Guys one question.
There was option to boot to android under power button in estuary theme. But since I choose confluence theme, the option to boot to android isn't there, can we get it in this theme?
Guys one question.
There was option to boot to android under power button in estuary theme. But since I choose confluence theme, the option to boot to android isn't there, can we get it in this theme?
the option to boot to android isn't there, can we get it in this theme?
You have to edit a config file.
How to You can find in this forum or google search
The MXIII is pretty confusing since it seems to be sold many different manufactures, Coollead, Beelink, Sunwell and the list goes on and on, are these all compatible? I have the Sunwell MXIII 2gb ram.
Many thanks to Tim_Taylor for this,
I'm posting the link for others also. It worked beautifully.
Does LE Kodi 17.6 exist for S802 1G boxes? I cant seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks for the link. For some reason this version disables my wifi on MXIII 4K box. The S802 RC4 version didnt do that. Is this normal?
I went backwards til i found one that works, 802b has working wifi for me.
I don't own/have and is impossible to be able to test every box out there, really sorry.
Hey everyone,
I have been through all 80+ pages and am amazed by all the support!
I am a complete newbie to installing LibreElec and would like to update two boxes.
I have an M8 box (square) and an M8S box (Square)
Which OpenElec files are the best which include Kodi 17.x?
Sorry if this is an obvious question.
Kind regards,
Display MoreHey everyone,
I have been through all 80+ pages and am amazed by all the support!
I am a complete newbie to installing LibreElec and would like to update two boxes.
I have an M8 box (square) and an M8S box (Square)
Which OpenElec files are the best which include Kodi 17.x?
Sorry if this is an obvious question.
Kind regards,
This is a Libreelec forum and I guess this is what you are looking for, not Openelec.
First - Go back to page 1, look for the link for the downloads - S8X2 LE-8.0.1 & LE-8.0.2 & LE-8.2 images. Click on the line below it which will take you to the downloads page. Then select the version 8.2.3 folder and when that page opens look for your builds based on your boxes.
The file you will need to download ends in img.gz. and needs to be burned to an SD Card minimum 8gig, good quality. Note that the .tar images are for updating a build already on the box.
You need to burn the downloaded img.gz to the SD card. Format the SD card first to Fat32 with a program like SDFormatter. To burn the img.gz to an SD card there are lots of tools to do this. I use Win32diskimager, but if you use this tool you will have to extract the img.gz to an .img file with 7zip or Winrar.
After you burn the img.gz to the SD card you need to open the SD card in a file explorer and copy your remote.conf (this enables your remote to be used with the new build) file and the file to the SD card.
If you have not burned a build to an SD card or installed a build before you need to read up on that. Start here - [HOWTO + FAQ] Install community builds on S905/S905D/S905W/S905X/S912 device
You can look for your remote.conf file here - remote.conf repository, or google it. The other option is to grab it off your box when running Android via ES File Explorer. Look in the etc folder.
You will also need a file. I have attached one to this note.
There is lots of help around for what I've quickly written for you. Good luck, its a great build and brings these boxes up to date.
Dont worry guys as long as Wetek Core is supported upstream, S802/S812 will be supported too. All is missing is someone to do the dirty job.
I"ll try to switch to Libreelec kernel from kszaq if i succeed then we have game
Please keep us updated. My S905X boxes are running great on KODI 18 Coreelec version. Would really appreciate getting a build for S812. Your builds have always been rock solid for me.
Hey buddy
I currently have you LibreElec 8.0.1 S802 build on my M8 box (works like a charm) and I'm looking to install LAKKA on the same box.
Can you please describe how this is best done + where link me to where I can grab the necessary files?
Many thanks and keep up the great work!
Just update your image as you would update libreelec and will work no need to reflash anything
Just update your image as you would update libreelec and will work
no need to reflash anything
does this give me dual boot or will it overwrite the existing libreelec?
I would like to keep libreelec the same as it is currently set up as a kodi box, but would like to sometimes be able to use the same box as an emulation station too!
will overwrite libreelec ofc
Will we see any new update ? The 8.2.4 version ?
Hi all, i've been reading (and updating) my mygica atv 582, which i used the LibreELEC-S8X2.arm-8.2.3-MXIII-1G.tar (first an openelec version then updated with this one)....
after updating to libreelec there is no wifi, i'm trying to search the forum still i cannot find anything related...
is there drivers / update file so i can use wifi ?
mygica atv 582
Late to the Game, but hey Demetris, you saved my Minix Neo X8h-Plus,(Now running LibreElec 8.2.3), from the recycle bin.
Where can I buy you a Beer