Librelec uses bootloader that can't install itself into 4096 sector size device. Regular Linux tends to use grub, which is more widespread and gets updates/fixes faster than syslinux. Libreelec does not use grub cause they care about size and not about grub's bells and whistles.
I guess you did not read the link.
Could you boot your laptop with Live ubuntu disk and show 'smartctl -c /dev/nvme0n1' output for your Toshiba NVME. Dunno if live ubuntu includes smart monitoring tools in their build. I used different live os to check drives.
I find that incredibly odd, is it based on a very old and unupdated bootloader?
I did but I fail to see why it's even relevant unless this is a profoundly old thing that isn't working.
I have no idea what you need from it, is it here?