Recording "split" films

  • Running on RPi3B with LE 9.2.8 & Kodi 18.9

    In the UK GREAT Movies has been added onto my list of channels. Unfortunately, if I search for movies (ie use search and select just to show movies) the film is split into two parts, and when its mixed in with a load of other movies from other channels its very difficult to spot there are two halves. The other channels don't seem to do this.

    I'm guessing the answer is going to be negative but I live in hope that someone can suggest a fix.

  • chewitt

    Not pirate - TVHeadend recording. I was hoping for a TVHeadend setting that might make it look for the next bit. My suspicion is that its GREAT Movies screwing up the EPG.

    You'll need to share "pastekodi" logs to continue.

    OK. My setup is one RPi3B for Kodi (with TV & keyboard) and a second for TVHeadend running headless. How do I share the logs using SSH?

  • Just tried SSH into my TVHeadend RPi3B and entered command "pastekodi" and was told

    error=1 error_msg="Command not registered"

    Use 'vcgencmd commands' to get a list of commands

    Typed vcgencmd and got

    vcgencmd commands

    commands="vcos, ap_output_control, ap_output_post_processing, vchi_test_init, vchi_test_exit, vctest_memmap, vctest_start, vctest_stop, vctest_set, vctest_get, pm_set_policy, pm_get_status, pm_show_stats, pm_start_logging, pm_stop_logging, version, commands, set_vll_dir, set_backlight, set_logging, get_lcd_info, arbiter, cache_flush, otp_dump, test_result, codec_enabled, get_camera, get_mem, measure_clock, measure_volts, scaling_kernel, scaling_sharpness, get_hvs_asserts, get_throttled, measure_temp, get_config, hdmi_ntsc_freqs, hdmi_adjust_clock, hdmi_status_show, hvs_update_fields, pwm_speedup, force_audio, hdmi_stream_channels, hdmi_channel_map, display_power, read_ring_osc, memtest, dispmanx_list, get_rsts, schmoo, render_bar, disk_notify, inuse_notify, sus_suspend, sus_status, sus_is_enabled, sus_stop_test_thread, egl_platform_switch, mem_validate, mem_oom, mem_reloc_stats, hdmi_cvt, hdmi_timings, file"

    Any other suggestions?

  • joesse
    November 30, 2021 at 6:29 PM
  • petediscrete

    Thanks for that link. Since I was only wanting to post to somehow prove I wasn't being naughty I'll take the easy route and forget it and if there looks to be a worthwhile film on GREAT Movies I'll track down both bits on the guide and join later on.

  • Yeah, it's a pain if you don't spot this, and only record the first half of the film!

    Even more strange, what I find is that if I set both parts to record, the first part records for the full duration of the film (including the second part!) and the second recording is just the second half.

    It's only slightly irritating, as I just delete the second recording, but it does feel like a bug.