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    Good morning.
    Regarding the ambilight, is there any future project in the short term to re-implement this system on the raspberry pi ???
    As I have read in the forum, previous messages talk about it working. what has changed so that now it does not work ???
    It is due to lack of interest because this system is not used by many people ???
    It is more than proven that Hyperion NG, which is the one that works perfectly in Coreelec right now, does not work in the new Libreelec images. Is someone working to make a script like this so that I can use the ambilight on the raspberry again ???
    The truth is a shame because it is something that I always use and because it does not work on raspberry and Libreelec I have my raspi 4 stored in a drawer.
    apart from other Orange pi boards
  • LE 11.x now uses a GBM/V4L2 video pipeline which does not support the methods previously used to grab frames, and reimplementing that is technically non-trivial and probably won't happen. The best (only?) approach available now is to use an external HDMI grabber, so there is no 'software' dependency on acquiring frames to drive the LED's.

  • maybe this is an obvious question, but if you go with an external Frame Grabber, would you need to have the usb output connected to a separate RPi running Hyperion, or could you still run Hyperion on the same RPI as LE?

  • Heres a thought. I am a little leary of using an HDMI splitter/grabber (cost, reports of picture quality degradation, interference with CEC and HDCP..).

    I am going to try enabling the composite video output on a Rpi4, and running that into a cheap composite-to-USB capture device (mostly because I have a bunch of them lying around).

    I will report my results.

  • well, I don't use a AVR, but I might have to get one...

    The composite-out method doesn't work. Well it does, but as far as I can tell when you enable composite out on the Rpi4 it disables the HDMI output. But watching blinky leds is not much fun when the tv screen is blank...

  • LE 11.x now uses a GBM/V4L2 video pipeline which does not support the methods previously used to grab frames, and reimplementing that is technically non-trivial and probably won't happen. The best (only?) approach available now is to use an external HDMI grabber, so there is no 'software' dependency on acquiring frames to drive the LED's.

    Will this be the same on Raspberry Pi5 ??

  • This looks promising, but how would you install this to LibreElec? It looks like you need a writeable filesystem and install rust and a bunch of other stuff and then compile it.

    Edited 2 times, last by gadget_guy (October 2, 2023 at 6:01 PM).

  • It would need to be packaged into a Kodi binary add-on (as part of Hyperion would make sense) and then cross-compiled/built from source using the LE build-system. Then you install the binary add-on in Kodi. It's probably some way off from that point ..

  • If someone wants to experiment further, create packages/addons/addon-depends/drm-vc4-grabber/ with that ^ and then build the package (only compile tested). You'll need to recreate the systemd service and/or figure out further packaging to get things working. For me the binary ends up in build.LibreELEC-RPi5.aarch64-11.80.0/build/drm-vc4-grabber-a0ed242818109d4d7f8bba4830878ce647b6c878/.aarch64-libreelec-linux-gnu/target/aarch64-libreelec-linux-gnu/release/

  • Can someone post some examples of working HDMI grabber to make Hyperion work for the following setup?

    My TV has multiple HDMI connectors. Currently the TV is connected via HDMI1 to a Soundsystem-/BluRay-Player combi and with HDMI2 to an old RPI3 with a older version of Libreelec & Hyperion. Most of the time it works well but I want to upgrade the raspberry pi and Libreelec and don't want to miss Hyperion ambilight.
    Is this possible?

  • In the end, after so much research, testing and waiting, I got tired and decided to throw in the towel because I couldn't find anything that would make my ambilight work in libreelec like coreelec does.

    The other day searching the internet I found a fantastic system that DOES NOT need any add-on for the ambilight to work, since it is an HDMI capture device and functional with any device that is connected to said port. In this way, it does not matter which operating system we are using and from which device. Connects to HDMI and issue solved.

    Here I leave you a link where you can see what it is and if you are interested, do like me. Buy one and that's it. I'm still waiting because shipping to my area can take up to a month, but I'm sure it will work.

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    I bought it from this link in case anyone is interested but it is available in several stores. It's all about searching for it. CUPON $7 DESCUENTO: DOMOTICA7
