Hyperion libreelec 11.0 cannot start
milo -
March 16, 2023 at 3:48 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
You are using the Generic (GBM/V4L2) image which does not support Hyperion. You would need to crossgrade to the Generic-Legacy image which still uses X11 windowing. Crossgrade will require you to uninstall any binary add-ons that depend on OpenGLES, then clean the local package cache, before 'updating' to Generic-Legacy and reinstalling OpenGL compatible versions.
In the long-term the X11 image will be discontinued (GBM is the future technical direction) so you might want to think about adapting your Hyperion setup to use an external HDMI grabber.
Hello i have an external HDMI grabber...how do I install than Hyperion?
this is my config
Display More{ "backgroundEffect": { "color": [ 255, 138, 0 ], "effect": "Warm mood blobs", "enable": false, "type": "effect" }, "blackborderdetector": { "blurRemoveCnt": 1, "borderFrameCnt": 50, "enable": true, "maxInconsistentCnt": 10, "mode": "default", "threshold": 5, "unknownFrameCnt": 600 }, "boblightServer": { "enable": false, "port": 19333, "priority": 128 }, "color": { "channelAdjustment": [ { "backlightColored": false, "backlightThreshold": 0, "blue": [ 0, 0, 255 ], "brightness": 100, "brightnessCompensation": 100, "brightnessGain": 1, "cyan": [ 0, 255, 255 ], "gammaBlue": 2.2, "gammaGreen": 2.2, "gammaRed": 2.2, "green": [ 0, 255, 0 ], "id": "default", "leds": "*", "magenta": [ 255, 0, 255 ], "red": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "saturationGain": 1, "white": [ 255, 255, 255 ], "yellow": [ 255, 255, 0 ] } ], "imageToLedMappingType": "multicolor_mean" }, "device": { "autoStart": true, "colorOrder": "gbr", "currentLedCount": 10, "delayAfterConnect": 0, "enableAttempts": 6, "enableAttemptsInterval": 15, "hardwareLedCount": 10, "latchTime": 30, "output": "ttyUSB0", "rate": 115200, "rateList": "115200", "rewriteTime": 1000, "streamProtocol": "0", "type": "adalight", "white_channel_blue": 255, "white_channel_calibration": false, "white_channel_green": 255, "white_channel_limit": 100, "white_channel_red": 255 }, "effects": { "disable": [ "" ], "paths": [ "$ROOT/custom-effects" ] }, "flatbufServer": { "enable": true, "port": 19400, "timeout": 5 }, "foregroundEffect": { "color": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "duration_ms": 3000, "effect": "Rainbow swirl fast", "enable": true, "type": "effect" }, "forwarder": { "enable": false }, "framegrabber": { "available_devices": "X11", "cropBottom": 0, "cropLeft": 0, "cropRight": 0, "cropTop": 0, "device": "x11", "device_inputs": "0", "enable": false, "fps": 25, "framerates": "25", "height": 1080, "input": 0, "pixelDecimation": 8, "resolutions": "0", "width": 1920 }, "general": { "configVersion": "2.0.15", "name": "My Hyperion Config", "previousVersion": "2.0.15", "showOptHelp": true, "watchedVersionBranch": "Stable" }, "grabberAudio": { "audioEffect": "vuMeter", "device": "auto", "enable": false, "vuMeter": { "flip": "NO_CHANGE", "hotColor": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "multiplier": 1, "safeColor": [ 0, 255, 0 ], "safeValue": 45, "tolerance": 5, "warnColor": [ 255, 255, 0 ], "warnValue": 80 } }, "grabberV4L2": { "available_devices": "USB3. 0 capture: USB3. 0 captur", "blueSignalThreshold": 0, "cecDetection": false, "cropBottom": 0, "cropLeft": 0, "cropRight": 0, "cropTop": 0, "device": "/dev/video0", "device_inputs": "0", "enable": true, "encoding": "YUYV", "flip": "NO_CHANGE", "fps": 5, "fpsSoftwareDecimation": 0, "framerates": "5", "greenSignalThreshold": 100, "hardware_brightness": -11, "hardware_contrast": 148, "hardware_hue": 0, "hardware_saturation": 180, "height": 1080, "input": 0, "noSignalCounterThreshold": 200, "redSignalThreshold": 0, "resolutions": "10", "sDHOffsetMax": 0.46, "sDHOffsetMin": 0.4, "sDVOffsetMax": 0.9, "sDVOffsetMin": 0.1, "signalDetection": false, "sizeDecimation": 8, "standard": "NONE", "width": 1920 }, "instCapture": { "audioEnable": false, "audioGrabberDevice": "NONE", "audioPriority": 230, "systemEnable": true, "systemGrabberDevice": "NONE", "systemPriority": 250, "v4lEnable": true, "v4lGrabberDevice": "USB Video: USB Video", "v4lPriority": 240 }, "jsonServer": { "port": 19444 }, "ledConfig": { "classic": { "bottom": 0, "edgegap": 0, "glength": 0, "gpos": 0, "hdepth": 8, "left": 0, "overlap": 0, "pblh": 0, "pblv": 100, "pbrh": 100, "pbrv": 100, "position": 0, "ptlh": 0, "ptlv": 0, "ptrh": 100, "ptrv": 0, "reverse": false, "right": 0, "top": 10, "vdepth": 5 }, "matrix": { "cabling": "snake", "ledshoriz": 1, "ledsvert": 1, "start": "top-left" } }, "leds": [ { "hmax": 0.1, "hmin": 0, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.2, "hmin": 0.1, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.3, "hmin": 0.2, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.4, "hmin": 0.3, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.5, "hmin": 0.4, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.6, "hmin": 0.5, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.7, "hmin": 0.6, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.8, "hmin": 0.7, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 0.9, "hmin": 0.8, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 }, { "hmax": 1, "hmin": 0.9, "vmax": 0.08, "vmin": 0 } ], "logger": { "level": "warn" }, "network": { "apiAuth": true, "internetAccessAPI": false, "ipWhitelist": [], "localAdminAuth": true, "localApiAuth": false, "restirctedInternetAccessAPI": false }, "protoServer": { "enable": true, "port": 19445, "timeout": 5 }, "smoothing": { "decay": 1, "dithering": false, "enable": true, "interpolationRate": 25, "time_ms": 200, "type": "linear", "updateDelay": 0, "updateFrequency": 25 }, "webConfig": { "crtPath": "", "document_root": "", "keyPassPhrase": "", "keyPath": "", "port": 8090, "sslPort": 8092 } }
The error you posted suggests you're running the wrong Generic image (as stated already). As for the external grabber; no idea. I have never used Hyperion and have no interest in it. I'm just pointing out that GBM graphics does not support it at all.
The error you posted suggests you're running the wrong Generic image (as stated already). As for the external grabber; no idea. I have never used Hyperion and have no interest in it. I'm just pointing out that GBM graphics does not support it at all.
Understood ...
Someone need to compile it without X11 support and than it runs
current state of Hyperion that does not sounds promising, currently just the legacy X11 is supported
[WIP] DRM Grabber by Paulchen-Panther · Pull Request #1422 · hyperion-project/hyperion.ngSummary I'll spare myself the many words and refer you to the Issue. Everything is still WIP and miles away from the result. Issue: #983 To build this PR…github.comi have an external HDMI grabber
if you have a external grabber look at https://docs.hyperion-project.org/en/user/HyperBian.html
you can completely "external" use Hyperion - you don't need any LE support for that
Maybe you guys want to know about this one
Status of Kodi Addon repository/project - Hyperion-Project ForumHi there! First of all, thank you for this wonderful project! I discovered it a while ago while searching for an ambilight-like setup with my kodi media center…hyperion-project.org -
Hello Bub4,
Hyperion used to work for me the last years without problems on my raspberries. After upgrade to LE11 everything is broken. Wasted hours rewiring everything according to the wiki (https://wiki.libreelec.tv/configuration/hyperion)
but no luck.
The link you posted will fix the function?
wolve the native platform grabber is still not available.
Status of Kodi Addon repository/project
However, you always have the possibility to use an external USB grabber.
I didn't test the new media player addon, as I use Picap, which is a native LG grabber (available via rooted TV only)
There is a list of working grabbers on the hyperion forum:
Splitter / Matrix / Grabber Übersicht/Overview
You might want to check this out.
good luck
It looks like pipewire might be here to save us and get Hyperion working again. Routes video from Wayland.
Section 3.3
It looks like pipewire might be here to save us and get Hyperion working again. Routes video from Wayland.
Your incorrect assumption is that LE runs under Wayland. We don't, a) because it's not needed and we use GBM natively, b) if we did use Wayland we'd lose the ability to switch refresh rates to match media spec for the best playback experience.
Your incorrect assumption is that LE runs under Wayland. We don't, a) because it's not needed and we use GBM natively, b) if we did use Wayland we'd lose the ability to switch refresh rates to match media spec for the best playback experience.
Correct, I had it in mind that it moved to Wayland. My error.
I hope a solution comes one day