Can a DVD drive on another server be used by kodi like a local DVD? Checked iscsi and nbd-client.

  • I checked open-scsi and followed the instructions given by chewitt in the thread open-iscsi support for raspberry Pi 3. Creating an image with Iscsi-client worked but I don't have a scsi drive. Maybe it would work, maybe not.

    Then I checked nbd-client, which is built into LibreElec:

    • export the dvd drive on my Ubuntu server unsing nbd-server
    • the nbd-client command on LibreElec to connect the drive returns with no error
    • mounting /dev/nbd0 fails with various error messages (dmesg)

    Now I made another test and installed ndb-client on my Xubuntu laptop

    • connecting the remote drive works
    • mounting /dev/nbd0 works (type seems to be udf, which looks ok)
    • the disk can be played flawlessly with VLC as if it was in a local drive

    Looks good so far, but changing the disk is not recognized and has weird effects on the mount.

    Conclusion: Even if nbd-client and mounting the remote drive would work on LibreElec, this will never work like a local drive. In my opinion, it's not worth following up beacuse there are even more problems to be expected...

    Maybe someone has more and better ideas.

  • And the errors are

    First thing: if no disk is inserted in the target drive the nbd-client command fails (short read) and mount caanot find a valid file system on /dev/nbd

    If a disk is inserted 'nbd-cleint -p -N share-name target-host /nbd0' command returns with no error


    mount returns:

    mount: mounting /dev/nbd0 on media failed: Invalid argument


    The errors show clearly that nbd-client cannot even handle a share for a dvd. let alone changing disks.

    End of story ...

  • Why not just use NFS? I would be surprised if nbd would detect physical disk changes, it's intended to share a "hard drive or partition" which generally is fixed in size and not hot-swappable. iSCSI would likely be in a similar situation.

  • This was the reason why I came to this forum at first. Still an open issue. DVD streaming among two VLC machines worked for me, but a remote mount would be much more elegant.

  • using Handbrake to rip the ISO to file/files normally always works out quicker :)

    That was also your suggestion when I came here. ^^

    If I own the real thing, then I don't want to make copies. MP3s for my mobile player are the only exceptions.

    arcasys You should already declare UDF when you mount the DVD:

    mount -t udf -o loop /path/to.iso mnt/dvd
  • I have lots of original copies. I also have kids who are incapable of putting discs away in the correct box and/or without leaving them on the floor where they get scuffed and made unreadable. So all new acquisitions are immediately ripped to a NAS, which makes the entire library kid-proof and navigable without getting up from the sofa :)