RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • Well, my 8bitdo SFC30 seems to work ok in Kodi and ES. I saved mappings through Retroarch (I see it in .cfg), but it fails to work in games. Actually usb gamepad also stopped working, so i cant even exit games...

    Ill play around with .cfg i gues and come back with what i find out.

  • Build 20161006:

    - Kodi 17 beta 3
    - Increase the system partition to 768MB (for new installs) - this will be needed sooner or later for vanilla LE as well
    - Added vim
    - Added sdl-jstest/sdl2-jstest
    - Updated RetroArch (lots of Netplay fixes)
    - Updated libretro database and assets
    - Updated Mesa
    - Keep aspect and enable vsync by default for FS-UAE

    Edited once, last by escalade (October 6, 2016 at 9:30 PM).

  • Things seem to be working OK for now. I've had a few instances where things seemed to lock up in emulationstation or while running a game, but they were always after I dropped several new files into the roms folder. Reboots seem to have cleared that issue up. Once again, time will tell.

  • Things seem to be working OK for now. I've had a few instances where things seemed to lock up in emulationstation or while running a game, but they were always after I dropped several new files into the roms folder. Reboots seem to have cleared that issue up. Once again, time will tell.

    I'm running bite_your_idols' Gamestarter, and I've had a few games freeze on me as well. I think I even had a game or 2 freeze up in RetroPie. I'm not sure if it's the emulators, or because I'm still using a rpi2, and would be better off with a rpi3. It only happens with certain games though. I had to turn off the rumble function as that froze something up I was playing.

  • Sounds like bad hardware, copying roms over should not freeze your machine.

    I'm sure that's a possibility as well. It didn't freeze while I was copying them over, it did it afterwards when I was finally on the box and checking some of the roms out. Wanted to make sure everything was running properly. It should get a good test run tonight. Either way, I'm sure the Media Center will end up with some much better hardware before long. Been talking about building a new PC for the wife to run her business. Wanted to become familiar with what's out there so I just used some spare parts laying around in the mean time.

  • Well, my 8bitdo SFC30 seems to work ok in Kodi and ES. I saved mappings through Retroarch (I see it in .cfg), but it fails to work in games. Actually usb gamepad also stopped working, so i cant even exit games...

    Ill play around with .cfg i gues and come back with what i find out.

    Can you control Kodi with 8bitdo (wireless) ? I'm not able to. Any trick?

  • I am able to with a SNES30 with firmware updated to v2.69. I believe it configured automatically as well on newer versions. Though at some point I recall needing to set it up through settings: HOW-TO:Configure controllers - Official Kodi Wiki

    I didn't know about this Kodi "Input Configuration", I've setup my keys but the only that works is "Volume Down" when I move the right analog left.
    Not a big deal, I will keep using my smartphone as remote. Thanks anyway.

  • I didn't know about this Kodi "Input Configuration", I've setup my keys but the only that works is "Volume Down" when I move the right analog left.
    Not a big deal, I will keep using my smartphone as remote. Thanks anyway.

    which version are you on? one of the versions had an update to the controllers that broke functionality for many of us but was fixed in subsequent versions.

  • Joystick support in Kodi always has been and still is crap. I recommend using an RF or BT keyboard.
    Build 20161010:

    - Mesa updated with radeon/amdgpu Vulkan support
    - Linux 4.8.1
    - Version bumps for RetroArch and plenty of cores
    - LE settings icon is now at homescreen again (where filemanager used to be)

    Edited once, last by escalade (October 10, 2016 at 2:14 PM).

  • Joystick support in Kodi always has been and still is crap. I recommend using an RF or BT keyboard.

    I'm thinking of getting usb flirc. I could then map ESC to my TV's remote control, allowing me to exit Dolphin without an attached keyboard.
    May I ask if any of you care to suggest a better alternative?

  • I'm thinking of getting usb flirc. I could then map ESC to my TV's remote control, allowing me to exit Dolphin without an attached keyboard.
    May I ask if any of you care to suggest a better alternative?

    I have 2 FLIRCs and love them. And the FLIRC raspberry pi 2/3 case is awesome as well.

  • I have the latest LE8 "Extended", taken from here.

    Gues i meddled with configs too much...
    I did a fresh install, latest version. FC30 didnt work out of the box(Kodi), did the configuration and first it worked in system settings, but stopped working after... dont get it really...
    But now i could map it in Retroarch, so im happy.

    I think in previous versions when i did the Kodi configuration with USB gamepad generic, later on FC30 would work out of the box.

  • In an effort to get PCSX2 running on LibreELEC I built a 32 bit version of my own tree and packaged up the latest PCSX2 from git and it's dependencies. Everything works and I can start PCSX2, but it can't find any plugins, even though it's looking in the correct directory and the plugins are there. So close! Maybe I'll find a way to fix this, maybe not. The 32 bit image is uploaded in case anyone wants to play with it.

  • In an effort to get PCSX2 running on LibreELEC I built a 32 bit version of my own tree and packaged up the latest PCSX2 from git and it's dependencies. Everything works and I can start PCSX2, but it can't find any plugins, even though it's looking in the correct directory and the plugins are there. So close! Maybe I'll find a way to fix this, maybe not. The 32 bit image is uploaded in case anyone wants to play with it.

    Just for my curiosity, theoretically, will this be possible to have also in the 64 bit LE8 Extended version?