Tvheadend nightly builds for LE

  • Hi, many thanks, it works, I can now access the Server however have another problem. My Hauppauge tuner is not showing up in the tuner list?

    Hello again keka1234,

    I'm glad you're connected to TvHeadEnd (TVH) Server now.

    I'm fairly certain that I`'m not going be able to help too much with why you don't see your Hauppauge TV tuner hardware in the TVH Server tuners tab except to give you the following information:

    (1)The developers/moderators are going to want to know what model of Hauppauge TV tuner hardware you are trying to use, and

    (2) They're going to want to see the output from:

    journalctl | paste

    If you've never done this, you log into your computer running LibreELEC via SSH (using a SSH client like PUTTY on a Windows machine) and at the console prompt that appears, type the command

    journalctl | paste

    The response will be a weblink which you should post in the next message you post in this thread.

    The odd thing is that if your Hauppauge TV tuner hardware worked in LibreELEC 9.2.6 (as I think you said it did in your earlier posts in this thread), then I cannot explain why it doesn't show up in TVH server tuners tab as well in LibreELEC 10 Beta (9.95). Are you using the TVH Server addon available in the LibreELEC 10 Beta repository now? I need to be very careful in what I suggest to you at this point because I am no expert in TVHeadEnd or Hauppauge TV tuners or even LibreELEC itself, and Linux commands in general.

    Please take the rest of this message with "a grain of salt" because I may be leading you astray.

    (1) Any possibility your Hauppauge TV tuner is suffering from a lack of power? I assume it is connected to your computer running LibreELEC via USB? My Raspi 4 may not provide enough power to run my Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD USB tuner (model 1595) directly from either a USB 3.0 or 2.0 port on the Raspi itself, so I've connected it to a powered USB hub which is connected to my Raspi. I know you're running a x86_x64 version of LibreELEC on different hardware. Probably the journalctl | paste output will let someone know if the TV tuner IS being seen at all by LibreELEC. And I wonder if running the TV tuner using LibreELEC 9.2.6 would not have power issues, while running it on LibreELEC 10 Beta would have power issues, even if the tuner is connected in the same way on both versions. Anyway, consider trying a different USB port on the computer or consider using a powered USB hub to see if you get different results.

    (2) i'm using an earlier version of TVH Server than is in the repository. Perhaps that makes a difference. But I would think that drivers/firmware would control whether TVH Server sees your TV tuner, not the specific version of the TVH server addon. If your tuner was recognized by TVH Server in 9.2.6, but is not in LibreELEC 10 Beta, did some Hauppauge firmware or drivers not make it into the newer version? My Hauppauge dualHD USB (model 1595) is recognized in both versions of LibreELEC "out of the box" Another reason to have info on the full name and model number of your Hauppauge tuner (as shown on the box) when you reply again with the journalctl | paste weblink.

    If you reply again with the weblink from the journalctl |paste command, the full name and model number of your Hauppauge TV tuner, a confirmation that it did indeed work in LibreELEC 9.2.6, but not LibreELEC 10 Beta, and perhaps a description of how it is connected to your computer running LibreELEC, and a confirmation that you did try a different USB port and/or you're using a powered USB 2.0 or powered USB 3.0 hub, perhaps someone here with more knowledge and experience than I have, can provide additional guidance.

    I hope this long post has been helpful, and reasonably accurate.

    Good luck.

  • Hi, the tuner is Hauppauge "WinTV-HVR-2200 DVB-T Multi-PAL 89619 Rev D1F2. It is a high quality Pci card dual tuner that worked with LibreELEC 9.2.6. I remember some time ago when moving from Kodi Krypton to Leia it was not in the driver library however then added, possibly this is the case again?

    I can have a go at the "journalctl | paste" later.

    typo: the card is PCI-e

    Edited once, last by keka1234: Merged a post created by keka1234 into this post. (April 17, 2021 at 4:21 AM).

  • Hi, the tuner is Hauppauge "WinTV-HVR-2200 DVB-T Multi-PAL 89619 Rev D1F2. It is a high quality Pci card dual tuner that worked with LibreELEC 9.2.6. I remember some time ago when moving from Kodi Krypton to Leia it was not in the driver library however then added, possibly this is the case again?

    I can have a go at the "journalctl | paste" later.

    typo: the card is PCI-e

    Hello again,

    Thanks for clarifying the name and model of your Hauppauge TV tuner hardware, and that it's connected via PCI-e rather than via USB. I'm unable to help any further since how to "fix" this issue is beyond my expertise. Your theory about needing drivers added somehow is likely correct (in my inexperienced opinion).

    I do encourage you to post again with a link to a journalctl | paste as part of the info you provide. The more info you can provide, the easier support can be provided to you. One thing that I didn't mention about the command earlier (and should have) is that you should restart your LibreELEC computer and then log in via SSH to run the command about 60 seconds after the reboot is finished. At least this is what was suggested in this post: RE: Tvheadend doesn't see quadHD-USB tuner.

    For whatever it's worth, I have another Hauppauge USB TV tuner that does not work in any version of LibreELEC right now. I asked about getting this tuner to work in LibreELEC, and I did receive helpful responses about possibly making it work eventually in later kernels. That thread is here FYI: Hauppauge WinTV-quadHD USB not recognized in TVHeadEnd on RPi4-8GB. Your issue may or may not be solved as mine will be, or perhaps because it did work on earlier versions of LibreELEC, it will be simpler and/or faster to get your tuner working compared to mine.

    I will bow out now, and I expect that someone else will be able to advise you further about getting your PCI-e Hauppauge "WinTV-HVR-2200 DVB-T Multi-PAL 89619 Rev D1F2" to work in LibreELEC 10.

  • Hi, Tried reseating the PCI-E card, tried different slots and even tried a spare card that i had, all producing the same result of no card in the TVHeadend tuner list. It definitely works with LE 9.2.6 however not LE (10.0) which actually is 9.95.1. I then tried to go back to 9.2.6 however lost access to the LE repository. Sadly not winning with Hauppauge. I did try a Realtek USB tuner which worked however no where near as good as the Hauppauge.

    Hope it is a driver inclusion issue that will be fixed during subsequent LE releases.

  • First the card has to be listed in dmesg/journal log or via lspci before any driver can be used on it.

    The easiest way to test this on different OS versions without touching your installation on HD is to create an install stick, boot it through the syslinux boot menu to the first installer screen, press Alt-F3 to get the debug console and type lspci. Candidates are 9.2.6, 9.95.1 and the latest nightly from Index of /

  • thanks, very sad.

    It worked, changed PCIe Link speed from Auto to Gen 1 as in above post. Thanking you, most appreciated.

    Edited once, last by keka1234: Merged a post created by keka1234 into this post. (April 21, 2021 at 10:29 PM).

  • hello. im trying to use hdstar v3 dvb-s2 on coreelec latest matrix build. the crazycat drivers find the card and its recognized in tvheadend but there are so many contiunity errors and such that its basically unusable. with kernel and coreelec drivers tvheadend the device is not recognized in tvheadend. im using tvheadend 4.3

    on the net i have some solutions like this but none of them work? can you help me with this?

    [HOW TO] Geniatech HDStar V3 Dvb-S2 install - Raspberry Pi - OSMC Forums