v7.90.010 bug reports for Odroid C2

  • v7.90.010 bug reports for Odroid C2

    What got fixed: (from v7.90.009)
    + Airplay works! (thanks!!!!!)

    What got broken: (from v7.90.009)
    - Skipping forward or backwards in a video sometimes causes subsequent video playback stuttering

    What works: (unchanged from v7.90.009):
    + audio sync with passthrough including DTS HD MA, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Atmos
    + h264 10 bit; h265 4k playback
    + smooth Kodi GUI
    + great CEC integration

    What needs work: (unchanged from v7.90.009)
    - Atmos, DolbyTrueHD, or 4K (with higher level audio) the video playback is choppy (most of the time; sometimes it manages to playback smoothly)
    Unfold g1gbn9k6yR
    Eclipse http://thedigitaltheater.com/wp-content/...heater.mkv
    - stream playback of a particular stream, for the majority of times, does not work; always works if acceleration is turned off
    - 3D does not auto switch TV; 3D MVC files play back as 2D
    - 60 seconds after audio playback is stopped there is an audible click
    - Playback jerks periodically at a regular interval (self correcting audio sync?)

    edit: log files attached in zip file.
    booted unit
    THX eclipse file played back fine (smooth 4K playback)
    CBSN stream failed
    Boxtrolls 3D MVC MKV - no 3D playback (identified though as 3D); skipped through movie to log stuttering
    played THX eclipse file again and playback jerky
    audio click (no audio output for xx seconds creates audio click)

  • I have that same problem:
    During playback Skipping forward or backwards in a video sometimes causes subsequent video playback stuttering. And also if I will stop playback and open (play) another movie the video is stuttering. The only workaround is to reboot LibreELEC.
    I have gived a look into Debug log but there is not any "info" about that.
    Hope in a fix.


  • I have that same problem:
    During playback Skipping forward or backwards in a video sometimes causes subsequent video playback stuttering. And also if I will stop playback and open (play) another movie the video is stuttering. The only workaround is to reboot LibreELEC.
    I have gived a look into Debug log but there is not any "info" about that.
    Hope in a fix.


    Does this occur for all types of files or just e.g. hevc/x265 videos. I'm also using the odroid-c2 and for sd h264 videos I cannot observe any problems, same goes for some online resources I've tried (orf, puls4, youtube)

  • Since LibreELEC v7.90.010 the problem is reduced but it's still here.
    Now the "main" problem is that if you go skipping forward or backwards in a video can happens that the video freeze with the "Buffering..." OSD info and the video remain freezed.

    Another problem that I found is a constant dropped frames (constantly every some seconds) during playback of SD (Standard Definition) .avi file of XviD or DivX (MPEG-4) using the Hardware acceleration.
    If I switch (in the settings) to software decoding for that non HD file the video is OK.

  • I found this Kodi build for Odroid C2 that fixes most of these issues.

    What is fixed in the build LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-8.0-rb-beta1j.tar 18-Jan-2017 16:03
    + Atmos, DolbyTrueHD, or 4K (with higher level audio) the video playback is smooth
    + Stream playback of a particular stream works with hardware acceleration on (always works)
    + Smooth video playback (no jutters)
    + Skipping back and forth has no negative impact upon subsequent playback (playback is smooth)

    As well there was a Matrix clip that I picked up somewhere (I believe somewhere on this forum) that now plays smoothly with this beta1j build.
    My memory after 4 days of being on is at 18% (does not appear to be a memory leak).

    There is still the audible click after 60 second inactivity, and still no 3D support (the RPi does 3D MVC MKV's perfectly - I would like to see this fixed with the Odroid C2).

    I hope to see these fixes implemented in the future release - great job guys!

  • There is gonna be no 3D MVC fix unless this is fixed in Kodi. There was a patch from koying that made it work in Jarvis. Unfortunately it was never mainlined. Once @peak3d's patches are merged in Kodi master we can think about to backport 3D. But it's not a high priority since most people on the Team (working on Amlogic) doesn't have 3D TV's anyway.

    Edited once, last by GDPR-1 (January 24, 2017 at 7:55 AM).

  • There's been progress in the sense that we narrowed the memleak issue down to an area of kernel code and changes we've been testing have a positive overall effect, but it is not resolved. Our aarch64 devices will not move up to beta until things are resolved or considerably improved.

  • I've tested this new build yesterday and yep, I can confirm all this.

    But there appeared a huge issue regarding LiveTV through IPTV Simple Client: Watching and zapping has improved a lot since raybuntus betas, but the beta1j cannot establish audio video sync here. I cannot even say how many seconds async there is, it seems to be different after every channel switch, but clearly 5 seconds or so, not just 300ms or so. Apparently such a live stream is a problem compared to a mkv video file.

    Okay... that was yesterday. Now this doesn't happen anymore hmm.
    Now it behaves like on the betas before: After switching to another channel the sound comes, video freezes for 4 seconds and then unfreezes in sync with audio. And mostly it repeats the audio of the last second then. So apparently the video waits for a timestamp where it is in sync with audio and unfreezes in sync then. in 7 out of 10 times it simply echoes the sound of the last second after unfreezing.
    But this happens only in LiveTV. All this on Raybuntus 32bit betas. I will have to catch the logs and post them odroid forums. Perhaps this will help to narrow it down somehow.

    EDIT #2
    and now it begins again. I see ~3s async on one channel. ~1s on another channel. Zapping back to the first channel it is almost in sync instead of 3s async.
    Which component-specific logging would be useful for this?

    • FFmpeg
    • Audio component
    • Video component


    Edited once, last by infinity85 (January 24, 2017 at 12:25 PM).

  • It looks like your issues are in those streams you are using. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't. I am no expert to ask about Kodi audio issues.

  • It looks like your issues are in those streams you are using. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't. I am no expert to ask about Kodi audio issues.

    I'm afraid that's not the case here. These are not illegal sky stream links or so, and they work on wrxtasys builds as well as on a raspberry and my firetv. It seems to be a muxing problem when tuning. Sometimes it works, sometimes your build struggles at the beginning. If it tunes in sync, then it stays in sync. But I can switch to another channel and back to the first again and it is most probably struggling at the beginning and then it plays with many seconds asynchronously. Doesn't happen on older krypton aarch64 alphas (before the patches from peak3d) and not on wrxtasys 7.x.x.

  • I'm afraid that's not the case here. These are not illegal sky stream links or so, and they work on wrxtasys builds as well as on a raspberry and my firetv. It seems to be a muxing problem when tuning. Sometimes it works, sometimes your build struggles at the beginning. If it tunes in sync, then it stays in sync. But I can switch to another channel and back to the first again and it is most probably struggling at the beginning and then it plays with many seconds asynchronously. Doesn't happen on older krypton aarch64 alphas (before the patches from peak3d) and not on wrxtasys 7.x.x.

    OK you might found something. Let's discuss this further in my Thread since these thread is for official Bugreports.

  • There is gonna be no 3D MVC fix unless this is fixed in Kodi. There was a patch from koying that made it work in Jarvis. Unfortunately it was never mainlined. Once @peak3d's patches are merged in Kodi master we can think about to backport 3D. But it's not a high priority since most people on the Team (working on Amlogic) doesn't have 3D TV's anyway.

    Thanks for the backstory regarding 3D MVC and Kodi (could never figure out why especially when the RPi handles 3D MVC flawlessly).

    Great job! (I wish I could code and help out)

  • OK you might found something. Let's discuss this further in my Thread since these thread is for official Bugreports.

    I might have, but I'm still not sure myself. I couldn't reproduce it later on and I believe that the issue is rather occuring if the internet connection is limited. The thing could be that with slower internet the stream could run into a limit and get hickups, the other builds (pre peak3d) were tolerant, they could catch up after the interrupt and it wouldn't occur again. Your builds may be a bit sensitive during tuning process or with interruptions (which may occur with IPTV here and there if downloading something at the same time).

    So I think it could've been that there was a download running, when this sync issues occured. As I said, the other builds simply stuttered some seconds and got in sync and smooth again. Yours may get out of the "flow" and then no resync gets it back to normal again. But as I still have probs to reproduce it, I will report it @forum.odroid.com as soon as I have more certainty.

    FYI: I wanted to write you yesterday after you've mentioned that it is not the right place here, but upon bringing the odroid tab in front, I ran into this malware issue on hardkernel websites and I lost the thought then.

    Edited once, last by infinity85 (January 25, 2017 at 8:37 PM).