I haven't removed any other drivers. Let me know which driver it uses and I'll have a look. Also provide logs.
RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)
escalade -
May 12, 2016 at 2:26 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Had to cut the legacy drivers in the last builds due to size. Try 20170709.
Same problem... shitty nvidia ION chipset... -
Ive been using an earlier build for 6 months now, and have to say that it has been fantastic - thank yo so much escalade.
How do I go about updating to the latest version without having to completely re-install everything? Or is it easier to pull off specific config files, perform a fresh install and then copy everything back on...?
Thanks again
There's no such thing as a foolproof update. Just back up and update, see how it goes.
this is the error in the latest build for rpi2.
Same at mi Pi3 trying to update for devel-20170710
I've uploaded a new image, please try that.
I've uploaded a new image, please try that.
Upgrade process still failing... something at mounting image is missing I guess. My /storage partition have 22.4G Available... strange!
Here's a snapshot of the upgrade process for devel-20170717:
Googlin' about the message error, found some "similar problem" with a fix regarding charter set for filesystem support at kernel compliation... at this link!
Hi folks.
I've just moved from OpenELEC as tvheadend isn't working there at the moment.
Been a steep learning curve. Thought it would be straight forward, but not seeming that way. I love the extra help in LibreELEC setup compared to OpenELEC.
I'm having trouble with Retroarch. I've downloaded and installed the latest LE8 (20170712). From what I've read, Retroarch should be already included but I can't seem to find it installed on my system. Config files are there for it, but no system files.
Am I looking in the wrong place? Trying to get IARL working.
I've uploaded the .tar try that.
Hard to say, as you have not included any logs. Did the update go well? Are you using the Estuary skin?
Thanks for the timely reply escalade. Using original skin (Estuary I think)
I haven't tried to run anything yet as I couldn't find the Retroarch addon. I'm used to running it directly from the menu in Openelec. Is this possible in LibreELEC? I think I found the addon installed at " /usr/bin/retroarch ". Can I run the sh file directly to run retroarch?
Just do a clean install, RetroArch should be in the top menu as shown on the first page of this thread. It's not an addon btw, also mentioned on the first page which you should read before posting.
Thanks for the reply again.
I have just done a fresh install this morning. There was never any sign of Retroarch on the top menu even on first boot.
I have read that first post quite thoroughly. This is why I believed it was included. Your picture on post 1 does not show any reference to it.
Doh, sorry didn't get my 2 cups of coffee this morning lol. RetroArch is not by default in the top menu, but there should be an "Emulators" entry which launches Emulationstation. You may change the frontend launched through /storage/.config/emulator-frontend.conf.
Ahh. lol. Cool. Thanks heaps for that.
I've been playing a little more and managed to launch a game using the IARL addon.
It's very different to the way I was used to doing things in OpenELEC. Nicely integrated OS you have built.
I've uploaded the .tar try that.
Thanks for your time and help escalade. Will try it soon... Last night in my attempt to make things work had downloaded Milhouse's LE9 testbuild and got surprised by the speed improvement for the RPi version (Im on RPi3)! Maybe your could try that branch for your excellent build...!
I will rebase on LE9 at some point, just waiting for Kodi 18 to mature a bit.
- Official Post
I just wanted to confirm that the Nvidia 384.47 driver is working fine with the GT1030 video card. Also no initialization delays.
I've seen a couple of people using Aeon MQ7 on this build. I tried to install it on my Intel system but I got a message about dependencies not being met ( I think that was the message ). Can anyone tell me how they managed to install it?