Schedules Direct for Tvheadend addon

  • Thanks for the script! Attempting to use it in standalone mode and getting a lot of errors like these:

    2019-01-03 02:22:42,261 root WARNING Key(s) not processed for Program: hasSeriesArtwork 2019-01-03 02:22:42,261 root WARNING Program metadata not processed: {u'TheTVDB': {u'seriesID': 71674, u'season': 0, u'episode': 0, u'episodeID': 0}} 2019-01-03 02:22:42,261 root WARNING Key(s) not processed for Program: hasSeriesArtwork 2019-01-03 02:22:42,261 root WARNING Program metadata not processed: {u'TheTVDB': {u'seriesID': 71674, u'season': 0, u'episode': 0, u'episodeID': 0}}


    2019-01-03 01:12:05,489 root WARNING Key(s) not processed for Station: stationLogo 2019-01-03 01:12:05,490 root WARNING Key(s) not processed for Station: stationLogo

    Suspect it might have something to do with channel filters? I don't know that it is picking up my hdhomerun. Trying this command:

    ./ -u myuser -p mypass -o xmltv.xml -d 1 --hdhomerun 192.168.1.x

    Or "discover" in place of my hdhr ip doesn't seem to result in picking up the hdhr. I can access the lineup.json manually just fine.

    Is there something wrong with my command format? Or is there a way to disable the channel filters?

    I'm not using the Kodi client, attempting to script it standalone as a better SD grabber than the one TVH comes with (which doesn't grab program images amount other things).


  • Although edit4ever's sd4tvh had been working under LibreElec for quite some time, recently I started from scratch with the same microSD on my Raspberry Pi 3B (therefore losing my "working" version) and now I am obtaining the following error messages:

    xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: grab /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh

    Executing "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh"

    spawn: cat: can't open 'xmltv.xml': No such file or directory

    xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: no output detected

    xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: grab returned no data

    While attempting to associate the EPG Source with each Channel detected by my HDHomerun, all entries are empty and therefore sd4tvh is receiving NO Listing Data from Schedules Direct.

    Same problem exists with LE 8.2.5 (Tvheadend Nightly 1288), LE 9.0.2 (Tvheadend Nightly 1774) & LE 9.1.501 (Tvheadend Nightly 1804)

    Additionally I have tried various versions of sd2tvh...

    I have tried configuring sd4tvh both with and with HDHomerun enabled...

    If I have forgotten step(s) since I previously had sd4tvh working (which most recently I was LE 9.0.2, Tvheadend Nightly 1774 and sd2tvh 0.2.2-TEST), that is on me. Although if other sd4tvh users are experiencing issues due to changes elsewhere within the LE/sd2tvh/TVHeadend Chain, that would be interesting to know???

  • To answer gedakc's question:

    I had success with your combination:

    RPi3 running LE 8.2.5, TvHeadend Server 4.2 (8.2.113), and sd4tvh 0.2.1 (HDHomerun Channel Filter: Discover)

    With RPi3 running LE 9.0.2 and TvHeadend Server 4.2 (9.0.118), I was still not having any success until I tried the following combination:

    RPi3 running LE 9.0.2, TVheadend Server 4.3-1774 (9.0.444 - Nightly Build), and sd4tvh 0.2.2 (File Based Channel Filter)

    Otherwise I was having little success with other versions/Filter Modes of sd4tvh...

    I did not return to LE 9.0.2's Stock TvHeadend Server 4.2 (9.0.118) to see if File Based Channel Filter works???

  • I just built a new LibreELEC 9.2.0 on a RP4 following the instructions referenced in the thread at pvr-rpi-tvheadend. Everything works as expected and once I got OTA guide data populating from my HDHR I could do all the normal things like watch and record TV.

    I'm now trying to follow the optional SchedulesDirect addon sd4tvh install. I got to the step where the addon has been configured with my SD user:password and the via the web configure page for TVH, I enabled it and re-ran the grabber for sd4tvh.

    I see in the log that it failed for some reason and I'm stuck. Log below

    2019-12-10 09:04:28.918 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: grab /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh
    2019-12-10 09:04:28.926 spawn: Executing "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh"
    2019-12-10 09:04:29.240 spawn: cat: can't open 'xmltv.xml': No such file or directory
    2019-12-10 09:04:29.240 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: no output detected
    2019-12-10 09:04:29.240 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: grab returned no data

    Did I miss a step somewhere???

  • I have LibreELEC 9.2.0 running on a RPi4-4 with sd4tvh without problems.

    I am not a developer or technical person so cannot offer that kind of support.

    For the support folks, please confirm the following:

    In the sd4tvh addon settings in Kodi:

    You have entered your SD login details.

    You have entered your Post Code and selected a lineup.

    You have included / excluded channels in your lineup.

    You have enabled the sd4tvh grabber in TVHeadend / Configuration / Channel EPG / EPG Grabber Modules

    The grabber can be run manually from TVHeadend / Configuration / Channel EPG / EPG Grabber - Re-run internal grabbers

    TVHeadend often needs a re-boot to recognise changes (sometimes 2...).

    You can find the settings.xml, filter.cfg, xmltv.xml and sd4tvh.log files in the following folder in your LibreELEC system:


    It may be worth having a look (they are text / xml files) to make sure that your settings look OK.

    The settings.xml file should contain everything you setup in the Kodi Addon.

    The filter.cfg file should contain a list of included and excluded channels.

    If that is all OK you need technical help.

  • So I think I'm on the right path. I can configure the SD login details as I have a subscription and use it with out PVRs. I selected 1 day, no filter and HDHR =IP

    When I do the open after the configure, I'm asked to enter a zip and then it gives me a list of providers for satellite and cable. I'm OTA antenna and there is not a choice for that, but if I cancel out of that and go to remove one, I see both the zipcodes I use on the other PVR so they are in the account. I cancel out of that since I don't want to delete anything. If I try to edit channels, I get a error that says see log.

    The log file you referenced seems to be a command line output.

    usage: -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD [-h] [-v] [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-d DAYS]
    [-m] [--hdhomerun HDHOMERUN] [--filter]
    [--filter-path FILTER_PATH] [--channels]
    [--channels-path CHANNELS_PATH] error: argument -u/--username: expected one argument

    and I still get the log error I posted earlier when I rerun the grabbers

  • It's been a while since I last worked with the sd4tvh settings. If I recall correctly I had to manually add the EPG source for each channel Name under Configuration -> Channel / EPG -> Channels. Otherwise I recall that the grabber did not pick up any EPG information. This is configured from a web browser. For example

    Edited once, last by gedakc: Add bolding and http ip address:port (December 10, 2019 at 11:12 PM).

  • I know you have the add the EPG source in but you have to have the grabber get that source first. I've don't this with a xmltv.xml that was created on another system and copied to the RP4 then when you run the file grabber you have something to select in the EPG Source table entry.

    I was just hoping the by using sd4tvh I could have this done all on one system and avoid the second computer running to create that xmltv.xml file

  • I was just hoping the by using sd4tvh I could have this done all on one system and avoid the second computer running to create that xmltv.xml file

    When I set mine up I only used the Raspberry Pi. I did not need to run anything extra on other computers, other than a web browser to configure Tvh that is.

    Since you're not the only person who encountered difficulty getting sd4tvh to work, I suspect that something has changed since LE 8.2.5 and sd4tvh 0.2.1. Unfortunately this earlier version of LE doesn't run on an RPi4. You might try the combination that worked for LHoust in post 77.

    Note that I encountered issues with LE 9.0.x wherein 1080i (interlaced) video did not play smoothly on my Raspberry Pi 2. Hence I stayed with LE 8.2.5. I think the issue was due to a change in Kodi 18.0. For more details see Installing LibreELEC 8.2.5 with MythTV PVR Client on a Raspberry Pi 2/3/3B+.

  • I'm getting the feeling that there are not a lot of people still using sd4tvh on LE 9.2.0. I was hoping this would be a nice compact solution for a 1 box PVR at a cheap price. The RP4 certainly has the potential.

    My legacy system at home is a mythtv backend on a big PC with RAID for 8TB of mirrors so all I needed was little frontend like RP3/4 running LE and Kodi. I've found the Shield TV and FireTV stick 4K to be better frontends due to their support of mythtv frontend and streaming services as well as Kodi.

    TVH server and pvr addon in LE is a very good combo for a one box DVR except that the EPG other than over the air guides seems to be lacking.

    The RP4 as a mythtv backend and frontend works pretty good. It's a no brainer to setup even with SchedulesDirect or Zap2xml. The only hitch is getting perfectly smooth mythtv-frontend or Kodi 18 working right on my 4K TV. Seems that the RP4 has issues with some Samsung's 4k standards.

    I'm testing a lot of different things to find the best solution for a FE/BE combo box for my RV Camper. I need an OTA DVR as small as possible. Everyone knows you can't go camping in the USA without a good DVR :)

  • Thanks for posting your findings on MythTV and Kodi on the Raspberry Pi 4.

    If you still have on old RPi3 then for a portable solution you might consider using that with LE 8.2.5, TvHeadend Server 4.2 (8.2.113), and sd4tvh 0.2.1 (HDHomerun Channel Filter: Discover). That's the combination I'm running and it's working well.

  • ...

    If you still have on old RPi3 then for a portable solution you might consider using that with LE 8.2.5, TvHeadend Server 4.2 (8.2.113), and sd4tvh 0.2.1 (HDHomerun Channel Filter: Discover). That's the combination I'm running and it's working well.

    I have an old RP3B+ with nothing to do right now :) I may put your combination on it just to learn how it should work. Might help me moving forward.

  • I tried to test your latest with a RPI4. I have the latest LibreELEC installed with TVH server and client working. I has no issues with installation of the latest sd4tvh. I put in SD login and password and set HDHomerun to Discovery. I must have missed a step because all I see now is one day of OTA EPG schedules. When the internal grabber for sd4tvh runs all I get is:

    2020-06-26 05:46:24.736 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: grab /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh
    2020-06-26 05:46:24.743 spawn: Executing "/storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh"
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.694 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: grab took 32 seconds
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.716 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh: parse took 0 seconds
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.716 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh:  channels   tot=   23 new=    0 mod=    0
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.716 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh:  brands     tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.716 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh:  seasons    tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.716 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh:  episodes   tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0
    2020-06-26 05:46:56.716 xmltv: /storage/.kodi/addons/script.module.sd4tvh/bin/tv_grab_sd4tvh:  broadcasts tot=    0 new=    0 mod=    0