RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • FalconX

    You can use ALT+ESC to close any window.


    Just get a Rii mini keyboard with trackpad, it'll make your HTPC life easier. Spotimc is a buggy piece of crap :)

    I have the Logitech DiNovo that comes with a trackpad, but i still prefer Spotimc's design rather than official Spotify's own, at least on an HTPC :)

    Btw escalade, would it be possible to implement "Moonlight" with a GUI to pair Nvidia Gamestream? The addon is broken and the author doesn't seem to know how to fix it.

    Big ups for your work, love it!

  • Maybe if I learned programming and had some kind of interest in moonlight :)

    In other news, I've narrowed down the issue I had with youtube when using -O2 compiler optimization to libressl. I've added a new build to the "testing" folder which is built with -O2 and uses openssl. I've also included libressl for compatibility with addons, so there shouldn't be any issues. I've also fixed the Spotify URL issue. Please test.

    Edited once, last by escalade (February 23, 2017 at 11:10 AM).

  • Just for anyone who is still having problems getting audio to work in emulationstation and retroarch. I spent a load of time this morning trying to find why I couldnt get sound despite all of the settings in aconf etc. being correct. I found my issue was a setting inside of kodi>system>audio>keep audio device alive. With this active I had no sound however disabling the setting fixed the issue. Worth a try if nothing else fixes your problems.

  • Maybe if I learned programming and had some kind of interest in moonlight :)

    You don't need to learn how programming, there's a package for linux at least, check it out here: - i think it would be a perfect match for your LibreELEC version aka the ultimate gaming/media experience :) imagine to play those triple A titles with your little HTPC by the sofa, streaming your favorite games from your desktop PC :)

    There's an alpha for running it in Chrome browser, Releases · moonlight-stream/moonlight-chrome · GitHub

  • Curious if the ARMv7 vs ARMv8 thing has been resolved? I attempted to add arm_control=0x200 to my /flash/config.txt, however then the system will not boot. I've tried that with both a LibreElec 7 & 8.0 install.

    FYI, I attempted to search, but the results that came back didn't seem to touch on anything specific.

    Curious if the ARMv7 vs ARMv8 thing has been resolved? I attempted to add arm_control=0x200 to my /flash/config.txt, however then the system will not boot. I've tried that with both a LibreElec 7 & 8.0 install.

    FYI, I attempted to search, but the results that came back didn't seem to touch on anything specific.

    Answering my own question, there doesn't seem to be any AArch64 / 64 bit kernel/builds available, so this is why arm_control=0x200 doesn't work.

    Anyone know the status of AArch64 / 64 Bit?

    Edited once, last by STLJonny (February 25, 2017 at 4:05 AM).

  • Sure, just run "/usr/bin/emulationstation.start --frontend" in

    Also on another box I'm trying to run the games through Rom Collection Browser, but I can't find an exec file for retroarch inside /storage/.config/retroarch and there doesn't seem to be any cores there? Can you guide me to where the file is located and cores?

  • escalade, first, thanks for the great build.
    How complicated would it be to build a standalone nfs3 addon?
    Stumbled upon this thread while searching for it, but your build has it built in.
    Cloned your repo and tried bulding it all but am getting this on the package htop:

    checking for curses.h... yes
    configure: error: missing libraries:  libncurses
    Makefile:12: recipe for target 'image' failed
    make: *** [image] Error 1

    I'm building this on xubuntu 16.04., libncurses-dev is installed, but it is a metapackage which installs libncurses5-dev. Also installed libncursesw5-dev but still doesn't work.
    Any ideas?

    Next I pulled unfs3 from the official svn, built it and it works fine on my libreelec v7.0.3 if started manually.
    Next step would be systemd unit and then to package it all into usable addon.

  • It's quite easy and can be learned by looking at other addons. As for the libncurses issue, it's not looking for the system library but for the one in your LibreELEC toolchain (provided by packages/devel/netbsd-curses). Compiles fine on Arch Linux, which is what I use.

  • It's quite easy and can be learned by looking at other addons. As for the libncurses issue, it's not looking for the system library but for the one in your LibreELEC toolchain (provided by packages/devel/netbsd-curses). Compiles fine on Arch Linux, which is what I use.

    I can confirm that it does not build correctly on ubuntu but after I created an Arch Linux VM, I was able to build without encountering the same issue. Strange but somehow tied to Ubuntu.

  • It's possible to update a LibreELEC 8.0 installation with this? Right now I have dual boot with windows 10 and I don't want to wipe the entire drive .

    Also wondering about this:

    I've been following the Retroplayer thread for a while and it's coming along nicely, it doesn't help me much right now lol. I've just switched from OE to Libreelec after wondering why I haven't received updates for a while...

    Anyhow...Everything is stable right now and I just want to play some games using IARL without too many mods to a stable system. Looking at this build, I'm seeing a lot of extras I don't need, any way of just getting retroarch and playing via IARL?

    Edited once, last by benbour (February 27, 2017 at 5:54 PM).

  • 20170228:

    - rebased on le8
    - kodi 17.1-rc1 (latest krypton git)
    - linux 4.10.1
    - added the media_build drivers (previously disabled in this build)
    - uses libinput (1.7 rc1) instead of evdev/synaptics for better input handling in xorg
    - glupen64-libretro has been forked into mupen64plus-libretro and the core previously called mupen64plus-libretro is now parallel-n64-libretro
    - updated packages: xf86-video-intel, mesa, vulkan-loader, sabnzbd, sonarr, beetle-psx-libretro, pcsx_rearmed-libretro, snes9x2010-libretro, mame2003-libretro, core-info, libretro-database, retroarch-assets, retroarch

    All builds are now built with -O2 optimization again for better performance.

  • Looks good.

    Is it possible to load roms/games from usb disk or NAS?.....if

    I've done this a long time ago under osmc or openelec and can't really remember the steps.

    but what i can remember it was something like this:
    sudo mount -t nfs mynasip:/volume1/roms /home/osmc/roms
    mv RetroPie/roms RetroPie/roms.old
    ln -s /home/osmc/roms /home/osmc/RetroPie/roms
    ls /home/osmc/RetroPie/roms

    does this above edit the fstab? or isn't that used anymore? because i can't edit the file

    Edited once, last by arjanv (February 28, 2017 at 3:56 PM).