[Intel W5 Pro Mini] WiFi doesn't work

  • Hi, I have a w5 pocket pc pro and my wifi no longer works in the latest versions of libreelec, I don't know what to do anymore

    I do have same problem. I upgraded version from 11.0.1 to 11.0.6 stable release.

    Since the upgrade my WIFI connection is no longer working. Sometimes during startup I can see the error message:

    Failed to start iwd.service

    Already tried a complete new installation. Then I was able to configure my WIFI connection once and the connection has been successfully established. But after reboot I got the same behavior. (iwd.service error, and WIFI no longer working)

  • Run "journalct | paste" and share the URL once the connection works so we can see the system log (and what went wrong, maybe)

    thanks for your reply. I think you need the output from journalctl after the error occurred, right?

    But after the error occurred I am not able to access the system, because WIFI is no longer working.
    Any other way I could get access to the required log files?

    I also did some more testing. I tested every version from 11.0.6 back to 11.0.3 in both version of Generic.x86_64 and Generic.x86_64-legacy.

    With version 11.0.3 (based on Kodi 20.2) the WIFI connection is working again. With the newer versions (based on Kodi 20.3) WIFI is working only on first boot. After configuring WIFI and system reboot the WIFI no longer works and can't be configured again. SSIDs no longer visible.

  • ok, sorry - my bad.

    Here is the required journalctl | paste output: Log

    Image used: LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.6.img.gz (fresh installation)

    Are these logs helpful, any tips what I could do or any further information required?
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

  • In the logs I can see wlan0, iwlwifi, iwd entries all indicating things are working.

    Yeah, that's correct. But only on first boot - like described in earlier post.
    On first boot after fresh install I am able to configure the WIFI connection once and connection establish successfully.

    But as soon as I reboot the system the WIFI no longer works. Its not connecting anymore and I am not able to see the SSIDs.
    From this point I need to reinstall again or do a hard-reset to get WIFI working again and the "loop" begins after another restart...

  • Yeah, that's correct. But only on first boot - like described in earlier post.
    On first boot after fresh install I am able to configure the WIFI connection once and connection establish successfully.

    But as soon as I reboot the system the WIFI no longer works. Its not connecting anymore and I am not able to see the SSIDs.
    From this point I need to reinstall again or do a hard-reset to get WIFI working again and the "loop" begins after another restart...

    I see that there is some routing or vpn connection being made - so unsure how this is configured on a fresh install? Or is this from a hard power off?

    What do the logs show on the second boot?

  • I see that there is some routing or vpn connection being made - so unsure how this is configured on a fresh install? Or is this from a hard power off?

    What do the logs show on the second boot?

    I'm unsure what you mean with VPN connection. I don't use VPN on my LibreELEC client.
    I just configured WIFI with SSID and password. Client will get an IP from DHCP server via reservation.

    How can I access the logs without CLI (e.g. via GUI) on second boot? Because of missing network connection I'm not able to connect to client via ssh. The log that I see in GUI has a lot less information than I got via ssh.