very well.

    however, i would like to use also the iptv-simple add-on, but it would not be included?

    or am i wrong?

    i tried to install via Superrepo (Pvr-iptvsimple from Zip for Isengard) but that did not install either.

    Is there a Pvr-Iptvsimple add-on available for Openelec 6.0.1?

    I am a bit wary of trying with OSMC because overall i found OpenElec more stable whenever i tried.

  • sorry if i might have offended you;

    i used this repo longtime ago when i started using kodi; so it became bit habit of installing it on older kodi;

    actually i don't need it anymore - only some video add-on that are not included in kodi official repo are nice but most are no more responsive i found.

    the question was more related to pvr-iptvsimple, i don't think this is a pirate repo add-on.

    openelec 6 is based on kodi isengard if i am not mistaken, so i wonder if it would be possible somehow to install pvr-iptvsimple on the atv1 - i managed to install a crystalhd card, so theoretically it should also playback tv channel in HD quality.:)

  • Thanks,

    today i have settled to OSMC as i read that the image 2017-01-01 is still supporting the CrystalHD Card.

    Now it turned out that the image is Jarvis based and had PVR Iptvsimple and host of other PVR add-ons onboard -

    image seems stable - playback is fine - Add-on is loading and 854 channels found :)

    Happy - so for this AppleTV1 seems settled.